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Failed again... BIG Time

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    Failed again... BIG Time

    You are not a loser and you are not alone. SImply start over again! We are all here rooting for you! Perk up! Feel better.... please!

    Love and light


      Failed again... BIG Time

      You can beat yourself up all you want (i imagine you have for quite some time now). the fact is that you were brave to expose yourself, especially to your parents. i am glad they were there and, believe me, i understand the fear of facing them in the morning. but no matter what they say or how they react, know that you had courage. you may never hear the end of it : ) but you'll be glad you did......and you're braver than me.
      Keep your shin up, Babs


        Failed again... BIG Time

        I meant - keep your CHIN up.....


          Failed again... BIG Time

          I meant keep you CHIN up..............


            Failed again... BIG Time


            I know it is crazy to utter a word that doesn't support our fur and feather friends, because they have the most organized support system going! Seriously, pets are wonderful. They give meaning to so many lives. I have a cat myself (14 years) that drives me crazy with his fur but that I would nonetheless miss if he were gone. He acts like a dog - always by my side - and wants all the attention I can offer! So I can certainly understand her fiance's reluctance to lose his beloved cats.

            However, this strikes me as crazy (here I go walking in the poo again) that any man would put his pets before his fiance. He had to know her son had allergies - so one would think he'd have worked out something before now. Heck, what do I know? I guess I'm just a sucker for true love, and that doesn't always make room for fido or foofie. Boy, I know I'm in trouble now. I can hear the pet police coming . . .

            V. (formerly known as Vera-b, but don't tell the petmeisters)


              Failed again... BIG Time

              Well its morning here and I feel (and look) like something one of his cats dragged in...
              He said that he's going to try and find homes for them, so Im leaving it at that for the time being... but he surely cant expect to be married next year, living with me and keep paying the mortgage on another house.
              At the moment, I know it sounds selfish, but Im more concerned about me and how Im going to move forward from this horrible addiction I have. I hardly want to walk down the aisle a drunk, so I NEED to beat this.

              Day 1...
              Is it really 'Day 1' though if you have a hangover? Maybe it's Day -1, and tomorrow is my 'Day 1'.
              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                Failed again... BIG Time

                vera-b;393392 wrote: Marbella,

                I know it is crazy to utter a word that doesn't support our fur and feather friends, because they have the most organized support system going! Seriously, pets are wonderful. They give meaning to so many lives. I have a cat myself (14 years) that drives me crazy with his fur but that I would nonetheless miss if he were gone. He acts like a dog - always by my side - and wants all the attention I can offer! So I can certainly understand her fiance's reluctance to lose his beloved cats.

                However, this strikes me as crazy (here I go walking in the poo again) that any man would put his pets before his fiance. He had to know her son had allergies - so one would think he'd have worked out something before now. Heck, what do I know? I guess I'm just a sucker for true love, and that doesn't always make room for fido or foofie. Boy, I know I'm in trouble now. I can hear the pet police coming . . .

                V. (formerly known as Vera-b, but don't tell the petmeisters)
                LOL I can understand your point, maybe I am too much of a cynic over romance, could be very possible!

                Well it seems he has told Chelle he will look for homes so all well and good- I just think he has to feel it was his decision because if he feels she forced him into it it could become a big resentment for him.

                And glad you're up and about Chelle and you are absolutely right of course, your first and abslolutely main prrority should be getting yourself off the beast and sober.

                Once you have acheived this for a while then you can worry about cats and mortgages and stuff. Until then I say let it all fade into the background and just concentrate on getting the real you back.

                Have a lovely sober day!


                  Failed again... BIG Time

                  Chelle12;393581 wrote: At the moment, I know it sounds selfish, but Im more concerned about me and how Im going to move forward from this horrible addiction I have. I hardly want to walk down the aisle a drunk, so I NEED to beat this.

                  Day 1...
                  Is it really 'Day 1' though if you have a hangover? Maybe it's Day -1, and tomorrow is my 'Day 1'.
                  Good on you Chelle, stay strong and let us know how you go.:l
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Failed again... BIG Time

                    Just checking in..
                    My dad and son are ok... although I havent spoken to my mum yet... cant really, cos I know I'll just get the lecture of "what kind of parent are you" and I REALLY cant handle that at the moment...
                    I KNOW my faults... there's NOTHING she can say that would make me feel worse than I already do about what I do to myself.
                    No-one apart from all you guys understands this.

                    If it wasnt for this forum I really dont know where Id be... in a gutter probably...or at the bottom of another bottle.

                    Ive kept myself busy today... baked a cake.. did housework, played with my dogs, and have a homemade sweet and sour stir fry beef cooking for dinner.
                    Drank lots of water, ate lots of fruit and ordered that allen carr book that someone mentioned from Amazon.

                    I wish you all well, and THANK YOU all for being there for me.

                    By the way..
                    For all the subscribers out there... isnt the game "blocks2" really addictive???
                    I love it
                    ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

