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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    Me - 42 female...for a few more weeks (the age part, I think I'll stay female for awhile)
    Married 8 years to a wonderful man (truly)
    3 unbelievable kids - 8, 5, 3
    Work full time in technology; am able to work from home a lot which helps
    Started drinking at 13(?).
    My pattern: 3/4 a bottle of wine a night after the kids go to bed...
    Started MWO in January 08. Stopped end of May 08...started again yesterday.
    Beginning of my new Day 2. No hangover today and very happy : ).


      Who are you people?

      Hi all,

      45 years old. Female. Recently seperated. Just moved into new place hence I haven't been on for a while. Struggling with the cravings but understandable with my circumstances at the moment. Work full time as a secretary with NHS. No children.
      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        Who are you people?

        I'm a 40 yr old mother of 2 - 14 yr old daughter, 13 yr old son
        Was married for 14 yrs - been divorced for almost 2 yrs
        Drinking habits - used to be a moderator - I have progressively become a drinker that cannot stop at 2 drinks. When I drink - its to the point of drunkeness - typically 1.5 bottles of wine - sometimes more.
        I have had some successful "stretches" of being AF - however, have been falling down some lately.
        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


          Who are you people?

          Hi tea, what's NHS? :question: Nice to meet you!

          Hey spirit, we sound in about the same boat except I'm married. Not happily married, tho :upset:

          It's nice to meet new friends :l
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Who are you people?

            So glad you asked this....I've been wanting to know some of this basic info too!
            I'm 31, divorced, single mom of an 8 year old amazing daughte
            Corporate Process Manager...a gig that I love and company I've been with for 8 yrs.
            1 crazy pup named Lulu
            Love to cook
            Currently trying to explore life, the arts, and nature...sober.


              Who are you people?

              This is my first post. Ordered the book and Kudzu last night. See my Doc on the 21st to get my Rx for Topomax.
              I'm a 33 yr old nurse
              14 yr old son from first marraige to an alcoholic (divorced 5 yrs)
              3 yr old son from second relationship and we're still together (he doesn't drink)
              Hobbies: reading, TV, computer, Scentsy candles
              I love the ocean and taking trips anywhere with my family
              I'm going to try to make tonight my first AF night in over 2 years. Wish me luck!:new:


                Who are you people?

                Hi help!

                Good luck with your first AL night and welcome! :welcome:

                I think you'll find the book and Kudzu VERY helpful, I know I did.

                We have a lot in common: reading, TV, computer, scentsy candles (right
                now I have this cool spice one 'cause it was on sale, LOL. I love the lake
                and taking trips anywhere with my family, too! :l
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Who are you people?

                  Hi AK I am an Illinois Grandmom - 53, and should be living the perfect forever happily after life. But as you can see, I hit a few speed bumps and am changing course hopefully into a better direction
                  Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                  And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                  • Yesterday is History
                    Today is a Mystery
                    Tomorrow is a GIFT


                    Who are you people?

                    Hello Again

                    Hi ak: I think I'm staring to get the hang of this. as you can see I found the blut tab..HA HA

                    I'm 45 Married

                    3 children 16, 13, 8

                    Read MWO back in June. Love red wine can and do drink about a bottle a night (or more) and want to moderate. I just have a hard time doing that. I'm ordering the cd's & vitamins and hope this helps.

                    I am the book. Everything she talks about is so me! I would love to just have 1 or 2 glasses a night. Hoping this will help. Thanks for letting me vent:upset:


                      Who are you people?

                      Autumn, I knew you'd get the hang of it !!

                      dlp - welcome, a new direction...I like how you put that.

                      Good luck to all newbies and Welcome
                      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                        Who are you people?

                        Is NHS the National Health Service in UK?

                        Ok here I go:

                        I am 42, married, have a 2 year old son and a 17 year old stepson. I love to cook and consider myself a foodie. I drink beer and wine and so does hubby. I would like to moderate. I had some AF time over the summer but have not been doing so well lately.


                          Who are you people?

                          Hey CS - I too had a less than stellar summer, BUT, at least we are still coming back here. Still trying - keep it up!!
                          xoxo Peanut


                            Who are you people?



                              Who are you people?

                              This is me right now

                              I'm 46, a mom of three - one out of the house and two teenagers, and I'm married. My husband is disabled and I can't talk to him - he does not communicate like we might consider to be normal. My Dad's 84 and has been going through chemo for melanoma (about 8 months now) that's spread throughout his body and he is now trying an experimental drug. I have a job, but have gotten way behind. In forebearance on my house right now and hoping to keep it. I like to sleep a lot and am tired most of the time. Drink a bottle of wine a night or half a pint of hard A. Also, take valium in various amounts. I'm still doing well at work although I don't even know how. I'm obviously depressed. Sleeping is my favorite thing, getting up in the morning my least. I can't stop the drugs and alcohol because that's all that makes me feel okay for a while in the evening and to be able to tolerate my life. It's day-to-day for me trying to keep the family happy. I thought I was a smart person and people tell me I'm smart. The name I chose - density comes from my mom telling me I was dense since I was little. And, I'm obviously selfish for taking up so much time whining about myself. Mom's passed away, December 21, 2006 and things have gone down hill since then. Just looking for a break and maybe someone to help me not be so pathetic.


                                Who are you people?

                                Your not pathetic and you have come to the right place. Stick around, see what you think. We are here to help.

                                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

