Like everyone else, I am starting over again. I am so very glad I was able to find you by clicking on one thread after another. Still not sure what I clicked on to end up here, but who cares. Maybe...ya'll found me?? Hmm interesting thought.
Anyway, I have been reading and reading the entire site, and the posts. Each and everyone of you are awsome.
After a severe kidney infection and soon after bronchitis, apparantly my resistance is down!! Dang who would think that almost daily drinking of hard alcohol and lots of it could be causing that in addition to dangerously high blood pressure and scary low blood sugar? Or taking longer to over a binge? ughhh
But when you go to the doctor and admit, that yes I am an alcoholic, well, the ones I have seen lately have all studied medicine under the attack, condem, threaten and bully this patient to sanity, School of Medicine. The latest one giving me the old "you need to find a local AA tonight and bring me back a signed statement that you were there" Bless her, I know she means well, but she doesnt know me well enough yet to try to back me into a corner. My newest goal to start with, I will not allow anyone or anything to intimidate me, or get away with a guilt trip. I think we all do that better ourselves, to ourselves than anyone else could. But I like her strength, Im not looking for a doc that will humor me, or just give me pills. I told her what I have accomplished in the week since I saw her last, and while not overly happy about my choice of not going to AA, she is willing to work with me. I plan on taking her some information on this site. Only she can decide if she approves it or not. I know I do. I am not in anyway saying anything bad about AA. I am sure they have helped many, many people. For me, I think I like starting here, and then we will see.
I will be ording the book and supps, and will ponder the cd's.
Sorry for this long winded--uhmm typed introduction, but hey its my first!!

oh and btw, I am 5 days AF, will see what happens tomorrow!