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    Hey there,
    I think you are trying to start a new thread introducing yourself but are struggling to do so! Feel free to post your story right here if you like. These boards can be hard to navigate when you're new.




    thank you

    :Hi Sassy and thanx for your reply..And yes I am having a hard time..Im a bit of a dumb ass on the comp.And I get impatient with people,if they are short with me.Thats why it doesnt going to AA or any other people contact venues..One bit of info you or anyone could give me is how do I go about downloading My way out ? And im getting on
    "54" and I think I still may have the mentality of a child (in some ways)
    I started drinking purposefully on my 30th.birthday.after a traumatic experience,mostly wine...But my declining health and the declining self image calls for me to do something
    So here I am and here I hope to spend many fruitful returns..And if I mess up(as in going to forums where I dont belong)I hope people will be a little compassionate and patient with me.Thank you again.jone:



      thank you

      :h:Hi Sassy and thanx for your reply..And yes I am having a hard time..Im a bit of a dumb ass on the comp.And I get impatient with people,if they are short with me.Thats why it doesnt going to AA or any other people contact venues..One bit of info you or anyone could give me is how do I go about downloading My way out ? And im getting on
      "54" and I think I still may have the mentality of a child (in some ways)
      I started drinking purposefully on my 30th.birthday.after a traumatic experience,mostly wine...But my declining health and the declining self image calls for me to do something
      So here I am and here I hope to spend many fruitful returns..And if I mess up(as in going to forums where I dont belong)I hope people will be a little compassionate and patient with me.Thank you again.jone:




        There is a link in the "Health Store" to download the book. I believe it has all the directions you need.

        Lots of people have problems figuring out how to use this website so no worries. Just ask and you will learn.

        btw, :welcome:, I am glad you are here and I look forward to getting to know you.

        AF April 9, 2016



          Sassy, that was so nice of you to start the thread for Jone! You are a real sweetie!!!
          I'm glad you are where you can be seen. Don't ever hesitate to ask someone how to do something; there are a lot of computer saavy people around here-they have helped me bunches. You and I are close to the same age and I, too, realized that my drinking would soon affect my health, so here I am. This is a very comfortable place to talk about anything you need to talk about. We support each other in all times of stress. Go on any thread you would like...there are no boundaries. I, myself, have stayed away from the "31 days AF and beyond" thread only because I have not reached that point. I am 20 AF and feeling pretty solid (right now). I hope you enjoy it here! Kriger
          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu



            Sassy, what a sweetie you are!!!
            Jone, think I welocmed you before but not sure if you saw it so :welcome: once again. Yep this site can be a bit complicated. I hope you have managed to download the book if not you can get it from Amazon.
            We are a compasiionate bunch here and really like to help where we can. We are all going through tough stuff and it is lovely not to feel so alone.
            So post away, let us get to know you and stay close. You will be fine.

            Cindi, you are doing so great. I follow your posts but find it hard to keep up with you ! Just wanted to say Well done, you are an inspiration to me!

            Kriger, GREAT JOB on your 20 days. You must be so very proud of yourself!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



              Hallo from Jone...the internet is a magic can just jump on at any time with all your baggage and there are these beautiful messages for you.And all the gathered dust just seems to fall away from you and seems to be replaced by this magical fairy dust .. Thank you all for your warm welcome..Jone



                Hey Jonetrees. Sassy that was sooooooo nice of you.

                This site is hard at first but you'll soon get used to it! Welcome. I look forward to reading you posts and like people have said, if you get confused on this site, just ask, everyone is so great and supportive here!!!



                  Welcome Jone,

                  You gotto love cyber space LOL!!

                  How are you doing today?
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



                    Hi Jone and :welcome:
                    Hope you are feeling ok today.
                    The book is an excellent place to start.
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?



                      I wish I had started a thread for you - didn't think of it. Thanks to SassyGirl for thinking of this. These forums are puzzling at first, but you will learn as you go along, and it will get easier. Now your ton of new friends has a place where we can look for you, and help you figure out how you can help yourself. This si a great place for you to be. Just keep coming back, seek advice, and follow through with one of the choices offered to you. Being honest with yourself can be surprisingly hard for most of us. Take good care, keep posting and thinking.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



                        Welcome Jone,

                        For we "fifty-somethings" navigating this site is not a natural skill. Now, if we had had Facebook in our avocado-green apartments it would certainly be easier! But fortunately, computer skill is not a necessary ingredient for sobriety so we can learn as we go. Good for you for having your "this is IT" moment and are putting your health and welfare as priority #1. Be sure to read the book and engage as much of the program as you can. To your health!




                          Hi n thank u all.muchisimo

                          Hi..I just went through a whole process of thanking you all and blah blah blah's..but I think I lost it.So have fun with me if you will,but you wont get rid of me..unless someone gets nasty,and I will be out of here SO FAST....and I dont need that as I am KNOCK..KNOCK..KNOCK'N..on heavens door....This sounds confusing..but if you are used to getting fucked(is that acceptable) up!!Im writing all over the place..and drinking..but I can see a light there(not in the drinking)but im inspired.and will be ordering eveything that is recommended for me.Love Jone.OXOX



                            Hi Jone.

                            Try and relax and stay with us.

                            It's a nice place.

                            Best wishes.

