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    I am here

    Hi all,

    Tonight I'll be attending my sister birthday.... She invite me!

    It's my 45 AF today. I still remember when the first time here I were so sad coz my sister mad at me due the ashamed thing I had done when I drunk. At my very down moment I found this site, got your support and being AF since then.

    Maybe I am the lucky one because I still can have my good relationship with my sister back. But without your support I think I am unable to be so strong to fight with my love for AL.

    I will continue to be AF. :thanks:

    I am here

    Congrats on 45 AF Suez, have a good time at the party
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      I am here


      One of the things I HATE about my own brain, is when I'm feeling down, it brings up the "Top 10 Embarrassing moments of my life".

      Your sister is family, so I hope you have fun. Siblings have a capability of both enhancing and detracting from each other's lives, simultaneously. It's meant to be a sport, for fun, hopefully. Don't let it get you down.

      Congrats at going AF. Write down a list about AL and keep it onhand. The whole concept that you have natural sleep, and natural body chemistry makes you the envy of this forum. Sister Shmister. Do it for yourself, and don't make excuses.


        I am here

        hi suez, :goodjob:

        Just like to say well done 45 days glad you still have a good relationship with your sister enjoy your sisters birthday.

        Take care

        family is everything to me


          I am here

          hi sue,congrats on the 45 days,be strong for yourself,weve all have had imbarassing moments i no i have,what ever ive lerned over the last ten months is have a back up plan,just in case the temptaion gets to great,but have fun gyco


            I am here

            Congratulations on 45 days! You have determination and will continue to succeed.

            Ah, sisters. I have just one, 3 brothers. Sibling interactions really are a mixed blessing, in my experience: truly the best and worst of everything, all mixed up together. I hate how some of them keep telling me how to run my life, yet theirs is way more messed up than mine.

            Keep up your self-respect. You are a good, strong person, who has made mistakes like everyone else. You have made a huge improvement by getting AL out of your life.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              I am here

              Well done Suez!

              45 days is great!

              Have a fantastic party! I bet your sister has done stuff in her time too, don't worry


                I am here

                Hi all,
                Thank you for your support (again ). The birthday party was great and last night I was attended a farewell party to. But the greatest thing not the party but it is I was able to stay AF and smoke free for those two parties with everyone's drinking around me. Sure that I am soooooo proud of myself...

                Love you all:h


                  I am here

                  Yay!!!!!!!!!! Great job suez :goodjob:
                  Bet you feel on top of the world
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    I am here

                    Congrats on your 45 days AF! Super accomplishment. And to a successful evening without AL!
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

