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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    OK, ODATers.....rise and shine!

    I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 last night and woke up at 4:30 so I already have laundry going and quinoa in the rice cooker. I feel pretty good, all things considered. Thankfully I have those days even though I have to admit there are some bad ones thrown in there too. I'll just keep the pace and pray for the best. I can't begin to tell you how helpful sobriety is right now. Had annual OB check-up yesterday and was again reassured that I was taking the right path and encouraged to keep going. Therapy was suggested again. I don't seem to want therapy right now, but can't put my finger on why.

    Hope everyone has a good day, with a special nod to Cindi and her travel success and a hug for Sea. Peace!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Peace is a good thing greeneyes!!! You sound marvelous..keep it up..nice to see you around and smiling!!! :l


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Good Morning ODATers,

      This has to be a quick one. Client wants me on site early. (What's up with that???)

      Greenie, so glad you are doing well despite the circumstances. If you don't want therapy right now it may simply because you know what path you want to take and are doing it already. Stay the course. :l

      Sea, Rip, and all others, have a truly blessed day. I hope that everyone meets their goals today!!


      ps, Yesterday was travel hell. I ended up just laughing because of it. Otherwise I might have gotten grumpy. But I did successfully navigate the airport for several hours without once wanting to drink. It was awesome!!!
      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi all odaters,
        I have'nt been on this site for a while. I have been in hospital for 5 days, I have been sober all of August. Would you believe I tripped on the stairs (SOBER) and broke my ankle, I had to have an op,
        and now I am stumbling about on crutches, but I'm feeling ok plus the fact that there is no way I can
        drink, I can't even walk. Iam having to take painkillers, but every cloud has a silver lining.
        Best wishes to all.
        Love Paula.


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Morning ODATs

          Ouch Paula - that all sounds a bit rough for you! I've now really had enough of school holidays and cannot wait until next Wednesday when they start to return (2 on Weds, 1 on Thurs and 1 on Fri).

          Greenie have been reading your posts and you sound awesome - and if you don't want to think about therapy then I say that's OK. Sometimes you've had enough of talking and just want to let things settle for a while. Keep going.

          Ripple - you've had plastic surgery since I last saw your avatar thingy - or is that just what sobriety does for ????

          Where's Bessie etc??



            ODAT - Tuesday

            Bessie is taking a break during August. Her hubby has September that is not so work and travel oriented so he does AF then and she will shoot for that too. So, she'll be back in Sept. Sure miss her!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Happy Tuesday all - day 8 here! My baby turnsed 18 months today. Sigh. Makes me want to have another...except I want to STAY I'll be turning GULP 44 next month - if I had another baby I would using a walker to her kindergarten graduation! Feel awesome except for the HORRIBLE cramps today, but that's OK. Since I have been sober, I have been extra introspective, emotional, etc. Maybe the PMS, but I have really looked deep into myself and have actually thought about TRULY forgiving people in my life that have hurt me. My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, ex husband, MYSELF. And it really feels good. And I am not even on any Anyone else experience these feelings?
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Good Mornin All!!
                Haven't been around here much....but I'm back now!!
                Looking forward to af days ahead.
                Best to all of you.
                Rip: Loved your Fair pics! I love animals.
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Happy Tuesday all ODATers ---- feeling great today. I too am having as many AF days as I can (this is a Wedding Week, daughter home for 10 day visit after moving out West in April) .... so lots of social stuff going on. Come Sept. 1, she'll be back out west, Wedding over and 30 days AF attempt for me... one day at a time!
                  Glad to see a lot of you having success ... it truly is inspiring.
                  Watched 3 parts of the RAIN IN MY HEART videos posted in General ..... that will scare any desire out of you! Also a little scary to wonder what damage I've already done... although I had doctor test liver enzymes and they came back fine. So I really owe it to myself to keep it that way.
                  Paula ---- wishing you a speedy recovery ---- sorry to hear of your accident.
                  KCBE --- happy birthday to your baby.
                  Cindi --- well done on the successful airport restraint.... travelling is such an ordeal these days.
                  Greenie --- I'm way behind you today .. gotta get my ass in gear and get going!
                  Have a happy to all!


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hey guys,

                    Feeling good today, i love waking up and not being hungover. It feels so great.

                    I haven't had a cigarette in a couple of days either so I'm feeling much healthier today.

                    Busy day here at work so have to go, just wanted to pop in to say hi.

                    Hope everyone meets their goals today!

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Good Morning All,
                      Thank you for thinking of me. Green you are such an inspiration!! Paula, I am so sorry about your accident. I hope that you are soon healed. Really, nothing new to report here. I have the day off and have so much to do that I don't know where to begin. I do plan to go to an AA meeting tonight with a friend of mine. Staying busy is very helpful. Fall is in the air here in NH. I love the Fall. It is so beautiful here. I wish all a wonderful day.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        This is frustrating to get started again. I leave for Vegas on Thursday for almost a week. My last big bang up before I have to really knuckle down.

                        I hope so dearly that I am strong enough this time. I am still in so much pain after being dumped 3 months ago in SHOCK. Still reeling from it and even though we have not spoken for over a month already, I am having such a hard time accepting it and moving on. Hurts every hour, every day. Dammit.

                        I continue to be encouraged by all of you. Taking the supps and my CDs arrived. Now I am awaiting my Topa. Some days I am better at modding than others. The true test will be in another week when I get home and really get started on all of this.

                        Right now the wine calls so strongly to ease the hurt ... hate that.

                        Here's to everyone continuing to move forward. I'll be with you soon.


