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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    sorry loads of typos, i have 2 girls not 12, i love my husband as well as the cats!!


      Who are you people?

      What a great thread!
      I've just read all 20 odd pages to check that I've never posted and learnt so much about you guys.

      I'm 34
      Married for 15 years to my soul mate
      Teenage daughter of 14 -- I have the grey hair to prove it
      A boerbull named James who is the love of my life
      I am kinda self employed doing a job which I love and am very fortunate to be given the opportunity to do.
      I love cooking (and eating)
      I just can't seem to stick to any sort of formal exercise routine, which is a BIG issue for me
      I am questioning my goal to drink moderately.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Who are you people?

        wow tawny witch, your cats cooking?
        can you train my cat to do that?
        or did you mean you're cooking your cats?
        slightly confused :H:H:H
        life is simple its just not easy


          Who are you people?

          sorry, thats me when im sober !!lol. i love my cats and my husband and i love cooking , does that make more sense,lol


            Who are you people?

            got it the first time around, just thought i'd have a little fun with your typo's.
            maybe i should get a life :H
            life is simple its just not easy


              Who are you people?

              tawny! Oh my. 12 girls and cooking cats!

              That reminds me of a line from a really good female comedian:

              "My friend won't come over for dinner 'cause she's allergic to cats.
              Fine. I'll cook something else."
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Who are you people?

                I did post my info about a year ago, but why not do it again for all the goes.

                I'm 47 (eeek), single mom of 18yr old and 22yr old.
                I love Zumba (dancing), ice skating, walks in the woods...(kinda sounds like a dating site, lol)
                I like art (only now have taken up drawing, colored pencils, pastels) not good, but having fun with it.
                I have a sweet yorkie
                I'll be an empty nester as soon as daughter gets own apartment soon.
                I work in real estate, new homes, well ya know how that's been.
                I've been thinking about taking a class, art, photography or maybe something science based...I don't know I guess I'm a closet nerd!
                I live in a small but quaint town outside of the Washington DC metro area.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  Who are you people?

                  I'm 39,
                  just returned to this group,
                  I know I am about to be here alot more.

                  To others I am:
                  loyal, natural, patient, kind, giving, caring,
                  and in the past... fun, sensual,creative,productive,helpful,wise,free

                  To myself I am:
                  fearful, deceitful, unfair, unforgiving, scared, unworthy, lazy, time-waster, procrastinator, victim, non creative, prisoner

                  That's getting it out there...................


                    Who are you people?

                    Hi, all. I am a 49 y.o. Mom to daughter - 29, son-26 & son-15. Will be a 1st time GMom in January (daughter having a girl!). Full-time office manager for a home builder (hopefully will be building some homes soon.....), have toooo many pets - dogs, cats, chickens, goats. Thankful to be AF for 36 days but getting frustrated that husband is still drinking way too much every day. Glad that I have a place to go to escape - here with my "friends".
                    Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                      Who are you people?

                      I'm 37, single, no kids, left it a bit late now. I do have two very elderly dogs, they were on their last legs last year, don't know what they are using this year. I think they stick around as they like my cooking, but they are the only ones who do.
                      I work full time, and enjoy the work (if not the people all the time).
                      And yes - brightlite - this does feel abit like writing a lonely heart club entry.
                      I love reading and long walks in the country, although they get shorter and slower as the dogs get older.


                        Who are you people?

                        Hey all,
                        Hate to be the oldest, but I'm 59.
                        Mother of 3 boys, 27,26 and 24, all currently in southern California in grad school
                        Married 28 years
                        Working as a substitute teacher, after retiring from teaching last year (and loving the freedom of leaving with the kids when the bell rings)
                        Spend my time reading, fooling around on computer, gardening, cooking, hiking, running (doing a half marathon this Sunday), swimming, biking. Would rather be outside than in; rather hike up a mountain than do yoga.
                        Recently have begun meditating, going to dharma teachings at a local Buddhist center.
                        Tried AA and that just didn't work for me.
                        As for drinking, I've been at it since I was 14, sometimes heavily sometimes hardly at all. But over the past 3 to 4 years my drinking has really accelerated with some not too pleasant consequences.
                        So now once again I've quit, and for some reason I do feel like I will never, ever drink again this time.
                        As others have said, I love this thread too. Glad to see it back, up and running.


                          Who are you people?

                          Hey all...

                          Hi Folks,

                          I'm a (just turned) 30 year old female
                          Unemployed scientist (cell/molecular biology)
                          Single (and happy to be!)
                          Mum to three 4-legged furry children (2 yorkies & a west highland white)

                          In all...not much to show from my 30 years on the hubby, no kids, no home (as in owning one), no job.....

                          But a fecking great sense of humour, a wonderful (and huge) family (well I am Irish!!!) and the bestest friend in the world that anyone could ever less of the poor me's (or is that pour me's humm....).



                            Who are you people?

                            Hey all...

                            Oh...forgot to mention...I've bloody great legs as well!!!!!


                              Who are you people?

                              I'm 52
                              Single, no kids, two cats
                              Good job, nice house, good friends
                              Pretty creative -- cook, sew, piano, draw, etc.
                              Drink too much wine!
                              I agree with nurseindistress -- I've neglected my talents because of spending too much time with wine
                              I'm new here, too, and have not settled in. Thanks for starting this conversation!


                                Who are you people?

                                35 yrs,female
                                Mum of too adorable girls 4.5 yrs and 2.5 yrs
                                wife to one workaholic hubby
                                work part-time nurse
                                otherwise doing mummy stuff and loving it!
                                Used to read,write,draw and generally lean toward working on that side of things..
                                like to try to stay fit, doesn't always happen
                                learning to not worry too much
                                learning to like myself more
                                learning I don't need AL to do this...
                                learning that I am actually quite good as a Mum,wife,daughter and nurse!
                                believe in something..but not sure what!

