hi spide,try cranberry raspberry very nice substitute.thats what i tried for 10 months,without the V.have a good day,tears the sweats do cease eventually,but i do sympothise gyco
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September Club
September Club
best to all stay strong and think positive .. and have an awesome day everyone
please dont get offended but i cant help but think about homer when i see you name:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
September Club
Day 3 here for me too Spiderpig, taking Kudzu, vits and drinking milk thistle tea, yeah I could kill for a 6 pack too - but I'm not gonna! So nerr! Take that stupid alcohol!Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message
September Club
Hi everyone
Day 3 and while I did not have a great sleep, hubby came home late from travelling, woke me and then got up at 6.30 a.m. However I am feeling clear headed and thats a great start to the day. Taking the supplements but not the topa and stil listening to the cd's. Have a great day everyone.
September Club
vlad;399308 wrote: Day 3 here for me too Spiderpig, taking Kudzu, vits and drinking milk thistle tea, yeah I could kill for a 6 pack too - but I'm not gonna! So nerr! Take that stupid alcohol!
basically doin everything cept the topo and no hypno.
Might be for some but the topo side effects freaked me a bit.... I could lose my job if I became 'slow'... so not my cup of tea.
I think these calms take the edge off of the desire as i feel quite ok now. still drinkin my orange but thats for the habit more than addiction.
good luck everyone n keep postin n talking.
September Club
Day3 but 2days af.
Hi everyone,
Yep day3 for me 2, but dont feel so strong this time round, but there is no way im giving up or turning back just got to keep on going. Thought i was ok yesterday then all of a sudden i feel a bit nausea and weak a friend recommended ginger tea so i gave it a go and it help. Taking the supp's no topo. I also started on the porridge breakfast and lots of bananas it ok im not going bananas yet.even tho i feel like i am!
Take care all and stay strong.
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
September Club
Teardrop;399346 wrote: Hi everyone,
Yep day3 for me 2, but dont feel so strong this time round, but there is no way im giving up or turning back just got to keep on going. Thought i was ok yesterday then all of a sudden i feel a bit nausea and weak a friend recommended ginger tea so i gave it a go and it help. Taking the supp's no topo. I also started on the porridge breakfast and lots of bananas it ok im not going bananas yet.even tho i feel like i am!
Take care all and stay strong.
September Club
3day af 4thday!
Hiya everyone,
Feeling a lot better today legs still feel a bit weak. Yesterday my body felt like jelly and my head was feeling very fuzzy. I had two bowls of porridge plus bananas to keep my energy up. Had a sleep in the afternoon but felt twice as worst when i woke up.Made sure i made dinner early last night because i feel so exhausted my bed was calling out for me. went to bed at 8pm but had this weird dream that i was goldielock and when i woke up this big bear was after me in the forest, then i woke up but find it hard to get back to sleep again. so i made my self some herbal calm tea. ( stil sweating but not so bad)
I know now i have to get myself motivated by doing exercise so hoping to get my bike out later on today or tomorrow. I find any kind of exercises helps clear my head.
how is everyone else? Have a good day everyone.
Take it easy!
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
September Club
spiderpig;399359 wrote: Seems lots of people just doing the vitamins and no topo or antabuse etc. Prob cos a lot of time if doc involved its on your record, amongst other things.
No i try my best not to take any medition, but that just me. im not saying it not wrong. my brother was always on different medicated for his depression, ended up destroying his kidneys after 10years on different meditions, but die of cancer in the end but very quick.
( maybe im just scared if that makes sense.)
But yes for me i have been to my GP out of desperation....if it was not for this site or my friend telling me about m.o.w. i would be still drinking even tho i knew i had a problem but wouldn't of done nothing about it. I now go to my group sessions (throught the GP) which helps me a lot seeing people face to face and talking. plus i go 1to1 sessions. M.o.w people also has help me so much in more ways then one.
Right i need to go to work today felt like it was a blessing that i had no work on tuesday and wednesday.
keep strong!
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
September Club
Hi everyone
Day 4 and feeling more positive. Find it hard to find the time to fit in the cd's but making the effort. I think the combined effect of supplements, cd's, expercise help keep me focussed. I'm doing something positive. Bit of a wuss regarding the topa, pour a bottle of wine down my throat but hate taking tablets!! Felt a bit nausous the first day on the supplements too, Teardrop but I think it was the residue of the alcohol in my system, feel much better now. Hang in there you did it before and you will do it again.
September Club
Day 4,
head felt crap today, think those calms are a bit overpowering during day, will reduce to 1 at bed, 8pm and going to bed I'm shattered, not normally me, I'm the night owl!
Also anyone notice... girls maybe not so obvious... but I'm peeing bright yellow or green?? some vitamins?
September Club
Hi all --- Day 4 for me too. Taking vitamins, L-Glut, Kudzu, Milk Thistle, etc. ... and yes, spiderpig ... peeing bright yellow too. Must be the vitamins. I drink a lot of water, so it can't be dehydration. Have to take 2 Valerian before bedtime, or I can't settle, but other than that, no detox symptoms, just that voice in my head that I keep having to say no to. Hoping to get through my first every weekend AF.