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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    57 yr old mum and grandmum (how did that happen?)
    married to mr. draggy for 28 years (second hubby)
    6 kids ranging between 37 and 18 years of age, 3 youngest are mr.draggy's and me, 26, 24 and 18
    6 grandchildren 17, 16, 15, 7, 4 and three
    i like mwo, reading, computer, walking on the beach, sitting in the sun in the garden, travelling and a whole lot more.
    picked my name dragonfly cause i was born in the year of the dragon according to the chinese calender but thought that just dragon was to fierce.
    oh, and i havent worked for the last 6 years apart from being a babysit granny
    life is simple its just not easy


      Who are you people?

      Sorry AKgirl. Didn't mean to say welcome. Just meant to post my stats! I have been around about a year also. Post sporadically. But, thanks for the welcome also. Good thread you started! Nice to be here and thanks for having me!


        Who are you people?

        just turned 40
        married 12 yrs,no kiddies
        vet for the last 17 yrs which I despise
        loves : my 2 Quarterhorses,my dogs,my lovebird Lentl,my husband when he's not annoying me,cooking,all sorts of cheese,singing in the car (the shower is SO 90's!),Thailand,sunshine.
        loathes : offal,obnoxious people,mushrooms,most sports,blowflies,the smell of cigarrette smoke,my husband when he's watching sports,the telephone ringing.
        Keep it coming guys I love this thread....


          Who are you people?

          I'm 45.
          I have three sons, ages 6, 7 and 10. I adore them, but they're a huge handful!
          I'm in a difficult, complicated marriage, and don't know where that's going...It makes me ache.
          I'm a social worker/psychotherapist...very good at helping others; not so good at helping myself.
          I waver between moderation and abstinence as my goals.
          I never drank a very large amount...Typically 2 - 4 glasses of wine. But I drank for all the wrong reasons, and my life suffered for it. I use alcohol to change my moods, and I don't want to do that anymore.
          That's me.
          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


            Who are you people?

            hey sarasmiles nice to meet you.
            ironic isn't it when we who are supposed to be "professionals" are still battling this silly affliction.....
            dunno about you,but I don't think many people would like an alcoholic vet to operate on Fido :H:H


              Who are you people?

              I agree with Beagle - great thread to get to know a little bit about others in the community

              Just about to hit the big 50
              Married 32 years
              2 grown up married sons
              2 dogs
              Not working for money but do a lot of voluntary stuff
              Minnie x

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending - make yours a happy every after :l

              Sober since 4 November :fingers:


                Who are you people?

                Well, I'm a 44 year young woman.

                2 wonderful boys 14 and 16

                Had been married for 17 yrs, separated for 10

                Started drinking pretty much then, very hard last 6 yrs,
                and especially hard last 5 months..until 13 days ago

                Current b/f of 8 yrs-how DOES he put up with me??

                I love gardening, reading (Allen Carr-The Only Way To Stop Smoking
                Permanently is what I am currently reading) sailing, aerial sports

                I've always been in Retail Management, between jobs right now

                Currently living with a longtime friend for last 5 months,
                but hoping kids and I to be back on our own by years end.

                City slicker now living in a small small city :upset:

                Well, that's me in a nutshell. :H

                Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                Sir Walter Scott


                  Who are you people?

                  54 years old, not married, no kids, self employed, flaky, dreamy, hyper art person that likes to dance....... I have 3 cats and my best buddy and favorite dance partner, my Quarterhorse Seve.

                  Beagle, glad you've got two!
                  ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                  AUGUST 9, 2009


                    Who are you people?

                    hey dancelot - I love my 2 to bits - big brother & full little sister.great fun horses with the best attitude.Wouldn't have any other equine breed!


                      Who are you people?

                      Welcome to Cleveland

                      I am 43 (will turn 44 in January). I have a 3 year old, an 18 year old (technically he is my stepson, but since he is in my house, I gotta feed him [though I am lucky because he is a chef, he cooks excellent meals], a husband, a house, a job, another job (my home-based business)...did I forget anything?

                      Happy Fall, everyone, Stay warm.

                      p.s. Noelle, if you are out there, I miss you.


                        Who are you people?

                        wow CS04 - a chef is a great find in a stepson! My BIL is a chef but the bastard has never cooked for me! :H


                          Who are you people?

                          beagle;736886 wrote: hey sarasmiles nice to meet you.
                          ironic isn't it when we who are supposed to be "professionals" are still battling this silly affliction.....
                          dunno about you,but I don't think many people would like an alcoholic vet to operate on Fido :H:H
                          A scarier thought is an alcoholic surgeon operating on grandma. :wow:
                          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

                          ~Jack Welsh~:h

                          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


                            Who are you people?

                            I'm a window.

                            Private or not, anyone can look through me.

                            Windows let in, and let out.

                            I'm less than 50. Fit lately. Tiresome over some ... persons, I guess. Or the way they choose to react to things. I hate lacking control over that.


                              Who are you people?

                              I am 38, married for 12 years but dating the same man for over 29yrs! I have 3 daughters, 11, 9, and pride and joy. I am in retail, working 2 jobs. I had a dog and and cat and last week had to put my best friend of 12 1/2yrs down. I miss cat is trying to make me feel better.

                              I have had an issue with drink since preconception as my father and my grandfather were both alcoholics. It just became more apparent within the last 4 years.

                              I wish I enjoyed cooking and baking, but I don't! I like to entertain, if someone else looks after the actual 'hosting' part. I rather enjoy the socializing!

                              That's pretty much me in a in Canada and DESPISE winter!

                              My hobbies....travelling (I love the hot, sunny beach--live in Ontario Canada, not many good ones!) I love to read, relax with hot, and I mean HOT, baths. I enjoy my computer, and play baseball on a BEER league in the summer!
                              AF July 6 2014


                                Who are you people?

                                me ,I am 52 but fell 17 still, 6 kids 12 girls 32 and 25 eldest marriws for 10 years, going thru divorce, younger daughter, living with partner and 2 cats,
                                son's, 28, 21, 14 and 9,
                                eldest son works for my hubbie in telecoms, between a tiny town in Dorset where we live and the U.S and India, lives with his partner and 2 cats, 21 year old has downs and lives at home still at a college, 14 year old at boarding school and loving it, youngest still at prep school and hating it, he is an actor and model
                                i have been married for 32 years, love riding,my cats cooking
                                husband runs his own business, phew thats it i think

