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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    Thank you all for posting. Very interesting. I just think it is so amazing that so many people from so many places at so many different points in their lives can come together and support each other in need. Truly wonderful
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Who are you people?

      Only one guy? Come on boys...what about you? IAD Det Morrison????
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Who are you people?

        Hey AKgirl
        There were two boys - capn and Karl - mind you both ozzies so that probably only counts as one real man!


          Who are you people?

          HaHaHA Boozehag that wasnt very nice hahahahahahaha.

          an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


            Who are you people?

            46 yrs old. MALE !!!!!
            Divorced with joint custody of my son.
            Business owner and teacher at a community college.
            I will stop to pick up litter and pennies.
            None of my vehicles have air the windows.
            I live with 3 needy felines...........13/6/3 yrs old.
            I grow a lot of veggies and herbs.
            MWO has allowed me to accept and prosper in a lifestyle where AL is not necessary..............
            -maybe, is the new maybe-


              Who are you people?

              hi im roger and 41 im an alcoholic..have two sons 14 ,16 still married with girl friend.. yes long story..
              and doing great sober .. life is getting better and better ..
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Who are you people?


                My name here is RoadWarrior because I have a job that takes me to a different city in the US avg 3 times a month- am a technology consultant. I am 46, mother of a college student and 2 other teens. Divorced, in good company here! Life is much better when I'm Not DRINKING!


                  Who are you people?

                  I'm 32 and happily married for 8 years.
                  We have two wonderful children: a girl 3 1/2 and a boy 14 months.
                  I'm an accountant turned stay at home mom.


                    Who are you people?

                    I'm female,37 years old and have been married for 17 years(thats a long time!).
                    I have 3 children, 2 boys 9 and 8 and a girl of 3. I am a stay at home mum, formerly trained teacher, currently volunteer at a councelling service as receptionist.
                    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                      Who are you people?

                      AK,all say it again what a thread,but it is saddening in a way,lot of ladies here,maybe it isnt women that drive men to drink,hahahha maybe its the other way around,god,maybe your husbands and of course are are wives could see what we do with are selves,to try to stay sober,we kind of all said it,we tht life was a party,to most of us here at this site were working together to change,lets all keep up the great support gyco


                        Who are you people?

                        46 year old single mom of 17 yr old and 21 year old.
                        1 yorkie, 2 cats
                        Self employed
                        likes: Yoga, ice skating, Jazzercise, reading, going for walks.

                        Everything I need is within me!


                          Who are you people?

                          Late 30's female, very happily married to a wonderful, successful man who doesn't have a drinking problem. No kids yet. Love to travel, workout, read, socialize, throw parties. Self-employed, part time. Live a very happy, fortunate, healthy life, except for the wine cellar that beckons to me every evening and won't let me go till the bottle(s) is empty and the evening's a blur.


                            Who are you people?

                            I'm sure there are tons of alcoholic men, but maybe it's harder for them to admit or seek help via the internet.

                            Everything I need is within me!


                              Who are you people?

                              Female, 43, divorced but living happily with ex husband (who is wonderful) in the English countryside
                              Self employed - secretarial business and run two holiday cottages. Have 4 flats that we rent out too.
                              No children through choice.
                              Instead I have a horse, 3 dogs, 1 cat, keep chickens for eggs and meat. I also have a small flock of sheep and a breeding sow and piglets. I trail hunt with the horse.
                              ALWAYS busy! No tv and lists and lists of things to do. Find it very hard to do nothing! Don't have a lot of time for hobbies as such. My life is sort of my hobby.
                              Back on here after taking a break and unfortunately getting back into the bottle a night routine so I am starting afresh.


                                Who are you people?

                                I am 33 years old ( a third!!). I too had an oops when I was 19 but hubby and I didn't view it as an oops. We have been married for 14 years and it gets better every year.

                                Hubby is wonderful and supports me. He also cooks wonderful dinners when i don't feel like cooking.

                                Daughter - 13, need I say more

                                I have my own company but I'm an agent to two other companies. I furnish hotels all over the world... but I don't get to travel to them (snif)

                                I have a beautiful Boerbull Dog who weighs about 10kg and eats more than a horse

                                My only hobby used to be drinking wine and socialising with anyone who'd join me so I am very proud to list the following hobbies:

                                I love growing my own veggies and herbs
                                I enjoy cooking if I have all the right ingredients and have the time
                                I enjoy spending time on the beach. We pack sandwiches and coffee and my daughter and I pick shells while hubby fishes... it is one of the most relaxing ways to spend a Sunday
                                Watching my daughter play sport
                                Renovating our house - it is tiny and we are building on ourselves....hard work but very satisfying
                                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"

