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Getting on Board

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    Getting on Board

    Hello to everyone. I'm new here. I just got the book and I am going to order the CD's and Vits. Any feedback will be helpful. Are the CD's really going to help? I would like to say that I am going to try to have a sober September. Sounds like a good idea and I will try to at least get through the weekend. Baby steps..there is a lot to learn and read! I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. :new:

    Everything I need is within me!

    Getting on Board

    Welcome. I haven't tried the CD's but the book and supps helped me a lot.


      Getting on Board

      Welcom Brightlite,
      I love the cds, for me they are wonderful. A restful inspiring place I look forward to going to. Welcome and good luck to you.
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Getting on Board

        Welcome brightlight. It's tough to change old habits. Let's work together to do it.


          Getting on Board

          :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv: just do your best ..stay strong and think positive ..
          good luck
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Getting on Board

            Hello Brightlite :welcome:

            I can totally identify with the feeling of sick and tired of being sick and tired, gosh it's such an awful feeling. However, it's been my experience that the more days I can accomplish not drinking, the sick and tired feeling subsides. I can't even begin to tell you how bad I was just five days ago:upset:, sheesh ONCE AGAIN convincing myself that I can drink and had ONCE AGAIN fallen off track of my life's path that I had been working so hard for before I took that drink. Luckily, nothing too major happen but to me, I knew what I had done was wrong and this is not something that I should gamble with. The "sick and tired" part of it is that I keep doing it and when will I learn, which I am sure some people here, if not, everyone can understand. You are not alone and this site is a great way of having the wonderful support you need. Try your hardest to not beat yourself up about this because it's just useless negative blah and it just MIGHT convince your mind to say " Oh whatever" and drink again (that's what I did). Never breaking the cycle, so in order to break that cycle I TRY to change my thinking. I show some compassion towards myself, I am aware that I have an issue with alcohol and gosh I feel bad for the horrible things that I did when drinking but I am willing to do whatever it takes to be resolved of this beast (that being alcohol).

            In conclusion Brightlight, take all the advice from people here and one that I would like to add is exercise, it really has helped me out alot and read the posts here. Keep us posted of your progress good or bad because one reason why I do stay with this site is no one judges you. We all have an "avenue" of where we want to be with our drinking issue, some people it's moderation and others it's abstinence. I am not quite sure where my "avenue" is or maybe I do and am in denial of it. Once again, to me that's just wasted negative blah to be thinking like that right now and I am just happy for not drinking today

            I hope this helps and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

            Big hugs,
            Janet :h
            AF Since May 2nd 2012


              Getting on Board

              Hey Hun!
              I got all the supplements and they have helped me soooo much!! I haven't got the cds.
              Welcome to this site. It's such an amazing place and we're all here to support you. We've all got sick and tired of being sick and tired and drunk!
              Good luck!! Keep posting!


                Getting on Board

                Hi Bright, welcome to you.
                I use the supps and the support from here. It has been a miracle for me.
                Stay close, we can all do this.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Getting on Board

                  Hi Bright and welcome-

                  I tried to stop many many times over the last 10 years (I have drunk for a lot longer) and never usually lasted longer than a few days.

                  Last year after a particularly bad binge I went 24 days, but did not feel the effort I was putting in was 'worth it' so I just started drinking again.

                  This time however I feel different and I really feel it is 'worth it'.

                  I have changed the way I see alcohol- before I saw myself as a weak pathetic alcoholic who needed alcohol to get through life.

                  Now I see myself as a normal human being who got sucked into the alcohol trap at a very young age, through no real fault of her own- I just fell prey to million dollar advertising campaigns (that incidently I had been exposed to since birth) a natural feeling of wanting to keep up with my teenage peers and a few years later became an even bigger victim when I moved to Spain and began working in the tourist industry where it is expected you drink. (To this day I know of employers who won't employ young people who don't drink:upset: )

                  By this I do not mean to say 'They did it to me' as though I had nothing to do with it, but I do mean to say it is easy to see how I got sucked into Al's (Alcohol's) clutches- it has nothing to do with me being a flawed person, but it has everything to do with taking a poisonous addictive drug that soon had me addicted and made me feel like I had nothing to live for.

                  Once I had changed my thinking this way, and seeing alcohol as a real physical enemy that must be fought off at all costs- just as I would fight an intruder in my house who was going to kill me) making the decision to stop became MUCH easier.

                  At the moment I am on antabuse (It's another weapon in my armory- stock up with as many weapons as you can) but my mindset has changed. I have had antabuse tablets in my cabinet for years but if I ever used them before it would only be one or two tabs, then I'd think "Oh, I'll be able to drink one or two now and the whole sorry thing would start again.

                  I think it is very important to get yourself in the right mindset before you start.

                  Wishing you the best of luck.


                    Getting on Board

                    Hi Brightlite, good to have you on board. I'm aiming to have an alcohol free September too!
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      Getting on Board

                      Welcome Brightlight - I love this place and the people are amazing. I still have to order the CDs (a little pricey for me right now) but I have been taking the supplements and have been posting alot - I have been successfully AF for 11 days now. I was a big wino. Having it out of the house is key and I am feeling better all the time. If I could get my ass on the treadmill, that would be better, but one step at a time. We're glad you are here. It is hard to stay AF, but well worth the outcome. Good luck to you!

                      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                        Getting on Board

                        hi brightlite,lots of support here,remember focus on today is the main thing,all the other days are over and tomorrow hasnt come hope that helps,there is a poem out there,yestrday,today and tomorrow ,it is on the net have a great DAY gyco


                          Getting on Board

                          Good morning to everyone, Wow what a welcome. I have been struggling for years and unfortunately cannot go to Day 3 without buying a bottle of wine. Now, I'm afraid to go to social events with drinks because I might have one or two there and then more at home, weekend, doesn't matter. I really don't want to be the person that I have become. I've read about some of the drugs and had no idea that you could order them online. I am a single 46 yr old and self employed. I pay for my own insurance and if I go to a doctor right now I afraid the stigma of alcoholic or requiring meds for acoholism with make my insurance go throught the roof. Anyway, I am ordering the topomax online and along with the CD's and suppliments I hoping to get a few days, weeks, months under my belt. I know it is a battle, but reading through many posts, I know it gets better, easier with time. No alcohol in the house, no seeing my friends who like to drink wine. It's like I will have to confine myself for a while. I am going to visit my daughter next weekend at college and I want to be looking better and feeling better and not want to have to pick up a bottle of wine. Thats my goal for now.

                          I'm glad we have this board to talk to each other and give each other encouragement and support. I'm not the type to go to meetings and bear all to a group of strangers. Thanks all for your kind words.

                          Everything I need is within me!


                            Getting on Board

                            Glad to hear you are feeling better and thank you for posting your message. Your post hit home for me in knowing that I too, am not alone in this. It's a tough battle and like one person here mentioned, do whatever you have to do in preparing for it. If it's the supplements, the CD's or exercise, do whatever you have to do in keeping this "intruder" out (can't remember who wrote this, but it's a great way at looking at it).

                            Good luck and I look forward to reading your progress, again good or bad makes no difference to me nor anyone here. What's important is you and work on changing your way of thinking about your issue with drinking. "Mind over matter" is what I tell myself and it really helps me out alot. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! YOU A GOOD PERSON! STAY STRONG!

                            Big hugs,
                            AF Since May 2nd 2012

