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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    Yes, they truly are awe inspiring.
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Who are you people?

      42 year old engaged women, with a seventeen year old son who has ran away and I have not heard from in 3 months... Guess he knows everything... had no respect for me drinking and with a year sober still has no respect for me............................ All I know how to do is not drink today...

      This is a great site hang around very loving and caring people here


        Who are you people?

        I'm sorry about your son, it must be hard for you. :l I have a 12 year old and am nervous about the years ahead. God know I better get sober to face them.
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Who are you people?

          If you find out who I am let me know!

          37, married to a police officer

          Mother to 6 (his, mine and ours), and 2 dogs.

          Own a catering company, basketball mom, soccer mom, awanas mom, etc.

          Kids in 3 different schools, on 3 different schedules.

          AF 16 months with the exception of 3 days 34 days ago.
          "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

          AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


            Who are you people?

            Northern Lights

            The northern lights are gorgeous, but they are like a catch 22, the colder it is the more beautiful they are!!
            "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

            AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


              Who are you people?

              :new:54 years old (ouch) 6 Kids 4 boys & 2 Girls. 5 grandchildren & 1 on the way. The oldest is 38 Lives in NZ & has just survived a near fatal head on collision.
              Gave up drinking 23 years ago & had my fourth son who has Autism, went to America to learn how to teach him. Spent the next 10 years running a home programme with him & learning how to love myself.
              Went back into business (I run a Car Performance Centre) 5 years ago ( marriage hit a rough patch) I started drinking again (Scotch is my Demon). Today I am on my eighth day AF.
              I'm praying that this is the end of the booze forever as my brain & body can't take any more.
              Hobbies have gone with the Scotch, but I used to Swim go to the Gym, Bike, sew etc etc
              :thanks:Thanks for this thread it helped me to share


                Who are you people?

                hi again AKMOM AND GIRL are the same,yes,no,whatever, i said b4 great post,share is the issue,i didnt get to read this hole thread last time i was very busy and still am, working ,, didnt make the time,i made it today ,and it kept me from having a drink this morning,i told my wife last nt i was looking forward to this weekend,i was AL free when this was originally posted,have maintained some good modding,not tht it is for all,been up since 430am ,1 coffee and a lot of reading this thread and others,wife just woke,starting receipe to a new day hahahahhaah thnx AK from Alaska gyco


                  Who are you people?


                  i have a 16 month old - Amy

                  however she is the up and go


                    Who are you people?

                    Hello, great thread guys,
                    I am 42 single mum with 3 kids: Girl 15, Boy 10 & Girl 8, GSP 4 & Blue Heeler cross 2... Australia.. and life is very complicated.
                    I am an extrovert & love life, music, gardening, parties, painting, walking, and endless millions of other things. Used to have chooks, guinea pigs, fish, worms, budgies & parrots but changes in living circumstances have reduced our household. I am now a renovating a crappy old house but in a good neighbourhood.
                    Though I am a very old member of MWO (began as MFM) I am still battling AL and life's complications dont' help. Murpy's law has definitley got me in its grip. Whatever I do I just can't get out of the squeeze.
                    I just made 14 days AF then failed so am starting again.
                    Thank goodness for Roberta & MWO and all you wonderful people. So much hope here.
                    It's been hard for me over time making friends here who get better & move on while I am still battling. However, this is good news for newbies as I am the minority. Most people get with the program and fly off to a happy new life.
                    This is a great way to discover who is here now.
                    Thanks for the thread guys!


                      Who are you people?

                      Who are we?

                      Greetings all:
                      Another male here. Will be 57 years old next month and celebrate 33 years of marriage on my birthday. Total is 33 years, we divorced and remarried a long time ago (yet another story), obviously she is an angel for hanging with me.
                      We have a daughter, son-in-law and an eighteen month old granddaughter, which is great fun.

                      I am a field engineer working from a home office with quite a bit of travel. Beer is my weakness, can consume six to ten a day when I get on the binge. Been on this site a long time and still haven't made the 30 days AF. I must be a slow learner.
                      Thanks for this thread.
                      Love and Peace,
                      Love and Peace,

                      Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                        Who are you people?

                        Gyco......akgirl is a different winner than me, even more she is smarter than me as she made it to MWO before I did, but it is a compliment as I have been reading what she wrote and she is one good cookie.
                        "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                        AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                          Who are you people?

                          I am a 48 year old working woman..until I don't have to. Two wonderful children on their own successful paths, already. Waiting for husband of 12 years to be free of AL. Still hoping and hanging in there. Dealing, and sometimes winning, with my own co-dependent tendencies.
                          Love my family, my husband, the beach and good food. Looking forward to the Thanksgiving, hope to have a lot to be thankful for by then.


                            Who are you people?

                            waiting for his way out.....something I haven't even told my husband, some days it is more difficult to be married to such a great man with no vices than it is to stay AF. I know that just once, even after all our years of marriage and 6 kids, it would be nice to see him stumble just a little. Just based on your post you seem like a strong woman and you inspire other women.
                            "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                            AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                              Who are you people?

                              Thank you for your vote of confidence.. everyone tells me how strong I am, but I don't feel that way. I struggle everyday with the decision of waiting or not waiting. That is how I stumble, by making an absolute firm decision and then giving in and wait a little longer.. just a little longer and maybe it will be okay. 6 kids? .. now who is the strong one


                                Who are you people?

                                Hi All,

                                30yo/F/married- and have a 4yo boy and 6yo girl. I'm a stay at home mom right now, but was a CNC machinist/programmer. I love to cook- soup is my favorite. I can spend all day on soups. Sauces are a close second. Can't bake to save my life.

