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ODAT Friday

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    ODAT Friday

    Hi ODATers and Happy Friday to you all!:hallo:

    Well the weekend is here and I know I for one am trying to put things in place to keep me busy?hardest time of the week for me. I was fine yesterday but I am just eating tons of sweets and crisps so I am going to try and ease off that today and eat better. I feel awful in the mornings so maybe it is just all the rubbish food.

    Have a quiet house at the moment with my husband away so spent some time last night reading through old threads?.read a lot of the one that WIP had posted some time ago about meditation so I am going to look into that further. Reading a lot at the moment, something I didn?t have a lot of time for before.

    Hi Peanut ? congrats on another day. Yes, my husband is into all that medieval stuff, mainly the combat part of it, sword fighting etc?he often does film work too, he was an extra in films like King Arthur and Braveheart ? his claim to fame is that he had to give Mel Gibson a wedgie, had to grab his ants:to stop him slipping down the side of a cliff - seemingly ?ol Mel doesn?t take too kindly to men pulling out of his pants, now women might be a different story:H The festival my husband has gone to is at ?Herstmonceux Castle? in Sussex, England - if you google it you should see all the pictures.

    And how is everyone else doing today??

    Uni ? glad you are feeling good and sticking to your goals, not easy when work is stressful
    Chelle 12 ? hope the doctor goes well today, BEG if you have to
    SassyGirl ? welcome, anyone is free to hop in to let us know how they are doing, I find ODAT works for me as it is just one day and I make a commitment each morning to do my best to stick to whatever goal I have set for that day, if I don?t then I start again afresh the next day.
    KBCE ? congrats on another day, I am waking up very groggy too.
    Waiting to Exhale ? Welcome back! ? and no, wine is not our friend!:no:
    Noma?am ? good luck for the weekend, I?m in the same boat, lets try and keep busy
    Bessie ? good to hear from you, please come back SOON!
    New Day ? it is all about ODAT, start again fresh today.
    Kriger ? you are doing so well, keep it up
    Vera-b ? have a good weekend, we?ll see you Monday

    Have a good Friday everyone!

    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    ODAT Friday

    Hi everybody. Just a quick hello to wilsh everyone a good weekend for meeting your goals before off to work. Work is becoming increasingly a chore given the situation. I honestly don't know how I do it. ODAT I suppose.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Friday

      Happy Friday to all! Day 5 AF here - a little less groggy this morning, but Bandit I think you hit the nail on the head...all that crap I have been throwing down my pie hole making up for the wine is taking a toll on me....better get on the nutrition wagon since I am already on the other wagon! I am really not a salt person but I have been JONESING for salty snacks - maybe PMS as well. Oh Joy. I did sleep through the night with no Benadryl so that is a plus - also no pillow creases so I look a little less decrepid! Really need to stay AF this weekend - weekends are always the hardest and now that I am on day 5, I REALLY don't want to blow it. Let's all think positive, sober, ODAT thoughts and I KNOW WE CAN DO THIS!

      Smoochies to all,

      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        ODAT Friday

        Good Morning ODAT. I am doing pretty well. Had a new hip put in 11 days ago and am getting around on crutches pretty well. So all the work, etc involved with the new hip seems to keep me away from the thought of drinking. Haven't drank in some time and never, ever thought this would be possible. I just pray that I continue to want to stay off booze. I am such a big alcoholic I am afraid that one day I will start swilling again. So that is why I appreciate you all so much on ODAT.

        Hope you all have a wonderful day and reach your goal ODAT. Thanks,


          ODAT Friday

          Hi Matt! I was wondering how you were doing with your new hip! Even though you had to go through surgery and that is a big reason you have not been drinking, what a great start! I know once when I stopped drinking it was because I got pneumonia for a few weeks and needed to really get healthy - then stayed off wine for months and months. I hope that this is a way to jump start your sobriety - well, no jumping for now, but you get Hope you heal quickly and know that we are supporting you 100%! You can totally do this!

          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


            ODAT Friday

            Happy Friday Everyone!

            Day 4 AF for me...felt pretty good this morning, still battling the dull headache. Didn't sleep as well either - woke up at 5:30 (the time I normally wake up when I've been drinking.) Not sure if that's my new "wake up" time or if it's just gonna take awhile for my body to adjust to less and less al.

            Anyway, should be a great day! My boyfriend is coming home late tonight, yeah! Can't wait to greet him with no al on my breath.

            Have a great Friday everyone!


              ODAT Friday

              Hello ODATer's ---- whereever you all might be! Bandit, thanks ... I am starting again ... day 2 here again. I still find the weekends too tough though. And now my daughter is home with her BF ... I haven't seen her in 5 months since she moved out West. They're home for a wedding (both in the bridal party) ... they have a very close group of friends, so it's a celebratory feeling around here for the next 10 days. Which is why, I'll be ODAT, and then giving it a good go come Sept. 1. Meeting the BF's parents at the wedding (they'll be seated at our table) .... so I'll be making an extra effort to control my intake then .... lots of tonic and lime that night, and leave the wine for toasting only.
              It seems AL is on my mind a lot more when I'm trying to fight it .... having to remember to take the supps, keeping a positive mind that I can do this, having a supply of non-al drinks that I enjoy on hand .... and having to plan how to deal with some social situations ahead of time. But it'll be well worth it!
              Have a great day everyone.:thumbs:


                ODAT Friday

                Hope all you ODATers are looking forward to the weekend. I know I am, but rather nervouse about it, as I always have stayed up late drinking wine on weekends! (heck - who am I kidding, I always stayed up late drinking wine on weeknights too!!) Being on the cleanse should prevent that though. Gotta keep busy, right?? Here's to Day5 or what AF or Mod day you are all achieving!

                Bandit, I will look up that website. I once read a fluffy, girlie, romance book, just a little paper back, that took place at one of those festivals. Don't know how that little bit of harlquin-type nonsense made it into my house, but sometimes, in a weak moment, I will read anything.

                I had one of my trigger moments last night, and if not for the cleanse, I think I would have caved!! Just finishing up my swim workout, about 9pm, and before getting out of the pool, this super strong, almost overwhelming thought of stopping at the late night off-sale for wine came up!!! Why when I am feeling good and pumped do I want to drink?!?! It is beyond me!!! I try to think about other people I know who don't even have one thought about having a drink at night, and give my head a shake, smarten up, and pretend that I also am of that mindset! I didn't take any melatonin last night, and I feel more clear this morning -not sure if it the melatonin or just the detox that is making me so sleepy this past week!

                Only 9C out there today - what a turn around in the weather, had to put on a sweater and didn't even ride my bike to work (such a whus/whoos/woosey - how do you spell that??) It is my son's 17th b-day today, so I worked late at preparing some good food for him, getting it all ready, so I can get the supper together quickly after work. Should be tastey for them, while I eat my brown rice and fish!!!!

                Greetings to everyone to come! Matt - glad to hear you are doing well with the new hip. Sounds like you will heal quickly!!
                xoxoxo Peanut


                  ODAT Friday

                  SassyGirl;389155 wrote: Happy Friday Everyone!

                  Day 4 AF for me...felt pretty good this morning, still battling the dull headache. Didn't sleep as well either - woke up at 5:30 (the time I normally wake up when I've been drinking.) Not sure if that's my new "wake up" time or if it's just gonna take awhile for my body to adjust to less and less al.

                  Anyway, should be a great day! My boyfriend is coming home late tonight, yeah! Can't wait to greet him with no al on my breath.

                  Have a great Friday everyone!
                  SassyGirl, my headaches went away about 5-6 days. I am in the high spirit but tire easy phase. Hang in there. The headaches do go away.

                  Happy FRIDAY all!

                  Let's go fly a kite up to the highest heights...OH, let's GO fly a kite!

                  Happy Feet
                  And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.~Anais Nin


                    ODAT Friday

                    Happy Feet;389184 wrote: SassyGirl, my headaches went away about 5-6 days. I am in the high spirit but tire easy phase. Hang in there. The headaches do go away.

                    Happy FRIDAY all!

                    Let's go fly a kite up to the highest heights...OH, let's GO fly a kite!

                    Happy Feet
                    Glad to hear the headaches are normal. Day 4 here and I can't seem to get rid of it. I won't take any more advil - feel like I am re-toxifying myself just trying to get rid of the damn headaches! Hope it gets better! I have to admit though, the thought of wine right not kinda makes me a little queasy - maybe the headaches are GOOD for!

                    Happy thoughts to all!
                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      ODAT Friday

                      Hey guys - about those headaches. The whole time I was AF in June I had terrible headaches, every day. Couldn't figure out why! I though it may have been one of the supps, so I talked to my doctor about it, and she noted that the thiamin (I think it was the thiamin) was super high in the All One supp, and that can give some people headaches. I actually finally stopped that particular supp later in June, and the headache issue did lighten up. Are you taking the All One?? If you are still in the first week of AF, it could just be the detox process, so I am in NO WAY suggesting to stop it, as the headache could/should go away on its own, but in my case I had that darn headache all through May and June, while taking it, and it didn't go away until I stopped - I thought that was long enough to suffer a constant pain in my head.
                      Anyway -just a thought.

