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Just starting out!

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    Just starting out!

    So Greetings! I'm just starting out and don't have much to tell, I guess I'm relatively lucky because I don't have many alchohol related problems except that I have gained way too much weight, and drink daily and, I want that to end!
    I am looking for a group that maybe understands. I want to get healthier, lose weight, and change my daily routine and what I really need is motivation...if only that came in pill form!
    So, hello all. I look forward to reading your emails and blogs!

    Just starting out!

    Hi Beasley, Motivation does not come in a one pill form, but there are alot of tools here that can help you. I started by getting the starter kit here. You get RJ's book, supplements, hypno cds they along with the support on the threads will kick start your own internal motivation. It has been and continues to be a great journey for me. I am 64 days AF today. I am working out, eating better, happy with myself and feel great. Read RJ's intro, think about getting some of or all of the tools, that is what MWO is to find Your Own Way out...Good Luck!

    It's my world to make now...cuz I found my way out.


      Just starting out!


      What does AF stand for?


        Just starting out!

        Sorry Beasley, guess we just get used to using these abbrievations! AF means Alcohol Free. Welcome by the way! I'm starting my 30 days AF tomorrow!
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Just starting out!

          Hi Beasley, it is Alcohol Free.
          Mwo is right, get some tools to help you. I used the book and the supplements which have really helped and reading an posting here which has been a lifesaver for me.
          There is motivation here in bucketloads
          Best wishes
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Just starting out!

            Good for you! I don't think I ever made it longer than a week but I don't consider myself an alcoholic. I mean, when is one an alcoholic? I can stop when I choose, I don't drink any more than 3 or 4 glasses of wine/day but it's like, come 5 o'clock...I just have my wine.
            It has never stopped me from handling all my responsibilities so I don't think I'd be considered an alcoholic.


              Just starting out!

              It doesn't really matter what sort of label you put on anyone, just that you want to change things in some way. Why don't you join one of the 30 day AF threads? You are lucky, there are a number of people starting tomorrow. Hop on board and give it a try, see how you feel at the end. I bet it will be great
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Just starting out!

                That's my plan and thanks so much for the good advice. I've already read many motivating "threads" and I look forward to following the advice I've already been given.
                I also like the idea of NO LABELS.
                It's a habit I have, it is doing me no good so, I want to change.
                Thank you!


                  Just starting out!

                  hello were startin tomorrow and like u i never had a prob stoppin just stayin stopped,dont have a prob with my weight and if you want some weight knowledge try weight watchers,i did when i got out of a sanitarium because somone at worked squakked on me i smelled like booose,plus a doctor put me on pills to help me stop which i didnt really need and took the pills and gained to much weight and almost died cause i got to fat,really were a great group of folks here but dont insult us tht u dont have problems cause if you dont get help with your weight cause mybe you drink to much beer youll die of a heart attact and wont be able to help gyco i am tryin to help


                    Just starting out!

                    welcome, beasley. I LOVE this place!
                    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                      Just starting out!

                      Welcome Beasley,

                      You have already been given great advice, now it's just a matter of putting getting started.

                      There is a lot of great, loving support here, you have come to the right place.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Just starting out!

                        Hi All
                        I wish I had the information about al years ago that I have now.Yes I was like you in control, working, family etc. Al was not an issue but part of my life more than I realized.There are many things about a person that will make them predisposed to becoming an alcoholic.I had many of them and didn't recognize it. I progressively entered into a lifestyle of drinking.Some ware along the way I lost control and AL took over.You don't seem to be way down the road which is good for you.Read about al educate yourself and look in the mirror and see if you see some of the signs of an alcoholic.The earlier you deal with this, the easier it will be.Non of us woke up one day and were alcholics but here we are fighting for our lives.
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08

