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another new one

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    another new one

    :new: I can't wait for the Topa to kick in. I met a good friend of mine in AA where unfortunately we both failed, eventually. She's almost 90 days AF now through MWO and I'm so amazed at her recovery that I've asked her to help me jump on the wagon. I just started Topa and supplements on Friday but am still drinking a lot. I'm only on 25 mg Topa per day until Friday when I go up to 50 mg. I'm going on a vacation on September 11 and hope I can be AF or at least drinking moderately by then as I am going with non-drinkers. I'm not just doing this for the vacation, but because I am sick of my routine of getting so drunk every night and feeling so hung over the next day that sometimes I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I am extremely active and excersize 5-6 days per week. My friends at the gym would never believe I am an alcoholic if you told them as they think I am as healthy as I pretend to be. I'm tired of living a lie and want to be happy and healthy and not be married to alcohol.

    another new one

    Hello MissM

    Nice to hear from you, I'm sure you will find this site as helpful as I am.
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      another new one

      again,i go thro this day with awsom, threads,hi miss,im gyco,you have a bonus when u go away,they dont drink,use it to your advantage,have a great time,whether you do or dont,you no whats rt from wrong,some dont ge to realise that gyco


        another new one

        Welcome MissM! It sounds like you are off to a good start with the meds and supps. Keep reading and posting here. Try to set a goal to be AF until your trip and then go from there. Sometimes it is easier to take baby steps. Good luck!


          another new one

          Hello MissM and welcome,

          I am still a newbie too, only a few weeks into it so far. Not doing as good as I hoped but I am hopeful. The one thing I can tell you is, you will love this site. Come often for support and encouragement. These are some really amazing people. They have helped me start my journey

          Good luck
          :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


            another new one

            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              another new one


              I look forward to getting to know you more...I think you'll really like it here.



                another new one

                Welcome Miss M ---- I used to be very active .... still am relatively with tennis and golf, but going to the gym has slipped up for me. When I'd wake up all fuzzy headed I just couldn't bring myself to get there anymore.... I used to but was just going through the motions of a workout ... couldn't push myself. I don't know how you managed 5 and 6 times a week!
                This is a great place and there are great people who are very supportive of your goal to be AF! :welcome:


                  another new one

                  Hi MissM,
                  Welcome to our family! Now you have these forums AND your friend. That is a great recipie for success! You can talk to us online and you'll have your friend for face to face. I look forward to getting to know you better. Good luck on your journey. kriger
                  "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                    another new one

                    Welcome Miss M,

                    The changes don't come overnight, in most cases, but if you stick with us, eventually you will be successful in achieving your goals!

                    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                      another new one

                      I totally know the feeling of being married to alcohol!! I used to feel the same about cigarettes, then gave those up....changed to alcohol. I just so badly for once, to not have an unhealthy addiction in my life. Why can't I be addicted to my health? Addicted to exercise? Addicted to being sober and playing with my children? I'm sick of this also.... So so sick of it.


                        another new one

                        Hi and welcome,

                        You'll find lots of support here. Just wondering if you've read the My Way Out book. I found that to be very inspirational. I've read it several times. I take the Topamax also. I'm up to 125mg. It took about three weeks (75mg) before I started to noitice a difference in my craving to drink. I'm going to continue to dose up to 175-200mg. The Topamax really seems to be working for me. I do still drink 2-3 times a week, but the difference is I no longer drink to get drunk. My goal is to drink no more than once a week. Another thing I noticed since the Topamax has started to take affect is that I no longer spend the later part of the day waiting impatiently until I can uncork that bottle of wine. I was a Chardonay girl, and in the past month I've only had wine once! I really recommend reading the book if you haven't. You can download it from the website. And drink lots of water, take extra good care of yourself, and log on here for support. Keep in touch. Good luck!



                          another new one

                          Hi, MissM,

                          Don't I know you from somewhere? I sound like one of those meathead guys at the gym...

                          You'll do great here, and if you don't, I know where to find you so I can bop you over the head with my Big Book.

                          Welcome, honey!! You of all people know what a miracle it is that I could be sober for 3 days, much less almost 3 months - it's true, ANYTHING can happen!!! I'm so glad you're here!!!


                            another new one

                            Hey MissM,
                            Welcome!!! This is a great program and everyone on this site is soo helpful and supportive. Keep posting!!! Good Luck!!!


                              another new one

                              Welcome Miss M!
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

