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just starting out, need help

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    just starting out, need help

    Welcome RS - I am sure you will find this site as wonderful as I have. You sound to me like you are ready to give an AF life a real go. Keep reading through the site and posting. We are all in the same boat and are all here for you.
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      just starting out, need help

      Really sad (I hope you change your name Soon!)...

      It sounds like you have so much to live for - a good husband who's hung in there with you, and maybe a child at some point.

      I Never thought I'd quit drinking - even tho' it's caused me and loved ones a lot of pain. I know well that "self-loathing"!! It's a vicious circle: Drink to feel better about yourself (even if it's an illusion), feel worse, then drink... etc. etc.

      I wish I could tell you how much better I feel, both physically & mentally, now that I've quit for about 35 days. I wish even more what inspired me - it just kind of happened. Maybe I just kept thinking about it until it made sense? But I also came here & just read people's stories. It really helped to see that I wasn't alone... And like already said, the people here are fantastic, always ready to help without being judgmental.

      Some of the physical things that started happening very soon: Much more energy, sleeping Through the night!! Mentally: Feeling clear-headed (people close to me have commented how much easier it is to talk to me!), and Best of all, little by little, feeling BETTER about myself!

      I've had to confront some difficult problems that I've hidden for a long time by drinking... But you know what? You can deal with it and then move on!!!! Instead of staying stuck. It's really amazing.

      I feel sad when I think of all the time I've wasted, but better late than Never.

      Great good luck, and don't be afraid! You'll love the new & improved YOU!
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        just starting out, need help

        Hmmm - can't seem to make the edit work!! I meant to say that I wish I could tell you exactly what inspired me. I think a lot was reading how others felt so much better. Of course, being the impatient person that I am, I expected an instant change! Noooo, it happens slowly, but surely.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          just starting out, need help

          Thank you, Sad, for starting this thread. Your story sounds just like mine, I empathize with everything you're feeling, and am, like you, struggling.

          Boss, your post is very helpful. It helps me understand why, on day two AF I am feeling so out of sorts. I guess I need to wait it out.

          Everyone here is so supportive.


            just starting out, need help

            RS I am glad to see you are getting into the AF Army over on their thread! Good for you, I am sure you are going to do just great! And I second what so many others have said: I hope you will decide you want to change your sign-in name...



              just starting out, need help

              savon19;397423 wrote:

              I've had to confront some difficult problems that I've hidden for a long time by drinking... But you know what? You can deal with it and then move on!!!! Instead of staying stuck. It's really amazing.
              I really love what you said, Savon, about not staying stuck. Every day is a chance to improve yourself and your situation. Well done! :l
              You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                just starting out, need help

                Welcome RS,

                I took Topa for 3 months but I was not trying to fall pregnant - gawd forbid!! I would suggest that you see a Doctor and spill your guts so to speak. It's not everyone's cup of tea but if you find a Doc that supports you it does make all the difference especially if you are wanting to try for a baby then he or she can monitor your health and progress.
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  just starting out, need help

                  Hey hun!
                  Welcome! I know what it's like to not be trusted by your own husband, how it feels that your ruining your own marriage. It's hard. It's painful BUT just like me, you've come to the right place. I got all the supplments which really helped me. Also buy some Antabuse. Incase you don't know what it is, it's a tablet you take everyday and if you drink it'll make you sooo ill so once you've swolled it, that's it, no drinking no matter how much you want it. I'd take that for a month and see if how your life is, whether you crave the drink ect ect. In this time, you'll be (HAVE TO BE with this tablet) SOBER, hopefully you and your husbands relationship will get better and you'll spend time in the evening together and the weight will drop off you. Once you see the changes and remember the beauty of life sober, you'll not drink again.
                  Something you may want to think about is whether you want to completely quit drinking or if you want just slow down and drink every so often...
                  Keep coming on here, reading posts and keep posting. Be strong hun, it will get better. You've taken the first step which is fantastic.

                  :l and :welcome:


                    just starting out, need help

                    listen, you are not alone. you want things to work (your family life, your marriage) and something (alchohol) is in the way. i am there (only never married). i used to be a pretty (ehh, i still am lol) young woman but now I do not recognize the person in the mirror because of the damn few lbs ive put on due to my excessive drinking. i am being a hypocrite if i give you any advice as i have not in the past 4 years gone more than one week (max) without drinking)

                    I dont get it because i had a great childhood, good job and all that jazz, but you know what? we will knock this baby out of the ball park. i intend to start "kicking the booze to the curb" training camp tomorrow. want to join???

                    we dont deserve anything in this world because we are blessed not deserving of even this life we live. i know that if we are blessed then we better be grateful but you know what its easier said than done as i am a living testament to that. instead we struggle with this addiction that needs some serious tackling. lets encourage each other because the people that we see every day may not know the secret struggle we face as we do, strangers that met on tihis website.

