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So easy ! 4th day...

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    So easy ! 4th day...

    Hi !

    This is my 4th day AF, and I can't believe how easy it has been so far. I kept postponing and postponing my AF start, because of all the terrible stories of withdrawal symptoms (read elsewhere).

    I was afraid of having seizures etc, DT at worst...

    Twice I tried to drink less and taper down, both times when I reached 3 ciders the next night I drank 12 or two bottles of wine...

    It was here that I read about going cold turkey, and I did so. Had only six ciders last Thursday and on Friday went AF, fearing the worst. Started also Campral that day.

    No physical symptoms to mention, perhaps a little tired and absentminded, but absolutely functioning. Have made long walks, visited a nice town nearby, cleaned the kitchen etc.

    ALcohol free beer and wine help a lot. I wonder how many relapse just because they miss the taste (but maybe not the alcohol), try to manage sober and then, when the change (of habit) is too much, return to their old familiar taste and habit ? I almost believe that at least for me the option of af wine is necessary for success in this fight.

    Good luck to all !

    So easy ! 4th day...

    Good for you!

    Are you doing the hypnosis and the supplements?


      So easy ! 4th day...

      That's great, Brighter! Are you planning on doing 30 days AF? You would be most welcome on the Booze Busters Thread! I think you would enjoy it, get a lot of support, and also learn a lot about how the program works for others.

      Best wishes,



        So easy ! 4th day...

        Good job Brighter!

        Most people that I know do just stop, though sometimes there is a period of physical withdrawal symptoms. It's wonderful you haven't been overly challenged yet. One small word of caution, however. The demon AL is very crafty. And patient. It will lie in wait for as long as it takes, looking for a moment of weakness. It may be feelings you haven't even recognized cognitively. It may be just an "off" day. It may be after many days of sobriety and the old hangovers become a more distant memory. Just be on guard.

        I've tried the AF wine and don't care for the taste. Prefer selzter or tonic with lime. Anyway, whatever works! Welcome - and ditto sarraliz's question, have you tried other aspects of the program?



          So easy ! 4th day...

          Brighter that is great to hear! I really hope that you continue along this path with no problems, but like vera says, the beast is crafty, just be aware that it may not always be so easy. I found the first couple of weeks like a "honeymoon period" where I was so proud of myself and finding it relatively easy (cos I felt so ill) When that left it got harder. I am not trying to put you off, just be ready if things get tougher for you - I really hope they don't
          I don't think I miss the taste of alcohol, just the buzz I think at the moment, but the goodbits FAR outweigh the bad.
          The supplements help me no end as does this site and the people here.
          Stay close, I look forward to reading more of your posts
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            So easy ! 4th day...

            Hi Brighter, that is such great news to hear.. Im so pleased for you!
            I hope things get better and better for you.
            One thing though, I do agree with the others to take care on 'off-days', and maybe have a "plan of action" ready to keep you busy.

            I wish I could be like you and enjoy the AF wine. It doesnt seem to work for me, because its not only the taste, its the 'buzz' that I want.. AF wine would just give me the craving for the buzz. To me, it would be kinda like eating choc-free chocolate, lol.

            Bestest Wishes to you,
            Keep up the good work!
            ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


              So easy ! 4th day...

              Thank you Sarraliz, wip, vera-be,startingover and chelle !

              I already wrote long reply, which got lost in cyberspace !

              I use my own old selection of vitamins and have added a few amino acids, and Campral, no other medicine. Have a cheap hypno download to stop alcohol abuse, listened to it a few times, got bored... If things get difficult for me, I will order the praised hypnoCDs...

              I aim to stop forever, not only 30 days. I may fall, but will rise again...

              Got no health issues, but want to stop before they occur. I want a life, be active and alert again.

              Also I have this book (bought this summer) by Jack Challem, The Food Mood Solution, which addresses problems like alcohol and food craving, depression etc. and how one can boost serotonine and GABA levels through diet. I'm also in the process of changing my diet ( I think it was abig mistake for me to start low carb diet, in hindsight, that's when I also started to drink more, probably to make up for the missing carbohydrates).

              This for now, and thanks for the invitation to Booze Busters Thread, meet you there !

              Everyone have a nice day !

