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7 days AF

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    7 days AF

    Hi everyone

    Just wanted to share with you that I had 7 days off the drink until Friday night, BUT I only had a couple of drinks, and then last night was AF too. I have had no cravings, and feel much better for having the week off. I am going to try to have only one night a week to drink, because if I tell myself I can't have any I will crave it even more.

    We are burying our bro-in-law this week, who was a very serious alcoholic, and I think I have been given the wake up call I needed. He is the 2nd in my family to die due to alcohol abuse and I don't want to go down the same road.

    I will keep you up-dated on how I get on. I have to say that I have found sleep a little hard, and that the first 3 days were the worse, but I do feel more positive, and feel better for being able to get through the day without it being in a blur.

    Take care everyone.

    7 days AF

    Hi sadheart, how terrible loosing two family members that way. You will find this site very inspiring if you want to seriously become AF or a moderate drinker.

    Nice to meet you
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      7 days AF

      Good stuff Sad now you gotta a happy heart well done keep going it just gets better
      Love cap

      sad to hear about the loss gone through it recently myself but staying sober is the greatest gift we can give to our loved ones


        7 days AF

        I'm sooo sorry for the loss. It must be very hard for you. Well done for cutting down soo much on drink. You're doing FANTASTIC! Keep it up and post on here to let us now how you're doing. It's great you are so positive. I wish you the best!


          7 days AF

          HI SAD,sorry to here about the family members,but i am happy your here and trying,great group of people and very supportive,remember you just have to get through a day,and you said you can gyco


            7 days AF

            Sorry to hear about your bro-in law. I've seen people suffering the long-term effects of AL as well. My aunt's boyfriend nearly died from bleeding to death from varices, and my father-in-law lost his battle from cirrohsis. Hang in there. You can do it!
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              7 days AF

              Hi everyone

              Thanks for your kind words of support. Today I will be AF for my 3rd day again. I'm feeling ok. Just got on my exercise bike for 30 mins and burnt 200odd calories. I need to lose some of the weight I have gained (2 stone), due to late night drinking and eating.

              I keep coming on here and reading for inspiration and find some of your stories amazing. My hat goes off to all of you who have managed to keep off the drink for long periods at a time. That is my goal. I only want to have a drink on special occasions and like I said before 1 night a week. The road ahead will be tough because last week was the 1st week in about 5 years, where I didn't have one single drink. I am aiming to do that again this week, and then the next and so on.

              I suffer with scary tachycardia and had one on Saturday after drinking the night before and having a cup of coffee. Stopping the bad health risks I am putting my heart under is one of the reasons why I must cut down on my drinking, as I don't want to end up back in A&E again....very scary having to have your heart shocked.

              Oh well...must go, just wanted to say thank you all for your support. I hope to be able to answer some of your posts one day, when I am feeling stronger, and can be an example like some of you great people are. This site is wonderful and probably in a lot of cases a life saver. I only wish I had found it before my sister and brother in law died. It might have helped me in ways that I could have helped them. I only wish.........

              Take care all.


                7 days AF

                I am so sorry, Sadheart, about your sister and brother in law. My family has been affected by alcohol and I believe it attributed to my father's escophical cancer, my mom's osteoporosis, and now that I am getting up there I need to quit, NOW. You don't need to be a pillar to offer advice, your post is sad but at the same time a warning for all of us.
                The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                  7 days AF

                  Hi J-vo and Suzanna

                  My sister bled to death. She had had a couple of bleeds before and had to have bands put on her liver. On the night she died she had another fit, and blood came from her nose, mouth, eyes, and below. She also had a severe bleed to her brain. A terrible way to die. She is a lesson to us all and I hope that just 1 person reads this and stops drinking right now. I will never forget the image of my sister lying on the bed with all tubes coming from her. My only comfort is that she is with our mum.

                  My brother in laws death was caused by cirrhosis. He is not the partner of my sister who died, but my other sisters partner. He was only in his 40's and left children.

                  Drink is an evil murderer of vulnerable people. People who become dependent on it for one reason or another, and once it gets it's claws into you, then it's a hard battle to get free. I am full admiration and respect for anyone who tries to stop drinking and manages to cut down, or stops all together.

                  I too have almost succumbed to it's charm, but with the help of this forum and an inner strength I need to muster,I will not let it pull me down too, I have to be determined, to win this battle so that they didn't die in vain.



                    7 days AF

                    Sadheart :l:l:l

                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      7 days AF

                      So sorry for your loss....7 days AF is very good. Keep trying. Never give up.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                        7 days AF

                        Thank you for the wake up call! And Congrats on the 7 days!!! You and your family have been going thru a lot due to alcohol; I send my sympathy to all of you. Coming here was a great choice, Sad. You will find a way to quit (or control) alcohol. I wish you the best on your own personal journey. kriger
                        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

