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    Since going AF, I have felt completely raw emotionally. I am crying more frequently and feeling sadness/depression about things that I thought I had "gotten past." I think part of what kept me drinking nightly was burying that sadness...swallowing it whole.

    My question is, one...I guess I should ask if this is normal? Two, should I do anything about it (meaning if something in a relationship is making me sad, should I wait to get some more time AF under my belt before deciding how to address it?)

    Thanks and Love to you all...



    I'm sorry you are feeling sad. No inspiring words of wisdom just a big hug :l coming your way. Hope you feel better
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



      dito stay strong and think positive
      Gia;392492 wrote: Hi Sassy,

      Your body is starting to heal, and things will surface. Sometimes it's only short lived, but if the depression and crying continues for any length of time I would suggest seeing a doctor.

      With regards to the relationship, it all depends really on what the situation is. If it's unhappiness, but you're not sure if it's because you stopped drinking, or because you are not happy in your situation maybe waiting till you are thinking clearly is a good thing so you can make a fair judgement.
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        Yes, it is VERY normal, and really the question "what to do about it?" will probably answer itself. If you stick with your plan to get the alcohol out of your life (I hope you do!) then you will have some periods of time when emotions seem out of control... but the truth is that, since you aren't getting drunk, you REALLY have much more control than you had before. It's just hard, because you aren't yet used to it. You'll get there. Just feel what there is to feel... and step back just a little... and decide how (or whether) you want to act on those feelings. And if you do it "wrong," that's OK... there will be lots more opportunities!!




          Same for me

          Hi SG

          I have been having the same thing--weepy at the drop of a hat. All I have to do is think about something, and I start tearing up. I think it is a combination of things--body changes from trying to stop/cut down on the alcohol, and not numbing oneself everyday to the pain by drinking. I was really bad for a few weeks--now just seem better, but one never knows. All it takes is something to trigger the depression, and it comes back. My thought is to wait it out for a while. If it should continue, I would see my doctor, but right now I think it's just something I need to get through. So, keep strong, and hope you feel better soon.



            Don't worry, it's normal. Lots of people suffer like this. I myself wrote a post asking if it was normal. I was sooo low, crying, thinking of things that upset me in the past. I was just soo depressed. This has MOSTLY gone away but i do get a little low at night time.
            I don't know what your situation is in your relationship which is making you sad but at the moment your emotions are all over the place due to the changes taking place in your body so i would just wait and see what happens and hopefully it'll pass soon!
            I hope you feel better soon *HUGE HUG*

