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Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

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    Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

    Had a frustrating day and bought a pack. Oddly, I didn't have urge to drink, so I guess I should be thankful for that...

    I was just about to go into Day 4 of quitting smoking - and ONE big frustration today, and POOF.

    I will (WILL) start my quit After this pack is done... (Don't tell me to throw out, pls!)

    Not sure what I expect people to respond. Just felt like writing this down.

    "I'll be better... as soon as I am Able!"
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

    One - Well, I've read SO much about quitting. Even quit for about 5 months a few years ago. Quit for 3 weeks a month or so ago...

    But it's a lot like quitting drinking (only worse, I think, since I've been able to have a drink without wanting more...). With cigs, if I have ONE... well, I'm back smoking. Just no excuse - except WEAKNESS. Nicotine definitely has a stronger hold on me than alcohol.

    If ONLY they'd invent a pill that you could take that would just make you not even Think about cigs!!

    (But if everyone quit smoking, who'd pay all those taxes??)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

      Hey, Giving up smoking and drinking... WOW! You are one strong person. You're not made of stone, you're human, We all make mistakes and we all get weak. The thing to remember is that you're really trying to quit and better your life and health so finish your pack (i'll not say throw them out *lol*) and stop again!
      Stay strong!!! We're here for you!
      Good luck!


        Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

        I finally gave up smoking but it took me many many attempts.

        For some reason days 4 and 5 seemed to be the worse for me. I cannot remember how many times I would stop only to start again on day 4 or 5.

        It also takes 48 - 72 hours for nicotine to leave the body- I think those days are hard because the addiction is physically dying (the mental part of it can take a little longer) but physically after 4-6 days you are done.

        A friend of mine recently stopped with champix (think it is called campix in the US?) A pill that somehow puts you of smoking.


          Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

          my daughter and another friend has great success with Chantix. Can have side effects if you're sensitive but they both said it was a miracle.


            Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

            I think (not 100% sure) my friend got it of her doc in the UK- you can also get it online.

            If I had to give up again, I think that would be the route I'd take


              Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

              Marbella - I've heard that Chantix can be good, but it's Very expensive! And I'm unemployed...

              I may buy nic gum at some point. That's worked pretty well in past for me.

              Hope you all are having better day than I am - I seem to have lost my wallet!! Hoping someone found it & will call or something... Bother!!
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

                That's ok . one problem at a time ! Ha! IAD.
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

                  IAD;396083 wrote: That's ok . one problem at a time ! Ha! IAD.
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

                    I used chantix and it worked great. When I ran out I was down to maybe 1 dip a day and figured I could just quit...BOOM back up to a can a day.


                      Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

                      Hi Savon, I use the gum and afraid to say I have done for a long time. I am like a cow chewing cud :H But at least I am not smoking....
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Still not drinking... but blew my smoke quit!!

                        smokin like drinkin is a tuff one and an addiction good luck to you gyco

