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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Morning, recycle bugs! :H I've made deposits in every dumpster in the neighborhood. Car washes were my favorite. :H:H

    Wow, yesterday was busy. Ended at GF house where the 2 were drinking and I didn't have the slightest urge. I was even offered an alternative - some flavored sparkling water that I like but I was fine and didn't even need something in my hand. Rather nice feeling, considering I have slept on both of their couches numerous times in the past.

    Today it is my turn to wait for the TV people this afternoon. I hate that, but you're really at their mercy. Maybe I'll force myself to look at the employment ads. Yikes! Or work on my lawyer's paperwork "do list". Or maybe relax and read - I'm reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. going to try to squeeeze in a massage this AM if I can.

    Have a good day and laugh at least once.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Thursday

    The sailing seasons smells are comming

    Hi all ODATerms,
    The smells are comming I' ve got the boat out and scrubbing it down its a bit weird though its like scrubbing tonights spagetthi Marina off!!!!!! I love sea food HAAA. Any way new job took the plunge after 15 years start first October 24 days no drink!!!!!! feel quite weird actually!!!! feel good :H remember recycle bugs! you buggers


      ODAT - Thursday

      Captn --- nothing can match the smell of the sea! I'll bet you're happy to be working on the boat. We used to own a large motor yacht many years ago, but the best times I had was on my friends husband's sailing yacht, when we had a 10 day sail out of Auckland. 3 adults and 3 kids ---- from one deserted island anchorage to another with fine weather. It was a trip I'll always remember fondly. These friends now live in Sydney and I was visiting for 5 weeks this past February. Did a couple of day sails and one 3 day one into Sydney Harbour. Wasn't quite the same as the deserted islands of New Zealand, but still lovely to be on the water with the sails up.


        ODAT - Thursday

        Hey Good Morning !
        Everyone sounds pretty chipper for this Thursday!
        I'm feeling good at day 4 AF and am off to volunteer at the local library garden and then to my aunties for her 79th birthday!! I'm going to defrag her computer for her. It's running slooooowwwww....probably all the jokes she downloads!!! :H
        Hope everyone has a great day and I hope you will all meet the goals you set for yourself. Peace and Love
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hey guys,

          I"ve been really busy lately at work so haven't been checking in as much. Going away for the weekend so trying to get everything accomplished before I go.

          Been moderating well and going to jump on the AF Sept. bandwagon.

          Hope everyone meets their goals today!

          Love and hugs,
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT - Thursday

            Hello All - day 9 for me today and feel great. Hope all are well.
            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hi Everyone,
              I guess 4 out of 7 of us who have posted today will be celebrating Labor Day this weekend. Many get three days off in a row...I will be one of those people. I have been AF for 24 days, but I've been very lazy and slug-like. I hope to do some exercise this weekend AND whip my filthy house intp shape. I need to get some blood moving through my veins. Anyone else have fun plans for the weekend??? kriger
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hello from Ripples!!!


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Hello all Thurday ODATs,

                  Thank you Miss Greenie for starting the day off so well. Went to the recycling center myself today - it's a regular Thursday thing. Getting ready for the Labor Day weekend - going to Virginia to visit my parents. It was either that, or they were going to come for an entire week at Thanksgiving. So, it's Virginia for 3 days. Will be nice to see their new apartment, though will be a challenge to go extreme mod on the booze. The revered "cocktail hour" is a national holiday - daily - at my folks. And I wonder why I have such issues with AL . . . I'll be thinking of all of you while there. What would the Cap'n. do? What would Greenie say? I can hear One2Many cracking a joke and Cindi and Nancy giving me wise counsel. Thank you all - am feeling very strong as I embark on the journey to the folks . . .



                    ODAT - Thursday

                    Hi Everyone
                    Decided to join you! Today is day 14 for me!'
                    The longest I've had in a very looong time.
                    I feel great and life is good! I'm off to my Son's
                    School to plant native trees to make up for the
                    ones the developers decimated when they
                    created our lovely suburb by the sea!!!
                    Damn Capn...I love seafood's going
                    to be on my mind all day now!!
                    Good day to all Pan

