Hi everyone
Have been reading the forums for a while but only just registered as I feel I need help.
For about a year I have realised my drinking has been getting heavier and heavier. I am a mother with young children (3 and 4) work part time. Before my 2nd child was born I hardly ever drank, but in the 2 years since I stopped breastfeeding I have gone from a glass of wine a night, to 2, then 3 then 4 and earlier this year realised I was drinking a bottle or more than half a bottle every night (between 30 and 40 units a week). I feel this was due to several reasons 1) stress of looking after 2 v young demanding children born v close together and no family support in area (husband works away a bit) and also post natal depression 2) health problems after my 2nd child was born meant I eventually needed a hysterectomy which was unexpected and a great shock physically and emotionally, 3) Used to exercise at night to get a "high" but couldn't before / and after surgery - although pleased to say i'm now able to get into it again so this should help.
Decided on Jan 1st 08 I needed to stop - however didn't manage to actually stop til Jan 15th (kept making excuses) Now here's the bit I don't understand. From Jan 15th - May2nd manged to be totally alcohol free - a staggering 108 days. A friend then said - "you dont' really have a problem if you can do this and you didn't really drink that much before did you. why not go back to just the odd glass - you must be able to control it if you can do 108 days AF" So from then on I tried to moderate and this is where it all went wrong and the most I've managed AF since is a run of about 6 days and now I'm drinking more heavily than ever than I did before!?!? Have no idea now how I manged those 108 days. I'm really struggling. Do you think I sound like a person who can moderate - I dont' think so.
Anyway after struggling all summer with the odd AF day here and there but generally unhappy i've decided Sept 1st is a new start and I'm going to try again. we're now on the 2nd and I mnaged yesterday AF but I feel like there's a mountain in front of me. Please help!!