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I want to try again

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    I want to try again

    I did so damn well....13 days...I just need to find the balls/guts/strength to do it is so easy to fall back into bad patterns, bad habits...I hate being stuck in my bad habits...lazy, unmotivated habits...sobriety IS work...I did it once...I can do it again...I CAN

    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

    I want to try again

    ok, I won't lie...I need some woop-woop.some back up...I know it is here...make me accountable for every day, guys...I need HELP...
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      I want to try again

      Yes you did do so Damn well. and you will do so damn well again. Im going to try yet again too. so ill be right here next to you holding your hand.

      we cant just fail hey. got to keep getting back up and brushing our selfs off and go again.

      Its weird how theres just some things that tempt us to drink even after time of drinking. its kinda annoying hey..

      all the best Kim


      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


        I want to try again

        Keeta you are stronger for having done it.

        Focus on the good part. Make a list. Really write it down. How better did you feel. Why did you do it?

        AL is a chem issue battling your brain. Think of it like a movie, where bad pirates are trying to take over your ship.

        What you need are good pirates to do the movie thing and make the bad pirates go away.

        You got to AL free for 13 days. Woowoo! Do you know you are among the 90th percent among us newbies, and we ENVY you, and worship every part of your body.

        Please bask in our glory.

        What can be won before, is more easily won again. It will be easier to do it again.

        Keep that in mind.


          I want to try again

          Hey Karl,

          YES...we will always get up and dust ourselves off...every day, every hour, every second CAN be a new beginning...a new choice, to do better..NO failing, bud.
          And yes...I hate that a cagey bastard...tricking us into believing he won't fuck our lives up...but he does every damn time...but still I go back...DUMB ASS me.......

          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            I want to try again

            Boss Man,

            You are SO right, and I know it...BUT, I still can't seem to make myself take the right steps....AL is definately a chemical...and my brain wants it...I have to be stronger...smarter...and frankly if there are pirtates, I want a sword!

            What I hate the most is that I know I CAN do it...but I can't seem to get my ass in gear, and "get'r'done"

            To stop talking about what I want and make it happen. I am sick of being all talk and no action.

            Back up my bullshit.....
            Kick Al's Ass...You are helping me do that...thank you
            strength in numbers...he can't beat us all.. fucker
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              I want to try again

              OMG...Karl...I had no idea you had a post...going to read it now...are you OK?
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                I want to try again

                Oddly, I was going to post looking for you and here you are! 13 days is great! And you CAN do it. Did you figure out why you decided to drink so maybe you can recognize it and avoid it next time? Got a plan for the weekend? Some alternative fun stuff to drink?

                One2many's Sept 1 join is a real good idea. You can use this weekend as a head start!

                WOOP - WOOP!!!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  I want to try again


                  Boy do I know about the voice telling me it is okay to have just one. Too bad I never have just one. Actually one is sheer torture, two only takes the edge off and after two, I am well on my way to drunk.

                  I am now approaching 3 weeks with the help of my army friends.

                  I am taking Antabuse to make drinking not an option and it lets me laugh at that voice. :H:H

                  You can do this, Kim, if you really want to.

                  Just tell that voice to f* off!! He goes away, comes back, goes away, and the urges start coming less and less often.

                  It is a fight for our lives and we must win. Join us on the Army thread. We will help you march to your sane voice and learn to ignore that idiot drink voice!!

                  On top of that, they are all crazies over there and you end up laughing so much you forget about that voice. Laughter truly is the best medicine!!

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    I want to try again

                    Hi Keeta,
                    I've "seen" you around the boards. I've been hanging out here since February, because I feel I am still learning about my long-standing relationship with alcohol. I have many things I enjoy doing in life: gardening, reading, quilting in winter, group singing, working with church committees, swimming, bicycling, etc. etc. etc. Yet, I am still learning how to structure my free time without alcohol. People here talk a lot about beating the beast, but not as much about the need to learn new habits. For me, the habits is the big issue. So keep coming back. Reading and posting here is definitely one of my new habits.
                    My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                      I want to try again

                      I'm soooo glad you're starting again. It is hard but it's soo worth it. Remember that feeling waking up and not feeling crap and the proud feeling of not drinking... You'll get all that back!! You can do it!!! We're all backing you!

                      I did 9 days and the i slipped. As i was buying drink i remembered how i was slipping back into the person i hated. So today is back to day AF 1 for me as well!!!

                      You can do this!!!!! Let us know how you're doing. Keep posting!


                        I want to try again

                        You jumped back on that horse; that is the main thing. You did not give up!!! Greeneyes said it-Make a plan and find an alternative drink (mine is lemon water w/ lots of ice). Avoid triggers and by all means, join the Army Sept 1st. It sounds so easy but all of us here knows what a struggle it is, but it is SO worth it. You will see in a few short days, Kim. Have a great weekend!! Kriger
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                          I want to try again

                          Keeta!!! So glad to see you!! 13 days is AWESOME .. I wish I could claim that much. But I am right beside you and I am going to take my life back. September is my month .... we'll get thru it together. :l:l
                          Kriger, what is lemon water exactly? Just water with lemons in it ? Lemon-flavored water?
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            I want to try again

                            Hi Keeta,

                            I don't know you yet, but here's a little "woop-woop" from Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            You can do it!
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                              I want to try again

                              Keeta, welcome back! I caved at 14 days earlier this week. I guess I am like a Timex watch...LOL!! Please stick with us!
                              LTG AF January 13, 2011

