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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    I am a 33 year old married (5 year anniv. is Saturday) mom of two. My daughter will be 6 in two weeks, & my son will be 4 in November, and we live south of Boston. Day #2 for me.


      Who are you people?

      I am a 33 year old male from Wales. Have 1 daughter who doesnt live with me, but with whom i see regularly and stays once or twice a week.
      Have been in the catering trade since i was 16. Have just finished working at the golf club due to host the next ryder cup, so am currently unemployed.
      Have been drinking all my life, and have been a binge drinker since my teens.
      Have managed 4 and a half years without booze, but started drinking again 2 years ago, and everything has slowly slipped away since then.
      Ive got a lovely caring girlfriend who has stuck by me through my binging and mental abuse, though i think if it happens again i will be single
      So im finishing day 5 hopefull i can keep everything together.
      Thanks for listening
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Who are you people?

        I'm a 42 year old female
        Very happily married 8 years the second time around.....first ones for practice lol
        Have two furry children, Ginger a sheppard mix and Ace a little black ???? kind or looks like a cross between the size of a jack russel and the look of a black lab....kinda a shrinky dink
        As many of you have stated, do not have a ton of hobbies besides work and drinking.
        Need to create some
        I do love my garden as well as the water, I live about a mile from Lake Erie which kinda looks like and ocean
        AF almost 90 May to July
        Feel off the wagon and am back here among friends and found a lovely womens AA group


          Who are you people?

          My concept of "Old" keeps changing the older I get

          Great thread-what a wonderful way to get to know a little about everyone. Makes me feel closer to people and enjoy some of the common denominators I see - occupation, areas I've been too, same struggles I've endured, etc.

          Me: Married 18 years to a great guy without a drinking problem
          2 pre-teen (wonderful) sons
          Work in the healthcare field
          Live with a zoo of animals from hamsters and rabbits to cats and a dog.
          Love psychology, philosophy, positive books that help me grow spiritually.
          Enjoy traveling with family and somewhere really exotic once a year with hubby.
          Also love scrap-booking (keeping those memories alive), reading, writing (poetry, articles and... that book some day).
          Goal: To be able to moderate. Went AF for 7 years and then returned to drinking. Back at that point again where I have to do something as the drinking with abandon is getting me into trouble again.
          Value: My family, my health, and my friends. I'm a great friend to people and am the kind of person that can be counted on. AL hasn't wrecked that although it could as I've started to have episodes of blacking out the last few times I've gotten drunk.
          Moderating since Sept 2, 08 ~ Tracking my progress ~ keep me in your prayers and mine are with everyone on this board.
          "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

          ~Jack Welsh~:h

          God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


            Who are you people?

            51 year old female
            Wonderful hubby of 16 years
            Between us.........3 daughters 1 son all grown
            6 grandchildren ( new granddaughter 4 weeks old 3.5 lbs but doing GREAT)
            2 dogs, Buddy- German Shepherd and Moose- St. Bernard
            Hobbies...............Dog hair patrol LOL.
            I dont really have a life right now. Work 7 days a week due to my plant closing next year. What the heck, make it while I can. I will have plenty of r&r when I dont have a job.
            When I take a day off we drive around KAT20's neck of the Lake Erie.!!!

            Love this place, love this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            AF Since December 2006


              Who are you people?

              "Who are you people"............I love it !! Great thread !!

              51 Years Young
              Married to a wonderful man for 24 years
              Two awesome boys - 18 and 12
              No pets
              Love to run, bike, lift weights, and play tennis
              Love to cook dinner while drinking wine
              Hate to cook dinner while NOT drinking wine
              Love to read, but AL sometimes makes me forget what I read
              Love the beach
              Love reading threads from MWO, especially "LONG TERM ABSTAINERS"
              Love to watch my 46" LCD Flat Screen TV that I bought with my "Economic Stimulus Check" from President Bush.......thanks Mr. President
              Worked full time all my life
              Still struggling......but I have no plans in the future for giving up !

              Make it a great day everyone, and hope you all reach your goals !!
              Miss October :blinkylove:


                Who are you people?


                I will stop to pick up litter and pennies.

                That is sooo funny ,and Gyco ,you are a hoot.Hope none of mine end up in prison either!


                  Who are you people?

                  Oh! yeh. Forgot.

                  im 38, mother of 4 . Been with partner of same age 10 years next week.
                  Doing a degree in social science with the open university.
                  Suffer from terminal boredom brought on by cabin fever at times
                  which can cause me to over drink!
                  Happy and optimistic most of the time.
                  Hater of supernanny!


                    Who are you people?

                    Hi, I haven't posted much as of late, been busy at work (good thing!)
                    I'm a 49 yr old single mom of 2 girls, 22 and 17 (18 in November!)
                    Divorced for 10 years, with BF for 9
                    4 dogs, after loosing one a month ago, a year and half shi-zu, 7 yr old springer spaniel, a 8 (we think) yr old stray we rescued and a 15 yr old springer who is loosing ground quickly.
                    I love to cook, more for bigger crowds, family is SO picky plus my oldest has Celiac's so it can be challenging at time.
                    My oldest is looking at culinary for an occupation, presently out of work (uuugghhh) and living at home./
                    Youngest just started community college, is going for her EMT license and wants to go into nursing.
                    Once they are both out of the house I want to move South. Live in CT and tired of these New England Winters.
                    Not many hobbies, LOVE the beach and am heading back to Key West (alone) in 10 days!!!!
                    Love shopping, bicycling, photography, swimming, snorkeling, and trying to get back into going to the gym.
                    Can't think of much else right now.........


                      Who are you people?

                      Thank you AKGIRL for starting this thread. It has been so interesting!


                        Who are you people?

                        ok arkgirl. mmmmh ok 25 very single not sure about the status next year. my dad might just change his mind any moment. jobless in the middle of desert in kenya. like being alone at times and 1yrs AF and hoping to start a bussiness in selling maasai tradition beadwork and jewellery in future.
                        lill michell am older lol.
                        i love being here.


                          Who are you people?

                          28 year old
                          Married to IT consultant
                          One bottle a night girl- at least


                            Who are you people?

                            Hi there

                            42 years old
                            Mum of girl and boy + others who pass through (foster carer)
                            Married 22 years
                            Definitely wino - best part of bottle a night
                            Live in the countryside
                            3 cats
                            Love the coast and Cornwall particularly
                            Like running, walking, cooking, reading, sewing and not having hangovers!

                            Great idea for a thread


                              Who are you people?

                              Tell us about yourself

                              Thought I'd bring this thread back to get to know the newbies.
                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                                Who are you people?

                                I already posted on this site about who I am, but I had a ? for you. Are the northern lights really as amazing as people say they are? Never been to Alaska myself athough I would love to go. Perhaps I should pm you about this...
                                It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

