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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Good Morning!

    Happy Monday! Starting point of a brand new week! Hope everyone had a successful weekend whether you were AF or Mod. I got a couple projects that were looming finished. Not much in the fun arena but you gotta do what you gotta do. It will help me leave my situation with a clean break and no guilt (or accusations) of unfinished stuff. I was still pretty strong this weekend, but lugging around a heavy heart is getting tiresome. I can't figure out what to do with it to get a break from it. Maybe one of you could carrit around for me for this week? It doesn't pay very well,but it's good exercise. :H

    Have a happy thought today and hold on to it!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Monday


    Thank you for starting the ODAT thread.

    You are a constant source of amazement to me. You are struggling so hard with what life is throwing at you and you are able to maintain your sobriety. Wow.

    I am so glad it is working for you because you will do everything the right way instead of bumbling your way through this mess. When you get through the other side of this, you have a whole brand spanking new life to lead. Your choices will let you find your way and lead you to the life you want. I have a feeling if you were still drinking, your choices would lead you down a path that ends up where you do not want to be.

    I truly wish I could take some of that pain away for you. I am extending my hand, though, to help you. Whatever you need, let me know. You can call me anytime. I will be more than glad to pm you my number.

    All other ODATers. Today is Monday. A fresh new day. I love Mondays for some silly reason, even though I have to fly out today.

    Have a wonderful Monday and I pray all achieve their goals.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Monday

      Good Morning all ---- just checking in here... pretty quiet again today.
      Greenie and Cindi --- you are both doing so well. I admire you both. Greenie, I wish you a lightened heart ..... it will come with time. Fresh start for me this fine Monday morning!


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi Everyone! Greenie - I would carry your heart around for a while if I could...I could use the exercise and you could use a damn break! So proud of how strong you are. Can't say that I could do the same. Today is day 7 for me and I really can't believe that I made it this far...temptations EVERYWHERE lately! Yikes!

        Cindi - travel safely and think positive!
        New Day - Since I have been waking up un-hungover, I love every day.

        Life is good! Hope all are well and I am sending positive thoughts and hugs to you all.

        X X O O X X O O

        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


          ODAT - Monday

          Hi All
          I just wanted to let everyone know that I am ok. I have been reading, but not posting. I have been so filled with anxiety and depression over my financial situation, that I feel I am just a major downer. I have a very unhealthy habit of clamming up when I feel this way. I don't even answer the phone. I really feel that I need some professional help, but I have no health insurance. I am pretty sure that the mortgage co. is going to foreclose on me. I have no idea how to break this to my kids. They have been through enough. I hope everyone else is doing well. I am still around. I have just been hovering. Peace
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            ODAT - Monday

            Oh are really in my thoughts and prayers. What a hard stuation. I believe that this will work out for YOU need to believe. I was in your shoes not so long ago with my ex husband and two very young children. It looked like a deep pit that I would not be able to come out of. It turned out that it was an ILLUSION of a deep pit! I changed the way I thought about my situation and started to think the way I wanted things to be. When negative thoughts came into my big fat head, I would start singing, play with my kids, ANYTHING to stop the constant barrage of negative thoughts that were killing me. I didn't ignore the situation, I did what I could to stop the bank, made phone calls, wrote letters, etc, but when you are in dire straights, there is only so much you can do. My ex caused me to lose my beautiful house, in the end yes, however the way I handled it was what saved the girls and I. We left him and his alcoholism and drug abuse, stayed in the neighborhood (rented an apartment in teh school district) and things started turning around. I can honestly say that if I had not gone through that nasty situation and NOT changed by thinking, I would not be where I am now...I simply had faith - in God, in ME and that things would turn around and they did. Not exactly how I wanted them (no one showed up at my door with a wheelbarrow full of cash like I was hoping) but things worked out how they were supposed to be. They WILL woirk out for you. You are a great person - stong, a good parent...just have been having some bad times. Remember that we are here for you and if I could show up with a wheelbarrow full of cash for you, I would. You're just up the coast from me ya know! Keep us posted and know you have friends here.

            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


              ODAT - Monday

              Thank you KB
              Yeah I am doing what I can. I have been in close touch with the mortgage co. and am taking as much work as the agency can give me. I am still trying to find a permanent job. I had, what I thought was a very positive interview. They called me last week with some questions about my resume. I could not talk at the time because I was at work. I have called them back twice, but they are not returning my calls. I am hanging in there. I am praying. I know that I must have faith. Again, I thank you.
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT - Monday

                Remember - it is vacation time as well. It takes weeks for some of my collegues to get back to me because they are all taking summer-end vacations. I can't get one freakin task completed because of it. I wouldn't fret about that too much. Just KNOW that you have the job - I think you do! Things are going to turn around for you - just watch and be amazed
                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Hi there people,
                  just sorry Seac that you are having such a hard time and wanted to let you know you are not alone. I always try to remember that we are born into this world with nothing and somehow we made it this far..... I really do believe that God will provide for your needs....take heart.:l
                  I can too empathise as I'm so so struggling and have been reading but not posting. I love to see how people are doing and it really heartens me to see the support that goes on here.
                  Its been an overcast bank holiday here but we (my family) still managed to go out for a picnic, and we had some good fun playing cricket and football. Hubby is off work on holiday this week so it means we are spending time together (which I find more stressful in a strange sort of way).
                  My Grandad died last week.. the horrible thing was he wasn't found for a few days and I hate to think that he died alone- the funeral will be next week.
                  Life still goes on tho and I find it hard to deal with! My 3 kids though are just wonderful and never fail to make me smile each time I am with them!
                  Take care everyone and lots of love
                  Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                  Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                  For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                    ODAT - Monday

                    Hello Monday ODATs,

                    Greenie, thanks from me as well for starting the Monday odat thread. It's usually the first thread I read after I log on, so it's so reassuring to see it there. Your strength through this time of personal upheaval is a beacon of hope for us all. You have such class. If that heart gets too heavy, just send it my way for awhile. I need more upper body exercise that's (ok, major pun coming) cardio.

                    Cindi, you are the other major class act around here. What you wrote to Greenie was just beautiful. And KB, you can share the writing prize with Cindi for your response to Sea. Our perspective is everything. Your words echoed the tenets of "The Secret" which shows that when we emit positive thoughts and energy into the universe it comes back to us manyfold. And Sea, am so sorry to hear that things haven't turned around just yet. But I join KB and believe they will, it's just so hard when you don't know the WHEN part.
                    And Evie, sorry to hear about your Granddad. His body might have been alone, but no doubt he was with the angels.

                    Hubby and I just got back from Pittsburgh taking our daughter back to school. While I'm ready for some peace and quiet around the house, I have to admit I miss her already. She grew up quite a bit this past year, and the strides she's made were really wonderful to see as a parent. But I know she's where she's supposed to be and is so happy to be back with her friends. Now if I can just tackle her bedroom which was left in utter chaos . . .

                    A wish for a good week for all!



                      ODAT - Monday

                      Hi Monday Odaters

                      Greenie, I would love to carry that burden for you for a time if I could. I have been there and know so well. So glad to hear you are preparing. As I've said before, the day I finally made the break was so difficult, so full of emotion, but I knew I had made the right decision. You will know, too, and know also that I am thinking of you and am here.

                      Sea, good luck, dear. You are being strong. I echo what others have so eloquently said to you.

                      So sorry about your grand, Evie. I am sending you peace and strength.

                      I haven't been posting often since school has started again, and I've been overwhelmed with getting everything straight. I'm trying to slice away as many worries as can be put off until another time until I get this AF thing right. If I don't accomplish anything else for the next several months, I will know that I have finally focused on the one thing that matters most right now, and that's being sober. I have so many things to do, but everything else will have to come in time. I wish for you all the strength to get through. Be well. Alley

