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taking valium and drinking?

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    taking valium and drinking?

    wwe CAN do it karl...right???...lets just fucking do it...sober can't possibly br worse???right?
    come'on bud...AL free beer and lots of will power....
    *hugs from a mess of a girl*,
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      taking valium and drinking?

      karl,read the directions,on the valium,im a prime example i didnt read either,not a smart idea,the valium is atually suppose to help you from your withdrawl symptoms,then you should be weened off it,and if taken both over time,you will get shakes so badly youll feel like jumpin out of your skin,like most gps yours didnt xplain well enuff,stop the boosi or stop the valium you now have a double wammy gyco


        taking valium and drinking?

        hi again i wanted to come back and xplain karl,i got sick 10 year ago,stopped drinkin,was put on many different meds karl,the gp really never xplained,i did drink latr,then stopped the drugs,but karl there are many who cant,i had what they call panic attacks,it all comes from stress,job,family just life in general,i was very fortunate last march i went to a facility that made really under stand my illness,i sure hope u get a little more imfo on what your doin,but i had to xplain,i dont want you goin thro what i did,by the way this is 10 years latr and the roller coaster ride aint over,but is much easier to handle,this place helped considerably also gyco


          taking valium and drinking?

          Karl, I hope you are okay today and come back and let us know how the dr appointment went. We both need to quit this roller coaster ride, me with wine and you with valium and drink. Let's put ourselves first. You don't need a change of scene, you can have a fresh start right where you are, the new place has to be in your mind and attitude. You have my brother's name, he is in AA and working and doing well, got his own place now and loving it. Things will come around for you too if you take care of you first.
          The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


            taking valium and drinking?

            Karl, I am here, ready to try again, are you with me?
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              taking valium and drinking?

              Hi karl,

              I think its time you need to be selfish start thinking of you as number one first. i know it will be hard but its the only way .....look after yourself and take care...
              need to take this advice on board myself.


              family is everything to me


                taking valium and drinking?

                Karl, I am chasing you and I have given up the smokes you just don't stand a chance :H:H:H
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  taking valium and drinking?

                  Alcohol & Valium.

                  I used to take valium and alcohol and mix....and alcohol and every sleeping tablet you can imagine, imovane, stilnox, tamazapam...and then a stronger benzoid, lorazepam. I used to mix them alot. Benzoids are bad. They can contribute to your depression (as does alcohol), and they are addictive, your body gets addicted to them, and when you stop taking them, you can spiral into a deeper depression, and be physically quite ill. I know, because I did it and I ended up in hospital. More than once.

                  Valium should not be used to alleviate depression, in small doses it can be used for alcoholics who are suffering major withdrawl, and aid the withdrawl process - and it is used for that, however, not in conjunction with alcohol.

                  In regards to depression, there are alot of antidepressants on the market. Lexapro, Cymbalta, Pristique and Mirtarzipine are all good ones. Depending on your levels of anxiety, some antipsychotic medication, such as Seroquel, can be used, and is much less harmful than stuff like valium. Non-addicitve, and not as "mind-altering".

                  The thing with alcohol and benzoids, is that it "quickly" alleviates the symptoms of depression, eventhough you will experience worse later, which is why people turn to them for symptom relief. With antidepressants, they take 4 weeks or so to start working. You just have to be patient and know that relief will come.

                  Valium is not a cure, it is only to be used in short increments, and it is a depressant and will possibly make your depression worse. As will the alcohol. And mixing it makes it even worse.

                  Speak to your doctor and stop mixing alcohol with the Valium.



                    taking valium and drinking?

                    Good comments Ayura. very educational.
                    Panda beer, firstly it's an old thread, secondly where do you get off being so bloody rude & negative & insulting. Get a life & some humility. in fact, just plain get.

