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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    Hi all, 49 years old, married 25 years (!) hubby never criticized, wonder why
    One son, 22, so smart
    hobbies, polymer clay, mosaics, jewelry, hoping to get really into it
    some gardening, cooking
    work full time in art school, go figure, managing
    want my life back, all these testimonials on how much better it is without, I look forward to that, so thanks!
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Who are you people?

      45, recently divorced, still trying to get my life back on track. Love reading, biking (literature major!). no kids but one very deranged cat
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Who are you people?

        Hi all! So good to meet you all!!
        Me = 34, married to wonderful husband, two incredible children, 6 year old girl, 4 year old boy. Ex-cop, realized being married to the job and all it's destruction wasn't worth the toll it took on my family. Now working in a great no stress office job.
        Hobbies= running, reading, scrapbooking, hanging out on this forum, and watching silly movies.
        Starting to finally realize God has plans for me....and they don't include AL!!!!


          Who are you people?

          Wow what a great thread to start! Im another female 45 in 3 weeks I don't look it, so people tell me. No children oh I suppouse I have 2 but they are 2 dogs both female. One is a blue heeler who thinks she is boss she is 11 years old and going deaf and I have a little fox terrier who is just adorable she is 4. I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. I have a beautiful home in the country on acreage that I own. I live only 15 minutes from the beach.
          I love swimming in the ocean, gardening, actually my garden should be on one of those home shows it is looking so good. I looks like and feels like you are in Bali. I love reading decorating my home I use to love running and going to the gym but AL has stopped that at the moment.
          I have a beautiful boyfriend who puts up with me.
          I love this site I have been on it for about 5 months now. But I am still struggling with AL it really is a bitch. I did give up for 8 years so I will do it again.


            Who are you people?

            Wow - this thread is pages long! I haven't been on the threads in a while - obviously - but here goes.
            I'm 47yo, divorced, mother of 2 girls (21 and 19yo) and 1 boy (17). Only the 17yo lives with me, plus my BF and his 16yo son, so things can get pretty interesting around here on weekends. They got the damned car impounded friday night!!!! I have a 10yo jack russell maniac and a 19yo cat who is becoming exceedingly decrepit lately.
            I still love to party, thus I still struggle with AL and have fallen back into the daily wine routine. I run, swim like a mad lady, cycle (used to triathlon), garden, cook and bake, read a ton, and work at the university here - wheat research.
            I have made myself join the 30 Days September thread - I need to break the wine habit again and need help doing it as my resolve seems to have disappeared!!!! But Day1 is almost done - yay!!!!


              Who are you people?

              38, female, divorced, unfortunately no children.
              One 15 year old dog named Dixie that is the love of my life, I lost her brother Bo 6 mos ago.
              Labor and Delivery Nurse at a small hospital.
              Love to cook and watch Food Network.
              Love gardening. And what a shock..... Love to grow ROSES have 51 to date.
              What a great idea AK girl, thanks.


                Who are you people?

                I am also new here.I am 54,been married,no children.not yet AL free,but cut down.Vegetarian,aspiring alone and due to AL have isolated a lot and put all my friends at arms distance.Started drinking on my 30th birthday on purpose(trauma)Tried AA,councelling and didnt get far.But by the grace of God and my efforts..I feel there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel..So see you around wishes always Jonetrees.


                  Who are you people?

                  Hi all!
                  43 year old female. Married for the second time to a wonderful man, two kids soon to be 15 year old son and a 10 year old daughter, cat rightly named Sid Vicious, teacher of crazy, fun middle schoolers, I'd say I'm about half way there in this battle against the booze--definitely winning, thanks to MWO! Great thread! Nice to meet you all.



                    Who are you people?

                    Hi, I haven't posted in ages....I am 39
                    I lie about my age...haha
                    3 children
                    2 dogs
                    Husband that loves me
                    I love to:
                    go out to fancy dinners
                    go to church
                    go to art galleries
                    go to spas
                    go to movies
                    that's all I can think of right now.


                      Who are you people?

                      39 years old
                      -was married (twice), but didn't like it much. now practicing serial monogamy. I like my space and lots of alone time!
                      -enjoy other people's kids, but have elected to limit mine to those with 4 feet or fins.
                      -have 3 cats, 3 dogs.
                      -was a country musician for 10 years.
                      -was a practicing attorney for around 5 years.
                      -now am an attorney recruiter and singer/songwriter.
                      -pick up and shed new hobbies with frequency, but staples are gardening (food!), crochet, horses, reading
                      -sober 90 days, through the grace of God, using the MWO program, after nothing else worked.


                        Who are you people?

                        This is kinda fun

                        Wife, 23 yrs to a very patient, kind and loving guy. Don't know why he has stuck with me.
                        Mom to a crap load of kids. (they are very cool)
                        I love sports; playing and watching any kind.
                        The best kind? those my kids are participating in.
                        I like to run, bike, swim, garden and travel. I try to cook.
                        I am a civil servant. It would be my death to have a desk job.
                        Love nature and the outdoors.
                        2 dogs, 2 cats. Although I?m sure there are some animals the kids have stashed I?m unaware of.
                        Unfortunately I love G&T?s and very nice red wine?a lot.
                        Af (with a few derailments) since March 2008 and I feel marvelous!!

                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          Who are you people?

                          Nurseindistress;396489 wrote: Jeeze--everyone else has such a great sounding life.
                          Dear Nurse, people here may sound like they have great lives, but we're all here because AL has hurt us and disrupted our lives! Sounds like we're all "functioning" alkies - on various levels. Please don't feel bad about yourself!

                          Me: 43
                          Married to my hub 10 years in October. Our drinking has evolved in a very codependent way which makes it harder to quit, but we have a lot of fun together.
                          Grew up in New York, now consider myself a Californian after living here for 18 years
                          Just moved close to the beach which I look to for spiritual healing
                          No children: just never happened
                          1 dog (the Spotty Dingo), a rescued Queensland heeler
                          4 cats, all rescues ... one might be 21 years old
                          Used to be a graphic designer and need to get back into it to make $$ though I hate the idea
                          Have a degree in furniture making; I also paint, collage and do jewelry/metal work
                          Love cooking and eating, gardening, reading mostly nonfiction, being in nature
                          Try to do as much as possible for the environment: recycle, buy local, buy organic, pick up after my dog, compost, use green cleaning products, use green building materials, etc.
                          Try to do one nice thing for a stranger each day
                          Fighting with AL since I was 18, trying not to hate myself for the disgusting person I've become ...


                            Who are you people?

                            This is a fun thread!!

                            I am 47, female. Married (second marriage) for 12+ years. Two amazing kids, a daughter in college and a son in High School.

                            Originally from New York, but living in S. Florida for about 15 years.

                            I have the same profession as my avatar, Lucy.

                            Oh, and I have a love/hate relationship with someone named AL
                            formerly known as bak310


                              Who are you people?

                              Just turned 54 last Saturday.
                              Spent it in Vegas ... feel pickled, but this is the new start!
                              Both kids have 4 paws and wet noses.
                              Single for .. forever, but also recovering from a grand DUMP just about 4 months ago ... thought I was going to marry him
                              Own a flower shop which is my passion.
                              Trying SO hard to get back on track ....


                                Who are you people?

                                Great Thread! Don't post much..... Here is mine!

                                Female, 41 years old already! Married for 18 years to the most wonderful, loving, understanding guy in the world...he is a keeper!
                                Two great kids keeping my like full of highs and lows; Daughter 16, Son 13
                                Two energetic puppies full of sugar and spice.
                                Two cats, one old and grumpy, one young and fiesty!
                                Tang full of fish!

                                I have been a stay at home Mom for 12 years and the fight with AL started before that but has been harder and harder as the time goes by. SO....I have decided to go back to work to help with this problem. Huge step for me, I start Sept 16th! Nothing big, but it will keep me busy during the daytime hours when I am most likely to "cuddle" with AL!

                                Best Wishes to all who are fighting this fight!
                                "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney

