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Who are you people?

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    Who are you people?

    For anyone that doesn't know about me and is interested:

    29 yrs old, female, serious alky and morning-to-night drinker for a decade but over the past two years have been mostly AF with binges.
    Was a journo, but now work in social care, which brings me great happiness.
    Own a gorgeous tortoiseshell cat who actually thinks I am her mum!
    No kids, don't want any.
    Single for the first time in my adult life- and not liking it
    I am proud to have overcome many many problems in my life and constantly working on the rest!

    Happy to be on MWO and get the support of all you lovely people
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

    Recovery Videos


      Who are you people?

      Age 39 been single all my life - well never married
      awesome BF right now..
      no children - don't want them
      own successful business
      Love to drink wine, go to parties although don't know when/how to stop.
      Was here last year and was AF for 5 months, would like to be AF again...


        Who are you people?

        Hi me......... I'm 52 and married for the first time and hopefully last 18 months ago :l
        No kids but 7 mini wire and longhaired dachshunds ranging from 4 to 16.
        Love the usual things like shopping, cooking, gardening, photography, dog showing, hill walking etc
        Worked in the medical profession all my working life and now work part-time as very fortunate enough to be able to afford so.
        Love the wine but I control it and not the other way's good!


          Who are you people?

          Excellent thread and thanks for bringing it forward a year - it's been a really interesting read.

          I'm 43 and one of the babies in a big family but the only one with a serious booze problem.
          Mum to a 14 year old young lady and her 8 year old brother - both of whom I love and adore and would do anything for (hence getting a grip on my booze problem)
          Divorced - quite happily I might add
          Dad was a mean alkie, and I had alkie grandparents on both sides - I saw my mum go through shit cos of AL and vowed not to follow in her footsteps although that's pretty well what I did for a very long while
          A corporate babysitter by profession, but about to head back to school to retrain as a high school teacher - and can't wait to start!! (the other reason to kick the booze out the door)
          Love reading, writing, art, photography, cooking, cars, gadgets, and I wished I owned a dog and will do again when I'm not working full time and have space for him to hang out and be happy.

          Nice to know you all.
          I'm not a flip flop - I'm a Jandal!:undercover:


            Who are you people?

            What an interesting thread. Here goes,
            I am a 49 year old female
            married 26 years
            two kids - 26 and 23
            Empty nester!!!!!
            Work in mental health
            Love to read, garden, walk/hike,
            Love my four cats

            I have had a love/hate relationship with alcohol my entire life. The last five years since my mom died, I began to drink more wine on more days of the week. I have quit several times for up to several months, but always came back to it. Now that I am getting older, my body is rejecting the alcohol more intensely and I cannot take the hangovers. The regrets, anxiety, and disgust are just not the way I want to live. I want the rest of my life to be one of integrity, honesty, freedom from all bad habits, and AF. This site has given me a private forum, specific plans, and support in order to change my life and I am grateful.


              Who are you people?

              I'm 53 years old, female with two daughters aged 20 and 17, five dogs, a horse and a pony.
              Single since 2000 I've done most things on my own.
              My two daughters are wonderful, and now as the younger one becomes more independent, she passed her driving test this week, and starts university next year, I plan to sell up!
              I'm reviewing everything at the moment and letting go of many things.
              I guess my ultimate goal is freedom.

              Since coming to MWO I've managed a clear 77 days AF, I wanted to try moderation to see for myself whether that was of any benefit to me, and of course it isn't how could alcohol be of benefit?

              So, after ten days of so-called moderation I am returning to AF, pleased that I have had the learning.
              I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                Who are you people?

                My name is Philomena and I'm a 39 year old transsexual transvestite from Papua New Guinea. My tribe is the Korowai tribe and I enjoy cannibalism, quite a bit. I had children but I eat them and they would have been 4, 12 and 16 today, they tasted very good.
                I am now an outcast from my tribe and now live in Liverpool in the UK. I have drank ju ju juice since the day I was born. I have done many stupid things on ju ju juice like swallowing snakes, burning rubber tires in the jungle (why I'm an outcast!) and listening to Beyonce (NO wait, that's why I'm an outcast). I have very little time these days for ju ju juice (and Beyonce for that matter) and I live my life through a fellowship of men and women who like me have no desire to swallow snakes for a living. I still listen to tribal music and beats and rhythms and get great pleasure from trance and contacting my spirit guides who reside on a council housing estate here in Liverpool.

                If you need to know anymore then please don't hesitate to PM me as long as your name is not Beyonce.

                Love and Light
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Who are you people?

                  Philomena, what did they taste like? Chicken? :H
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Who are you people?

                    hippie37;738714 wrote: My name is Philomena and I'm a 39 year old transsexual transvestite from Papua New Guinea. My tribe is the Korowai tribe and I enjoy cannibalism, quite a bit. I had children but I eat them and they would have been 4, 12 and 16 today, they tasted very good.
                    I am now an outcast from my tribe and now live in Liverpool in the UK. I have drank ju ju juice since the day I was born. I have done many stupid things on ju ju juice like swallowing snakes, burning rubber tires in the jungle (why I'm an outcast!) and listening to Beyonce (NO wait, that's why I'm an outcast). I have very little time these days for ju ju juice (and Beyonce for that matter) and I live my life through a fellowship of men and women who like me have no desire to swallow snakes for a living. I still listen to tribal music and beats and rhythms and get great pleasure from trance and contacting my spirit guides who reside on a council housing estate here in Liverpool.

                    If you need to know anymore then please don't hesitate to PM me as long as your name is not Beyonce.

                    Love and Light
                    Hi Bob. It's me, Floater.


                      Who are you people?


                      A little about myself, sit back and read on...
                      I was born very poor in 1964 (Aug the 8th) - My Mom divorced my Dad when i was 9 years old. I have a older sister and brother. After the divorce, my Mom moved in with a guy she met riding at Horse Trail Riding Events. They married soon after and we all moved into a small shed of a house. My new Dad had 5 kids (1 girl and 4 Boys) all were older than I. We moved a few times until we finally settled (way up in the hills in Washington State). I went to school, found a girlfriend and when I was 17, she got pregnant. I joined the Air Force and she joined another Man boy. She lost the baby through a miscarriage before she found her new boyfriend. I traveled alot in the Air Force (and am currently living in Japan with my Japanese wife of close to 20 years) - We have no children. We tried to adopt for the last 15 years and have been cheated the entire way. We did actually have a child to adopt, but she was very ill. When we said "no" the agency sucked $5,000.00 out of us (in the Ukraine) and told us to leave. We tried to adopt from a Russian Facilitator and were cheated out of another $20,000.00 (needless to say, when we went to court, I was deployed and we lost due to me not being present) - I was in Iraq fighting for my life and country and the Facilitator was fighting to get all of our money. They won and we got aboard with another Agency. They have been stringing us along for the past 5 years, thus, we just gave up (hope and everything). AND THROUGH IT ALL I DRANK EVERY NIGHT UNTIL I WAS EITHER DRUNK OR FELT DRUNK. I have nothing to show for all of our travels except I drank about every beer known to man. I am in School again working towards my second Masters degree and this time it is in Social Work. I will help people adopt through Home Studies and i will work with Agencies to assist in placing children in loving homes. I have been sober now for 3 days (actually 6 days since I have not slept in 3 days)

                      That is my life in a nutshell - my advice to anyone "why start when eventually, you will have to quit"

                      akgirl;396462 wrote: Kidding... but seriously, I am still fairly new here and as I settle in and try to get to know everyone (well not everyone obviously) I am a bit confused. I was trying to remember from avatars but the jokes on me cause yall keep changing them. ha ha

                      So I was wondering if its appropriate to ask if anyone wants to share just a bit about themselves?

                      Me, 42 Single mom of 12 yr old son
                      Graphic Artist
                      Love to Cook

                      So glad I found the MWO just tell me who the heck you are!!!:H


                        Who are you people?


                        How heartbreaking about your adoptions. It's a sad thing when people/agencies prey upon people's hopes and dreams. That is an awesome that you have decided to work in that field and help people and find children loving homes. I applaud you and also that you are 3 days AF.

                        Everything I need is within me!


                          Who are you people?

                          startingover;738717 wrote: Philomena, what did they taste like? Chicken? :H
                          I absolutely cannot tell you how much I needed that. :H:H:H:H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Who are you people?

                            hippie37;738714 wrote: My name is Philomena and I'm a 39 year old transsexual transvestite from Papua New Guinea. My tribe is the Korowai tribe and I enjoy cannibalism, quite a bit. I had children but I eat them and they would have been 4, 12 and 16 today, they tasted very good.
                            I am now an outcast from my tribe and now live in Liverpool in the UK. I have drank ju ju juice since the day I was born. I have done many stupid things on ju ju juice like swallowing snakes, burning rubber tires in the jungle (why I'm an outcast!) and listening to Beyonce (NO wait, that's why I'm an outcast). I have very little time these days for ju ju juice (and Beyonce for that matter) and I live my life through a fellowship of men and women who like me have no desire to swallow snakes for a living. I still listen to tribal music and beats and rhythms and get great pleasure from trance and contacting my spirit guides who reside on a council housing estate here in Liverpool.

                            If you need to know anymore then please don't hesitate to PM me as long as your name is not Beyonce.

                            Love and Light
                            Hi Philomena , I know you don't mean any harm but I saw your post following directly after the one I made (since removed) to reintroduce myself to the community. I realise that your tongue in cheek post was exactly that, but for some reason, entirely of my own perception I daresay, it seemed to make light of the personal disclosures made here.
                            I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                              Who are you people?

                              Phil, lol. I did not expect that at all.
                              Wineilove-I am sorry to hear about your situation. You are doing the best thing possible---making something good our of something bad. I commend you!!!
                              Gold- I am sorry you felt that way about Hippe's joke. This thread was created over a year ago; Hippie is a nice guy; I am certain he did not mean to overlook your post....when threads are that old, it is easy to overlook a new member reaching out.
                              Goal 1: Today
                              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                                Who are you people?

                                I'll post my picture once I figure out how.


                                Hello All.

                                I turned 44 last month... This is my first post.

                                Divorced with two wonderful yet impressionable kids (boy 16, girl 13).

                                I'm a civil servant with a very good job. I'm short-changing the taxpayers out there because I'm not 100% prepared to work everyday because I'm normally in a haze from the night before.

                                I live on my sailboat and love the lifestyle... it is a passion that I also am short-changing because half the time I'm not at full capacity. Yesterday my goat was to sail but I had a raging hangover, and spent most the the day prone.

                                I drink too much and am tired of it.

                                I believe there is a whole lot more to consume in life than alcohol - I'm tired of feeling shame at how quickly my recycling bag fills up with empty wine bottles and beer cans.

                                My kids never really say anything, but I know they are watching - and learning. My son was my designated driver the other night... he's 16. I was trashed along - with my girlfriend. This has to stop.

                                I see myself becoming more and more distracted at work and unable to focus.

                                I don't get up in the morning and have a drink, but it has become so much a part of me - the drinking. It's a destructive routine and I don't want to do this anymore.

                                I'm unsure whether I can be a "moderate" drinker. I've tried, and it leads right back to two bottles of wine a day or the six packs that go down like water.

                                This is a bit of a ramble, but oh well.

                                Anyway - I'll give this forum a try... I know there's another way. I hope this is the beginning of a new journey.

