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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    Im a 41 yr old single mother of one. Just finished law school. Been a binge drinker for last 15 yrs, so can go for days with no alcohol, and then, 2 glasses is all it takes.


      Who are you people?

      Hey Density
      you can change your name by going into the user CP tab, top left.
      Im just glad there are people here to talk to, I feel so guilty all the time-kills me. does everyone have the punishing internal dialogue ? stupid question, I suspect


        Who are you people?

        Dear Life is Beautiful, I have had a lot of punishing dialogue with myself on a daily basis, I even come up with songs - something like jingles about what a piece of .... I am and a lot worse. I am new here, but I think just sticking around and talking to people and looking for opportunity is good. Just hold on to every positive you get each day and try to slowly push out the negative. Don't give up. It may take a while, but don't ever give up. Think about what makes you happy, if you can and start doing those things.


          Who are you people?

          Hi Destiny
          thanks for the advice. I think for me just the sheer fact of being on here and talking is a really positive step for me-No-one in my life knows the extent of my drinking(I dont think) so to open up about it is an opportunity for change


            Who are you people?

            40 year old (eek and how did that happen) going through major mid life crisis
            2 girls - 13 and 9 years old
            Married 14 years and now on my 2nd 7 year itch
            1 Gorgeous Pyrenean Mountain Dog
            IT & Project Mgt Specialist(SAP)/web designer
            Girls football (soccer) team manager
            I love red wine ( 2 bottle a day girl) hoping to moderate by being AF in week


              Who are you people?

              Hi life
              Dont worry we have all been there. I think this program is great - I was binge drinker too like you and I have managed to get a handle on in by giving the program a go (fully). You should start by reading the book and then get yourself a plan and then you will be ready to roll. If I can help feel free to PM me.


                Who are you people?

                Cheeks100 - Just wondering how you go from 2 bottles of day (red wine) to AF in a week? I'm not judging and I drink wine nearly every day - not two bottles, but one and I can't fathom just quiting in a week. Sometimes I am lucky and don't drink for a day or two and I feel great, but then I revert back to drinking anyway despite the health issues. I wish I could just say that's it and stop - I have received some good advice from people here for avenues, speakers and groups and I am going to try the best I can. I believe that it's possible and I wish you the best of luck. I have three kids, two girls - 23 and 17 and a boy, 15. the 17 year old I wanted to kill her first year of highschool, going from a 4.0 student to a .9 gpa, drugs, alcohol and skipping school most of the first month. Since then, a drug overdose and trying admit to Childrens hospital for suicide. So, maybe we should chat or something and try to work through this together?????


                  Who are you people?

                  Hi to all you newbies and welcome.

                  Interesting comment Destiny - how to go from 2 bottles a day to AF. I think alot of people do it, very quickly - may fall and slip a few times, but it is possible. I know I went from minimum a litre a day to zero back in May. I had all the tools from this site all lined up, supps, CD's, this forum, (not topa) then took the plunge. It was hard - harder than anything I've ever done, and it lasted a total of 9 days before I fell, but I tried again. After a while, it got a little easier, and I achieved 33 days AF with the help of topamax. I am now trying again, ODAT, with hopes for moderation. So it is possible, although withdrawl is a big issue for some, manageable for others. Will power plus these tools really, really help! (Plus an understanding, tolerant family!!!) I know life can be tough - I also have 3 kids 17, 19 and 21 and my middle daughter put us through hell (close to the same situation as yours). My biggest regret is that I didn't stay sober during all that strife - I may have been able to handle it and help her better!
                  Talk soon!


                    Who are you people?

                    Thanks for that

                    Just wanted to say that I am hopeful now because I didn't think it was possible to just quit like that - thanks for letting me know that.


                      Who are you people?

                      To Cheeks, DB & Peanut,
                      I'm not an alcohol counselor so forgive me if I say the wrong thing but wanted to comment that Cheeks didn't say she was able to go from 2 bottles of wine a day to AF - she stated it was her goal. Second, if she was able to do that I think it would depend on how long she had been drinking that way to prevent from going into full blown dt's. Dt's usually happen 3 days after a hard core drinker quits drinking. Supervised programs can certainly help the process (think they give ativan - anti-anxiety type drugs) but some people can get through the process on their own (feel like they have the flu and feel pretty crappy) but can physically do it.
                      Don't want to change the ending of my signature but feel it's not appropriate with this forum so forgive me. I have been able to moderate since 9/2/8 but don't recommend it to everyone. There really are some people who have to go AF to make it. Good luck to all of you and to everyone else who posted here. Sometimes I just don't have time to read every post after the initial one or one on a certain page and yours on page 18 caught mine...blessings to all!
                      "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                      ~Jack Welsh~:h

                      God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                        Who are you people?

                        me -
                        42 married female
                        13 yr old stepson
                        Project Manager
                        and trying like hell to get it hobbies other than hanging with friends drinking...hmmm..thats gotta stop


                          Who are you people?

                          Welcome! Or is that Welcome back!!!
                          I see you were here back in may. You gonna give the program another go??


                            Who are you people?

                            Destiny Bloom and Eve11- It was a bit of a typo I meant to say i want to be AF on week days and just have a bottle of wine on a Friday or Saturday night. I have been drink 1-2 bottle of wine on weekdays and 3-4 bottles (or until pass out) at Weekends for years - 9 I think. Do you think I'll get DTs I have never had more than 2 days off alcohol in 9 years so if they start on day 3 I would have never know if going to get them. I didnt think I was that bad though - has anyone else drank that amount and not had DTs.

                            Thats the excuse I'm using to myself at the moment to have "just one drink" when trying to AF - that I shouldnt just quit- then I cant stop at one or 2 etc etc



                              Who are you people?

                              Me 40, married Dad. About to lose my family. Good job. Good house ... will probably lose that too. Because I can't stop drinking. Everywhere I get a chance. Life sucks.


                                Who are you people?

                                Bump, for the newbies
                                :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

