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First timer

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    First timer

    Welcome MOF,
    You definately came to the right place! The support and kindness here is phenomenal. I would love to see you post a little more about "you" and your alcohol history, if you feel comfortable. We are all on this journey together...I hope you stick will make lots of new friends and get plenty of help along the way. I look forward to getting to know you better. kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      First timer


      My hearfelt thanks to everyone who replied to my first post with suggestions and support. It was such a pleasant surprise to get so many positive messages. Its great to know that there are people out there on your side, ready to help you with advice and encouragement, as I find it impossible to talk to people about it in real life. In fact, I've actually been trying to hide the problem from them, instead of confront it.
      For those of you who asked for a little bit about my history, I was a god sportsman, and even represented my country at junior level, but started working in a bar (and drinking) when I was 18. The drinking continued through university and into my career. I managed to get to senior executive level, despite the steadily increasing amount of alcohol I consumed, putting the extra intake down to the stress of responsibility at work. The job requires a lot of socialising and business meals, so every weekday I would drink aperitfs and a bottle of wine at lunchtime, several pints of beer after work, more aperitifs, wine and liqueurs again at dinner and more beer etc in front of the TV at home to 'wind down'. At weekends i was out with my friends - always drinking until late at night. S 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Last night I worked out that the last complete day i had had without a drink before this was January 1990
      Yesterday I managed to get through day 3 without touching a drop. Big moment! I even went to a bar and sat with my friends who were all drinking. It was tough, but it certainly helped to know that if I succumbed, I would have to write that I failed on MWO, and that I would be letting down all of you who wrote to support me. That really helped me to stick to the perrier, so thanks again everyone! It's like you were there with me. Day 4 has started....
      Man on Firenfire::


        First timer

        Hey there MOF, welcome, I'm just a newbie here too, after many failed attempts at going it alone. I also stumbled across the site when googling "natural remedies for alcohol withdraw". Seems to be how many of us have found this place, and what a place to find.

        I have had a nasty experience with withdrawals but as long as you have someone looking out for you, if you get into trouble you should be fine. If you are by yourself it may pay to see a Dr. for some meds, just in case. I nearly lost consciousness when I was driving, not a good idea. So got some valium generic to keep my brain in check while I am detoxing. Have only had to use half a tablet this time and am saying goodnight to day 3.

        I'm not trying to spook you, but it's best to be aware of it.

        looking forward to hearing more from you
        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


          First timer

          easy does it fire,and you will do ok,and your in the rt spot, good luck to you gyco


            First timer

            Hooray for you, MOF. Sounds like you really are on fire to quit. You will soon be done with the hardest part, as you break away from that alcohol dependency. Turn around and wave by-bye!
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              First timer

              Thanks again. Especially to the new replies. Yesterday (day 4)was the worst so far. Headaches, disoriented, concentration lapses, irritable. I actually couldn't talk for while. (Zep, you might get this if you're a day behind me). My advice at this stage- don't drive yourself! I definitely wasn't concentrating enough to be on the road safely - and drink water, water and more water! Hope day 5's better
              Man on Firenfire::

