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    Have any of you tried this stuff? When I was first checked into the rehab hospital I went to I was shaking so bad they could barely start an IV on me. Within 10 minutes of taking a librium the shakes were gone. It is not a narcotic and it doesnt make you sleepy. I took it 3 times a day while I was in the hospital and never had a single urge for a beer. I am home now with a a scrip of the stuff and I have yet to have the urge to drink. I take it twice a day.

    I was just curious if any of you have tried it and what your thoughts on it were.


    It's an anti-anxiety drug. It is addictive.



      A Work in Progress;396851 wrote: It's an anti-anxiety drug. It is addictive.
      Asked my Doc about that and he said it is not. It has no naroctic side effects whatsover, doesnt even make you drowsy. He said that if it is taken in high dosages over a prolonged period of time it can become a problem but at low dosages and short usage it is harmless.



        It's not a narcotic. It is an anti-anxiety drug, like xanax and valium. It certainly is addictive. Check it out for yourself, on one of the drug sites on the internet...



          Almost anything that is abused is going to be addictive. If you have a responsible Doc he wont give you a high dosage or more than a weeks supply.



            Ohhhh, OK...... Of course...... Whatever..........



              A Work in Progress;396874 wrote: Ohhhh, OK...... Of course...... Whatever..........
              Yeah, whatever you big time expert. Just stay away from me.



                Most important fact about Librium

                Librium is habit-forming and you can become dependent on it. You could experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking it abruptly (see "Librium side effects"). You should not discontinue the drug or change your dose without your doctor's approval.

                an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do



                  Librium side effects

                  Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, inform your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Librium.

                  Side effects may include:
                  Confusion, constipation, drowsiness, fainting, increased or decreased sex drive, liver problems, lack of muscle coordination, minor menstrual irregularities, nausea, skin rash or eruptions, swelling due to fluid retention, yellow eyes and skin

                  Side effects due to rapid decrease or abrupt withdrawal from Librium may include:
                  Abdominal and muscle cramps, convulsions, exaggerated feeling of depression, sleeplessness, sweating, tremors, vomiting

                  an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do



                    just starting out

                    Hi Everyone,

                    I am just so sad. After another stupid night where I got drunk I woke up this morning, my husband and the love of my life told me he just can't do this anymore, that I have broken his heart, that he doesn't feel like he can trust me anymore, that I care more about drinking than I care about his feelings. That this feels more like abuse than love. Since I grew up with an alcoholic father, you'd think I would have learned what it means to do this to somebody. I am just so full of self-loathing, which is why I drink. Drinking turned me from a really pretty, super smart, successful young woman into a person I hardly recognize anymore: depressed, near-obese, with a sallow face and interest in doing not much more than pushing through the days so that at night I can sit and watch the same Law and Order re-runs over and over until I pass out. Of course this is not a life my husband wants to live! I hate this life! I want to give both of us the life we deserve. We are good people. I need help. A long time ago - before my drinking really got out of hand - I went to some AA meeting for adult children of alcoholics. There was just something too creepy about the whole thing. Then I saw something about MWO when I was googling "drinking help". I read the book, and here I am. What next?

                    Thank you to anybody who has some suggestions.



                      Yes I asked my Doctor all about side effects. You would have to take the stuff for a long time before any of that stuff can occur. Taking a small dose for a couple of weeks wont hurt you. I just spent 2 intense weeks with a Doctor that specialises in alcohol and drug rehab and I will go by what he says instead of the internet.

                      It is a simple treatment drug like lortab is for pain, it can be used safely. If it is abused it becomes an addiction. If you dont want to try it out then dont. It worked for me though. I am doing fine with my 1 small dose in the evening, 1 small dose in the morning and a vitamin b-6 and b12 supplement. I have 2 days left and then it is strictly the vitamins. That will mark day 18 AF for me.



                        I also remember several people on here telling me I should take ativan. That stuff is addictive almost right off the bat.



                          Good for you Dazed - I would listen to what the doc says. I'm taking very small amounts of xanax as needed (.25 mg., not to exceed 1.25 a day, which I never do), as prescribed by my doc. Some days, I don't take anything but L-glutamine, a multi, and B vitamins.

                          We can do this!



                            Hi there, just saw your post and realised you were new! Glad to hear you've read the book, hope its been of help to you. I've been here since June and a number of us are looking to do 30 days Alcohol Free for September, we've started a thread called AF Army over in General, feel free to join us if you wish. I know what you mean when you say 'I care more about drinking than I care about...' - been there myself, and loathed myself for it, but I still drank. If you are considering a stint Alcohol Free, I suggest you prepare yourself, if you drink heavily every day - cold turkey is a NO NO. Make sure you see your doctor and get the appropriate medication etc. I'm no expert, but last time I did a stint cold turkey it was pretty horrible! I'm prepared this time - I 've managed to moderate my drinking down from over a half litre of vodka nearly every night to just 2 beers and I've ordered the Kudzu from this site. All the best in your plans.

                            Really Sad;396954 wrote: Hi Everyone,

                            I am just so sad. After another stupid night where I got drunk I woke up this morning, my husband and the love of my life told me he just can't do this anymore, that I have broken his heart, that he doesn't feel like he can trust me anymore, that I care more about drinking than I care about his feelings. That this feels more like abuse than love. Since I grew up with an alcoholic father, you'd think I would have learned what it means to do this to somebody. I am just so full of self-loathing, which is why I drink. Drinking turned me from a really pretty, super smart, successful young woman into a person I hardly recognize anymore: depressed, near-obese, with a sallow face and interest in doing not much more than pushing through the days so that at night I can sit and watch the same Law and Order re-runs over and over until I pass out. Of course this is not a life my husband wants to live! I hate this life! I want to give both of us the life we deserve. We are good people. I need help. A long time ago - before my drinking really got out of hand - I went to some AA meeting for adult children of alcoholics. There was just something too creepy about the whole thing. Then I saw something about MWO when I was googling "drinking help". I read the book, and here I am. What next?

                            Thank you to anybody who has some suggestions.
                            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message



                              vlad;396973 wrote: Hi there, just saw your post and realised you were new! Glad to hear you've read the book, hope its been of help to you. I've been here since June and a number of us are looking to do 30 days Alcohol Free for September, we've started a thread called AF Army over in General, feel free to join us if you wish. I know what you mean when you say 'I care more about drinking than I care about...' - been there myself, and loathed myself for it, but I still drank. If you are considering a stint Alcohol Free, I suggest you prepare yourself, if you drink heavily every day - cold turkey is a NO NO. Make sure you see your doctor and get the appropriate medication etc. I'm no expert, but last time I did a stint cold turkey it was pretty horrible! I'm prepared this time - I 've managed to moderate my drinking down from over a half litre of vodka nearly every night to just 2 beers and I've ordered the Kudzu from this site. All the best in your plans.
                              I would find a hospital a couple of hours away from your hometown and have yourself checked in for detox and rehab. Check to see if they have a detox and rehab floor first though. Ask for a private room. Take alot of books with you. I was nervous when I went but in a way I was almost sad when I left. Within 30 minutes of getting into your room they will have you relaxed and comfortable. They wont preach to you, they will simply state facts and tell you what you medically need to do to get better. They will rehydrate your body and give you vitamins as well as stuff to get rid of your urges and anxiety. Just ask your job for a leave of absence. Your insurance should pay for it, mine did. If you dont have insurance they will set up a payment plan for you.

                              Thats all just my opinion though.

