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After 14 days, I drank...

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    After 14 days, I drank...

    Not proud about it, not nothing about it other than damned ashamed about it. I caved tonight while husbo was away. Not even close to an excuse!! Why the fuck do I give in to this? Husbo does not, it's just me...They say it's history or genentics...bullcrap. If that where the case, i would have started drinking when I was 5!!! I will get up in the AM and say my prayers - Lord help me, Amen!!!
    LTG AF January 13, 2011

    After 14 days, I drank...

    hey I started when I was 7.whats that all about??


      After 14 days, I drank...

      Hang in there. Every one of us has gave in multiple times. You'll get back up again.


        After 14 days, I drank...

        LTG, I caved at 14 days too. That seems to be a hard time for many. I am going to get on chat soon, if you are up for chatting. I have been there.

        xoxo CS


          After 14 days, I drank...

          Hey, LTG, you'll be fine. You are still here, and you are talking about it, and you know how to NOT drink, you've already done it for a 2-week stretch! Just do it again, back on that horse, and remember what your triggers are, and build a plan that incorporates ways to work around them, OK?



            After 14 days, I drank...

            Hi Looking... take each day one at a time. I go AF for a few days and then drink... I see it now as one step forward and one step back. Better than one step forward and three steps back. I am trying to forgive myself and telling myself it won't magically be perfect every day after 38 years of drinking (I started at age 16 - the day my alcoholic father died). Each day is getting better. Please do not beat yourself over the head... going 14 days AF is a HUGE accomplishment. Accept the accomplishment and just get back to it... you done good.
            Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. -- Nelson Mandala 1994


              After 14 days, I drank...

              Dolphin, you cannot mess up - Hippie is coming...LOL!! Starting over agian in the AM. Cannot be like the films that Startingover posted. Shit, what the fuck make us like this!!!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                After 14 days, I drank...

                Gia, thank you! I miss the ocean so much!! Damn, I have to change my signature as I fucked up tonight. what the hell...I need something to do...
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  After 14 days, I drank...

                  Hi LTG, No more beating yourself up you hear me??? You will be fine, you talked about it, that was my mistake - I never did. This is all about learning. we learn our triggers and learn how to cope. We can't be expected to get everything right first time can we?
                  Have a great day and get back on that horse!
                  Startingover x

                  Gia, I hope you are having a better day today too. Popeye sounds lovely!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    After 14 days, I drank...

                    It's ok. We all slip every so often. I went 9 days and then gave in to that voice in my head and drunk but i shrugged it off and started again. It is a horrible feeling but it'll pass. I hope you feel better soon and don't beat yourself up about it. We're human after all, not made of stone.
                    Good luck and *hug*


                      After 14 days, I drank...

                      LTG - you did 14 days! That's fantastic.. I struggle with 14 hours!
                      Dont beat yourself up about it. Just pick yourself up and ty again.
                      ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                        After 14 days, I drank...

                        LTG - 14 days is BRILLIANT! Just think this time, got to beat 14 days! That's how I worked when I was trying to mod! I'm now 9 months since my last MAJOR slip (had a few occasions were I drank a little more than intended) and remember I'm joining you AF as of next week for extra support.
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          After 14 days, I drank...

                          One small slip in 14 days- could be alot worse- as this thing progresses you cannot slip for one day, because you can't drink for one day- now if I were to drink I would have to drink for at least 3 days- my body just demands it and I cannot get off- I hope that is not the case for you yet.

                          You are doing so well! We all slip, the wagon will always be there next to you, waiting for you to climb right back on!


                            After 14 days, I drank...

                            LTG, I hope today you are feeling strong and ready to conquer AL.

                            I was thinking whilst reading all the posts here ..... look at how much stronger you are for getting 14 DAYS AF under your belt, give yourself a break!

                            You go girl, you have done a FAN-F***ing-TASTIC job so far!
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              After 14 days, I drank...

                              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

