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ODAT Sunday!

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    ODAT Sunday!

    Hey Everyone -

    Didn't see anyone starting this thread, so here goes! Day 6 AF here for me. Last night went by so quick with so much to do with the kids, I didn't have time to obsess about the AL! It's already almost 2:00 pm here and haven't started my usual Sunday jones for wine while I cook for the week. Hope it doesn't happen! Lemon water rules!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day and here's to ODAT!

    K :h
    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

    ODAT Sunday!

    Thanks for the start, KBCE.

    I piddled around with some worka bit this AM and then went to church with friends. I have officially begun my church shopping. There was a nice security feel to going to church with friends. I need to go visit my dad for a brief visit and then finish up this work project. It's a pretty day, I may put the top down and take doggie.

    And yes, I love my lemon water. And my decaf tea with agave and lemon verbena.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Sunday!

      Wow - do all the regulars on this thread just disappear on weekends??? All the folk from across the pond have gone AWOL! KBCE - wish I could say Day6 for me too but..... unexpected visitors, wine..... hmmm.... where is my strength!! I don't feel badly about it, but I kinda/sorta/well really wrecked my cleanse. Woke this morning and ate toast and a piece of cheese and a coffee - all verboten on this regime. The old "I've screwed it up already so I may as well screw it up some more" thing. I shall not drink tonight or for the rest of the week - listen to the hypno cd's and really try to convince myself of my own strength!

      By the way - lemons. They are a buck a piece in the store these days, and we can't by any reallemon anywhere. Something to do with the cool spring affecting the lemon crop? It is quite drastic, as I use realemon alot in cooking. Needless to say, I've spent a fortune on lemons, but wow - way better than the bottled stuff by a long shot!

      OK - everybody have a great sunday. I'm off to do some more painting (I'm single-handedly painting the outside of my house this summer)
      xoxox peanut


        ODAT Sunday!

        I just poured out the remains of a bottle of wine. I have never in my life poured wine down the drain. Wow!! This is a big step!!
        ok ok - get to work, get outside, off the computer!
        xoxo peanut


          ODAT Sunday!

          Peanut, good to see you! I've had a rough Aug. too (except for 1 week AF). Maybe school starting tomorrow (ack!) will give me new resolve.


            ODAT Sunday!

            Peanut, I just poured out a beer. Your right - what a feeling!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              ODAT Sunday!

              Glad you guys poured out the least it didn't explode on you like that shiraz did on me last week! lol. This week is a brand new week, and it's going to be successful for all of us. Get back on that wagon and do your best - that's all we can do, right? Every little tiny victory is just that..a VICTORY! Happy thoughts to all!

              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                ODAT Sunday!

                Ah...greetings all. Day 6 AF for me too...just kind of a blah weekend over here. Storming outside at the moment, so I am trapped inside with a huge case of boredom. Oh well, at least I am not drinking.

                Ready for the work week - bring it on!


                  ODAT Sunday!

                  Hi All,
                  Ruby and Peanut-Good job pouring out the AL!!!
                  KBCE and Sassy- Day 6..Yeah!!!!
                  Greeneyes- You sound really strong
                  CS- September is almost here and I know you've been prepping for an AF Sept. Good Luck to You!
                  I am doing great! Now that I have come out of the fog I now need to address the problems that put me in that fog; It will be hard but not nearly as hard as avoiding them any further. I have to get myself out of a pretty tough spot and I know it won't be easy but I do know it will be easier than when I was drinking. Everyone have a great Sunday. Kriger
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    ODAT Sunday!

                    Hi guys,

                    At the cottage here - they finally got wireless internet up here! Yeah!

                    It just stormed something fierce! Thought I was going to lose my awning - the rain pushed it back and it billowed - the thunder and lightning was so bad I could only go out for seconds to push out the water, couldn't actually fix the awning handle.But finally it slowed down enough so that I could. No damage (thank god!)

                    Drank this weekend but moderated successfully. Last night I actually switched from AL to pop because I was like, ya know what? I'm done.......if I have another drink I will feel drunk and I don't want for that I'm very proud, I knew when I would feel drunk and I stopped. Quite pleased with that.

                    I also haven't had a cigarette in 48 hours......starting to get some severe nic fits but I really don't want to smoke anymore and am convinced that I can do it this BF smoked for years and quit about 5 years ago. He's wonderful because he is so supportive - never bothered me about smoking and said he would support me while quitting, whatever I need, and If I slip, well I slip. Kind of like AL - haven't broached that topic yet but I know if and when I choose too, I'm lucky to have him.

                    Had friends up this weekend too -just feeling really loved and blessed and lucky right now. You guys ever have those days? Where you just look at life and go wow.......I am so lucky. And so blessed?

                    Having one of those today.

                    Hope everyone else is feeling loved and blessed.........cause you all are!

                    Love and Hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT Sunday!

                      Have you tried Nicorette gum? I quit successfully with that. The thought of a cigarette now makes me nauseaus, and I smoked for 10 years! (I'm hoping to get kinda the same way with AL.) Anyway...the first month is the worst. It definitely gets easier!

                      Good Luck


                        ODAT Sunday!

                        Hey, Uni! Glad your at your cottage. I can't wait to get internet at mine, so I can stay in touch. Unfortunately, the place is one of my triggers, so, have to work on that since I love the area - mountains, artist colony, historic area, gold mines everywere. Enjoy all the weather changes. I would LOVE to visit that part of the world someday. I live in the "Gone With The Wind" part of the world. Stay strong!
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

