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I'd like to come back to MWO

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    I'd like to come back to MWO

    Hi again. I first found MWO about 8 months ago. and I thought what great words you all write. Then i turned off my computer and bought another box of wine, and I've been drunk ever since. Until I found this book. Can I say the name of here? Or will someone come here and hit me with a stick? Hell, I'd even welcome that. Loneliness sucks too.
    So, please forgive me if I brake some rules, but I found this book called "The Easy Way To Stop Drinking" by Allen Carr, and today (Wed) is my 3rd day of not drinking.
    The only trouble I'm having is my emotions are really messing with my mind. The book said that the first few days you might feel a little disoriented.. "HOLY SH**" I went through every emotion there is, and then some. So I really hope I can turn 3 days of not drinking (I can't spell sobriety) into 3 weeks, then 3 months.
    But, I'm really scared. I work in one city but my home/family are 100 miles away and I go there on weekends. But my girlfriend still drinks (and she PMS's) and I don't know if I can withstand the test.
    Seriously, it ain't funny, I'm scared. I'll either brake the alcohol trap or I'll be a drunk for the rest of my life.
    this is the 1st time in a long time I posted here. I felt compelled to do so... If you want to come and hit me with a stick, I'll give you directions... If not, thank you for letting me share that....

    I'd like to come back to MWO

    Joe -

    No one here is going to hit you with a stick.

    Hello!!! we have been where you are!

    And yes, on Day 3 confusion reigns sometimes. Being scared is ok and great if it gets you to a better place.

    You have returned to a great place. We've all been where you are and want to offer support.

    How are you feeling....any withdrawals?

    Talk to us...Erin
    Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


      I'd like to come back to MWO

      Thank you Erin. I don't know how towork this site. Is this how I say thanks to you?


        I'd like to come back to MWO

        Yep, Joe, it is.

        You're doing great.

        Keep posting. Mostly, keep READING. You'll find a LOT of help here, and a LOT of support in the way of other people.

        It's been a BIG help to me, and others, I know.


        Taking it all in


          I'd like to come back to MWO

          You are doing fine.

          Just cruise the site and I suggest stay close to your posting. I have a feeling lots of folks will come on board with support. Its late here so most are asleep but check in later. I've been doing a bit of work so up late but now must hit the hay.

          This is a good place. Stay tuned, post your thoughts and concerns, get engaged. AL is the beast, ODAT (One Day At a Time) is the goal, accepting others is important and being honest is critical.

          You'll be fine. Oh, and check in with the firecrackers.....we're a good bunch.

          I'll check in later today........Erin
          Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


            I'd like to come back to MWO

            Here's the title to firecrackers - FIREWORKS - ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME FOR 30 DAYS AF. Do search - you'll find us
            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


              I'd like to come back to MWO

              no sticks allowed here.
              glad you posted
              keep it up


                I'd like to come back to MWO

                Welcome Joe!
                I have heard a lot of people talk about the Carr book. It seems to make sense.
                Best wishes!


                  I'd like to come back to MWO

                  Hi Joe
                  Welcome back. Why would anyone mind if you mention Alan Carr's book? We sure need all the help we can get. MWO is not exclusive in any way its just a bunch of people from all over trying to get a handle on their drinking and we are open to using whatever tools we can find especially the ones that RJ has kindly road tested out and suggested for us. Lots of people have read Alan's book and his previous one about giving up Smoking. Lots of people are on all sorts of different medications and supplements etc and others are cold turkey and going it on will power alone with support from us all. Lots of people have gone to see Lenair and the good thing is that we all give and take suggestions of anything that might help us along. Dont be scared to share and congrats on day 3 that is awesome.


                    I'd like to come back to MWO

                    Joe - I'm certainly not going to hit you with a stick - we all came to this site because we had varying degrees of AL problems. Day 3 for you - well done, I intend to start my 30 days Monday...
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      I'd like to come back to MWO

                      Hi Joe

                      Welcome back! I also joined about a year ago, then just dropped the habit of coming here and recently came back.

                      In my mind we all need our own toolbox, (in fact I am even thinking of going out and buying myself a nice box for the purpose) and putting in things that are going to help us with in our fight- books, supplements, meds, an inspirational poem, whatever it takes.

                      Each toolbox would be slightly different- but many would contain some of the same tools. A bit like a plumber's toolbox I guess!

                      I read Allen's book, and while much of it resonated with me there were a few things that did not, but I too would recommend it to everyone in their fight against the beast.

                      Glad you are back here, as for your GF maybe you should just be honest with her- tell her what you want to acheive and why, and maybe she could also try to abstain while she was in your company? Just a suggestion, not one likely to be well received, I agree

                      Please keep posting!


                        I'd like to come back to MWO

                        Welcome Joe! You came back and we are glad you are here. I know all about the "siren song" of that big ol box of wine. I am day 9 AF and did not think I coud do it. I couldn't have without the people on this site. Jump in and join us - we are all at different levels of struggle...but we ALL know that we need to fight this beast. The support of these wonderful people is amazing. Happy thoughts coming your way...oh, and sorry you have to deal with the PMS women can be BEARS. My poor husband has two of us to deal with at one time (and two more in a few years). I feel for you, but don't run to the bottle (or box) - being hungover and having to deal with evil PMSing women is really nasty! (Or so my hubby says!) lol

                        Take care

                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          I'd like to come back to MWO

                          welcom,joe,they must of made an impression 8 months ago,your back and thts great news,and as far as the book thats even better,i mite byit up,you can almost do any thing you want here ,but dont put anyone down,thats why were all here to be cosoled,cuddled ,of couse in a freindly way,this site to me is to build people morels again so we can try to function in this crasy world , welcom and as far as the feelings its called withdrarwl ,and thats ok weve all been ther gyco


                            I'd like to come back to MWO

                            No sticks here! You are facing up to your problem - good for you. I too quit with the help of both Allan Carr's book and the MWO book. I believe his book really helped me strengthen my resolve to quit, and RJ's book with this site taught that there are others like me, who offer free and unending support. I just need to put the time into it, be open to learning. Please do keep coming here.

                            You may need to re-evaluate your relationship with your girlfriend, especially if she drinks to excess. There is a thread "Spouses who Drink" that has some very interesting stories about lives that are intertwined with alcohol. My husband has a glass or two of wine on most days. He really doesn't understand why I don't just stop drinking like him, but he is very supportive in my recent efforts and my coming here.

                            You might want to join one of the groups: IndianaMike has invited you to post with the Firecrackers - that's where I started out last winter. There is another called Newbies Nest. Or just keep posting on this New Joe thread and people will be there to help you. You just can't go wrong!
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              I'd like to come back to MWO


                              A big hearty :welcome: from me, too.

                              You should be on day 4 now as I type this and trust me you are going through the days that are foggy, emotional roller coaster, etc. By day 10, ALL the physical symptoms are gone and your body it starting to feel wonderful!!

                              Hang on for the roller coaster ride.

                              After that, it is the emotional stuff. Our internal brain, the one that thinks about food, sex, etc, has gotten used to alcohol and thinks it is an important part of our living. Our thinking brain knows better. Relapse is caused by giving into the internal brain. So, pamper yourself, remember HALT. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Try to avoid those and it makes telling that internal brain shut up much easier.

                              As time goes by, remember Alan's advice. Just brush it off your shoulder. You are a non-drinker now.

                              Eventually the internal brain figures out it is not going to get the alcohol and each day its urgings get weaker and weaker.

                              I understand for some that the urgings come back every once in a while, even over long periods of sobriety, but the brushing it off gets very easy.

                              So, let's go on this journey together. My new life began again on Aug 11. I am a non-drinker too and so glad for it!!

                              AF April 9, 2016

