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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Ok, so this could be really embarrassing - I hope it is Wednesday??? With the Bank Holiday at the beginning of this week and no school etc I've really lost track.

    Hope you're all going ODAT and in the Mighty Bessie's absence I take up her mantle and start us off.

    Have a good one!


    ODAT - Wednesday

    I hope it's Wed too. I spend too much time alone, just me and the dogs. Course, they don't talk back or judge, so not too bad. If it's not Wed my dentist is in for a hell of a shock when I show up.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      ODAT - Wednesday


      It is Wednesday because my computer says so.

      Hi all. Have a wonderful ODAT day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        ODAT - Wednesday

        I'm flying by to say hello and have a good day. I have a busy one with lots of errands. Taking my cooler filled with lemon water and my decaf sun tea. I wish I had put gas in the car yesterday. Better do it first I ran out on the interstate once at rush hour. How embarassing. Today is trash and recycle day. I bet they think hubby was the drinker since his vehicle is no longer here and no AL containers are in the recycle bin :H :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hey everyone! Busy here at work today too - I am taking next week off to get the girls all ready for school, so all my publishers are hounding me - because they KNOW that my boss will NEVER help out when I am off - just leaves it for me to clean up! Oh well. Being home and getting stuff done will be great - I want everyone to be organized, including me. When I was being a wino, I really struggled with that. Not doing things to prepare, then rushing around hungover and feeling overwhelmed....Not any more. Done with that I pray. Day 8 AF and I feel great. A bit stressed, but not enough to hit the bottle. Greeneyes - I hear ya about that recycle more bottles of wine in there! I remember how embarrasing recycle day was for me! Now it is just big bottles of sparkling water! Hope all of you are full of positive energy and know that you are in my thoughts!

          Have a wonderful day all.
          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hey, did you ever put your bottles in the neighbors trash? Someone, tell me I'm not the only sneaky one!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              ODAT - Wednesday

              rubywillow;392843 wrote: Hey, did you ever put your bottles in the neighbors trash? Someone, tell me I'm not the only sneaky one!
              Hmmmm, I never thought about that - probably because my neighbor (the best friend who is one of my HUGE triggers) had TWICE as many wine bottles as me...and there would never be any room! :H
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Ruby, you a dumpster diver in reverse?...LOL!! You make me laugh
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi there!
                  Talking of recycling... we have 3 bins a blue, brown and black one. Blue for recycling etc but our council WOULD YOU BELIEVE! doesn't accept glass so I still trapse up to the bottle bank with my tail between my legs every now and then to get rid of it. My dream is when my glass only consists of jam jars and coffee jars:H
                  Good to hear from you all! I'm plodding on, al not great but not terrible either. Looking forward to next week when kids go back to school. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed having them at home but I miss being in a routine.
                  Take care
                  Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                  Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                  For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Waiting for the furnace guy to show up to clean the furnace. The company says they'll show up between 9 and 1. Great! Got to hang around waiting...pretty irritating since I've got tons to do today. Oh well, there's always housework. Good day to all of you and I hope everyone meets their goals today.
                    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                    -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      :upset:I'm doing to great today. I really blew it last night. Today I won't drink, day 1 one more time. I feel horrible not only because I have a hangover but because I really let myself down. My partner recorded my drunken ass last night and showed it to me this morning, I can't believe how pathatic I am. My soul hurts and I feel like giving up but I know I can't:upset: My partner is very supportive so need to this for myself and my partner as well. I tend to isolate myself so I need to come here more often and get support for this wonderful group of people. Thanks for listening
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi all ODATers ---- just checking in to see how everyone's doing. Day 3 (again) for me and feeling great, evern though I couldn't get to sleep last night until the wee hours of the morning.
                        1more ---- you're not alone in slipping, just get up and try again ..... each time you should be able to go a bit more distance. That's how it's been for me ... I'm gearing up to give 30 days AF a try come Sept. 1.
                        Re recycling ---- our system changed awhile ago, so instead of separating glass from newspaper, etc., we can mix it all in ... those wine bottles got mixed in pretty good between the newspapers ... and I even started to buy the tetra bottles because they didn't clank so. Now we are to return them to the Beer Store .... and when that started, I know how you felt Evie. I'd just try and rationalize that we could have had a big party ... tried to take them all back after a long weekend. I'm sure they really didn't care, but I felt sheepish!.

                        Have a good evening all!


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          One more chance

                          That's the beauty of waking up to a new day, OMC. You can't take back yesterday, so stop beating yourself up. It is humiliating to see ourselves, or have a blow-by-blow description from someone you care about, but just try to remember that image next time you reach for AL. You can do it, and live life without waking up with regrets. It's working for me, and I can't tell you how good it feels to wake up and remember going to bed and giving hubs a g'night kiss. PM if you need to. :l
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            thank you for the encouragement rubywillow and new day. I really appreciate it. I tried to pm you rubywillow but it says you're not set up for email or PM. Just wanted to thank you.
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

