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ODAT Saturday

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    ODAT Saturday

    Hello All,

    Quick check in from me this morning as have to head out soon.

    Appears I am not the only one suffering from headaches and eating everything around me in sight - hope it does get better like everyone says!

    greeneyes - hope work gets better for you, it can be a chore allright and hard to be motivated - I work from home and just keep putting everything on the long finger!

    New Day - good luck with the wedding atmosphere over the next few days (there must be a great feeling in the air though!)

    Matthen - good to hear from you and hope that hip heals well

    Happy Feet - good to hear from you too and I do hope our headaches clear soon, mine not as bad as they were a few days ago but not helped by all the rubbish I have been eating!

    KBCE, Sassygirl & Peanut - congrats on another day and Peanut, I think I will have to try some type of cleanse myself, my insides need a good scrub at this stage:H

    I won't be around for a few days as I got a call this morning saying my mum wasn't well so I am heading down to her place for a few days..she has no internet I will see you all next week sometime hopefully.

    Have a good Saturday and with meeting your goals
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

    ODAT Saturday

    Wow - quiet here today!!!! Where is everybody?! It already almost 10:30 in the middle of Canada and I am the second one to post here - weird!!!

    Well - I hope you all made it through friday night, mods or AF. Weekends are so hard for so many of us, as it has probably been our habit since our teens to drink on friday/saturday night - when does one lose that connection??

    I had AL arguing with me all day yesterday, even though I am on a cleanse and not supposed to drink, but hadn't had a problem during the week. Maybe those hypno CD's, telling myself I won't drink on work nights, really did help? Now I guess I have to tell myself I don't HAVE to drink on weekends. My next hypno task - and there are so many!! Anyway, I didn't cave, went to a movie but did have an AF beer after - not good for the cleanse, but better than having a real beer or wine and then totally messing up my AF streak AND the cleanse!

    It will be One Hour (minute?) at a Time for me tonight - I must get out and stay busy. Cruise weekend here, so there should be some pretty neat cars out downtown tonight to go look at (BF is a car guy/mechanic - it is his sort of thing!)

    I look forward to hearing how all you peeps are doing today!
    Have a super saturday!
    xoxo peanut


      ODAT Saturday

      Peanut, in answer to your question "Where is everyone" - I JUST WOKE UP! For the first time in YEARS I slept and slept and slept...past NOON! And this wasn't al induced. MIRACLE! I woke up and my dull headache was still here...this would be day five AF. When does it go away!!!! ARGH!

      Anyway, I am hanging in there.

      xoxoxo to all...and I hope all reach their goals today! I plan to go to the fresh market and pick up ingredients for dinner (I love to cook gourmet meals.) This will be the first one in years I make that isn't accompanied by wine...



        ODAT Saturday

        Happy Friday! It's almost 5:00 here in the East and I am on day five! WHEEE! Last night my best friend came over - we have not seen each other in a long while - I kind of got into it with her husband one night - he is a horrible racist and I got really in his face. He is about 6' 5" and 380 pounds and a drunk. He did not like little ol me telling him that he was a racist PIG...anyway, I just could not handle the way he is and told my best friend that I will not be coming over any more - can't be around it and won't have my family around that kind of talk. My best friend is a huge trigger for me - BIG DRINKER - like non-stop. So last night, out of the blue she called and asked if she could come over for a visit. I said sure. I was armed with my lemon water! She came in, obviously had a few glasses in her...and I was cordial and nice. She was looking around for wine! She got a call and said she had to leave but would be back - and would bring wine...I said that's fine, but I won't be drinking any since I have decided to stop drinking. She looked at me like I had three heads and said "WHY???" I said that I wanted to be healthy and was tired of being tired and hungover. As she walked to the door she said , "Well, I'll just stay in..." I shut the door and kind of chuckled. Like we can't be friends unless I drink. Man, AL is a beast, isn't it...

        Sorry for the long story!..... Anyway I still feel crappy - like I am hungover, with no AL! WHAT IS THE DEAL THERE? I slept well last night, drinking tons of water, cut back on the VAST amount of crap I have been eating, and still feel icky! Like you Sassy, I certainly hope it gets better! Is it the toxins coming out? I remember I did a cle anse (with those cleansing drinks - only liquid no food) and felt like ass for a few days - kinda like this. Here's hoping thlet's that we feel better by tomorrow!

        Bandit - hope your Mom is ok! Everyone - have a wonderful night and I will do my damndest to stay AF!

        See you all tomorrow!

        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


          ODAT Saturday

          O2M...everytime I see your avatar it makes me laugh! I love that thing!
          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

