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That voice in my head!

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    That voice in my head!

    Day 8 AF and all day i've been busy, getting my hair done, going into town ect ect and i have this little voice in my head that i CAN'T get rid of saying ' go on, buy a bottle of wine, just have 1 glass, or better still, buy a small bottle vodka and have 1 shot. It's only a shot'. It's DRIVING ME NUTS! I'm SOOOOO close to going to the shop down the road and getting something. After all, what is 1 glass....

    I just know if i buy something i'll be completely drunk tonight and i will let myself down, my husband down and my daughter. :upset:

    It's DRIVING ME NUTS! It's like i'm having a fight with 2 different Michelles in my head *lol* (if you get what i mean) The Good girl and the Naughty girl. Damn today is hard! Only 1 hour and a bit till hubby comes home and all will be ok!

    Tomorrow will be a test too as i live right next door to a huge pub (and i mean RIGHT next door) and the beer festival is being held there over the long weekend. I need some strength!

    That voice in my head!

    Try to get up right now and do something, even if it's just a little walk outside- try to divert your attention to something else. It's only one hour til your hubby comes can make it past this. Just DON'T buy that bottle! Don't let that Naughty Michelle win this battle. These feelings will pass soon-remember that. You need to keep yourself busy to try to quiet that Naughty Michelle. About the pub, don't go in that door and you'll be fine. You are on Day have already come SO far. Good Luck. Kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      That voice in my head!

      You can do this AF! I know how you feel. I feel like that so much of the time. Pissed that I have this problem. Then "it's only one glass", etc. Augh. It is such a freaking BEAST. I'm with Gia...have a nice bath - and a glass of sparkling water with lemon. RELAX and it really will pass. We are here for you. Good luck!!

      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        That voice in my head!

        Hi Michelle.
        The voice drives me nuts too, but it's not my voice.
        My inner voice is calm and gentle.
        The other voice is desperate and maniacal.
        I listen to the other voice; take in what it has to say then let it go.
        It's a craving that will pass, if you give it the chance to.
        Smile and listen to your calm, rational voice.


          That voice in my head!

          Hi Lil,
          That voice speaks to me too, and I remind myself that it is a quadriplegic. It cannot do anything without my hands. So paint them pretty, buy a new ring and enjoy the power they have. Corny, but it helps me not grab that drink.:thumbs:
          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


            That voice in my head!

            I hate that voice, it really gets me down! To me it's the voice of Satan and Satan sucks! Fight him Michelle!
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              That voice in my head!

              River --- that's a very good way to look at the beast called AL --- a quadriplegic! That voice takes over me too a lot of times. It gets so loud, that I can't do something like concentrate on reading a book .... but a good power walk helps.
              Lil.michelle ---- You've gone 8 days ... what an inspiration! I'll bet your family is impressed as well. Stay strong!


                That voice in my head!

                lil.michelle I see you aren't on-line anymore... I hope you have conquered the cravings!!

                Stay strong tonight, keep yourself busy or just hop on-line for support!
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  That voice in my head!

                  Hi there Lil.

                  Divert your attention any way you can. Get past the urge. It takes a few minutes. Brush your teeth. (no you don't have Brushing your teeth makes it feel like morning again. Don't look at the clock. Take an L-Glut. Tell the devil to get behind you.

                  There is no such thing (for me anyway) as just one.

                  Pretty soon you are going to be flying high just like all of us lucky ones and when you join us we'll have a huge party AF, of course. (yes THAT is possible!)
                  And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.~Anais Nin


                    That voice in my head!

                    vlad;389138 wrote: I hate that voice, it really gets me down! To me it's the voice of Satan and Satan sucks! Fight him Michelle!
                    Vlad - the voice is the voice of Satan to me too...When it starts, I say a prayer for strength and guidance. Between Jesus and the Law of Attraction, the supps and this amazing bunch of people here, I KNOW I can beat this thing. It si hard..."What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", right?

                    Michelle, as I said before, you can fight that voice. However you do it - prayer, positive thinking, Antabuse, whatever is right FOR can do this and we will be here for you. :h

                    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                      That voice in my head!

                      Nope! No such thing as "just one"! Exactly right! Al is lying to you! Al is trying to seduce you! Those early days are tough, but you are tougher! Great reason to do it, for you, your hub and sweet precious daughter!

                      I suggest that you may want to do an outing with you daughter tomorrow during the beer fest. Make her a promise you must keep. Get away from there! That would have killed me in the early days. Maybe a movie, back to school shopping - something she loves! Hang in there!
                      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                        That voice in my head!


                        I do the Antabuse because I am horrible at getting stressed and then giving into anything. Period.

                        However, I do truly believe that as time goes by and that other Cindi figures out she is not going to get her way, no matter what she says, she will eventually shut up.

                        Until then, I listen to her and laugh because I can't give in. :H

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          That voice in my head!

                          When I crave, I remember the real shitty times when I was drunk and then I remember some time when I was sober and happy. It seems to work for me. there is nothing quite like reliving a particularly embarrassing moment to put me off for a while :H
                          Stay strong michelle
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            That voice in my head!

                            Lil -

                            It's your hands that take the drink. Who do you want to be in control here?

                            Think about those feelings and ask....what is triggering this? Do I (I) really want this or is this something I will feel made and ashamed of myself in the morning?

                            You are being strong with 8 days AF. Reward about a double dip ice cream cone or take out from your favorite place?

                            Be nice to are important.
                            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                              That voice in my head!

                              If we could have just one...we wouldn't need to be here. I think that bitch lives in all our heads from time to time. Try and think of it like this....if the little voice told you to run in front of a semi-truck, would you do it...even just ONE time????
                              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

