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new - needing encouragement

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    new - needing encouragement

    The evening approaches - day 2 AF
    I Keep thinking of all that wine in the garage!
    Had a rough day with the little ones
    Why does it suddenley get so hard now when all through the day I had so much determination to stop ....


      new - needing encouragement

      Pay attention to your triggers, or habits. Members here talk about "HALT"


      It takes time, but it helps to retrain the brain to deal with the stress and these issues in our lives. Be patience, it takes time, but it is so worth it.
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        new - needing encouragement

        Welcome to our community! I think you will find a great deal of help and support if you stick with us. As for tonight, try to divert your attention to something else...maybe a nice, long bubble bath. This is an established daily habit of yours, to drink. Bad habits take time to be broken but they certainly can. Don't get discouraged that tonight is will get easier in time. Download the book and start reading...that will divert your attention from your garage. Best wishes; I look forward to getting to know you better. Kriger
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          new - needing encouragement

          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            new - needing encouragement

            Hi everyone
            Have just got through day 2 AF. Was really tempted around 7.30 (when my kids had gone to bed), by my husband's large wine store in the garage !?!%$!! but forced myself to go out - to the swimming baths and did 36 lengths instead! Have had my dinner and desert and now having a cup of tea so got past the danger time / witching hour!! It was hard work but i've notched up another day. Posting on here and making myself accountable and everyone's support really helped. Thanks everyone!


              new - needing encouragement

              Welcome Sausage,

              My "children" are young adults, but the memory of my emotional fatigue during much of their early/mid/and yes, teen years is still quite vivid. AL was my "friend" who promised an escape from it all. Little did I acknowledge that AL will just as soon kill you as help. The witching hour can undue the firmest resolve. I enjoy water with lemon in a wine glass or tonic with lime to put off the demon. When I feel particulary challenged, I give my brain a wash and wax with the hypno cd (it's one of 4 in the "original" set). That, and coming here keep me on the straight and narrow. Best to you!



                new - needing encouragement

                SAUSAGE;398841 wrote: The evening approaches - day 2 AF
                I Keep thinking of all that wine in the garage!
                Had a rough day with the little ones
                Why does it suddenley get so hard now when all through the day I had so much determination to stop ....
                Evening time on Day 2 and Day 3 are the hardest. What helps me most is a mood pill. Over the counter valerian works well for me. A benadryl also has the same effect for many people if you have some in the house. Or a half a unisom pill. Take it at 3pm or so, and it helps numb the evening.

                Next thing; give yourself a "treat" for each HOUR AF. I suck on a hard-candy mint, or eat an M&M (Yes, I'm one of the few people that actually eats just one M&M.) I've got my lemon juice in hand also.

                Then - do something different. Avoid down time or TV time, or any sort of time where you habitually drink. Instead, pull out a cookbook and plan a special dinner for Friday, or go for a walk outside, or something just different. Push yourself out of routine for just two hours.

                And finally, go to bed early. Don't let temptation sneak up as the hours go by. Just cut it off. Night night.

                Why all this? One effect of AL is that it floods your brain with serotonin. As a side effect, your natural serotonin creation system goes offline. Why shouldn't it; there's plenty of serotonin most of the time! The problem is even though you are now AL free for a day, it it takes 3-4 days for your body's natural serotonin production to notice, and get back online. Until it does, you will feel depressed (Serotonin controls moods, and low serotonin is associated with depression). Your glucose (blood sugar) level is probably also low, so you will feel low energy (like when you skip a meal except worse). Depressed and Low Energy. Woowee isn't -that- fun?

                The best thing to do is suffer through it, and let your natural body go back to it's role in regulating sucrose and serotonin. For most people that means going AF for a number of days. Generally first three days are downhill, but for most people starting with day 4 things start getting better.

                Just muddle through. We're rooting for you!


                  new - needing encouragement

                  It's the beginning of day 3 for me now!!
                  Thanks everyone for their advice and support
                  I have heard that days 2, 3, 4 are the hardest so am getting prepared for this.....!!
                  Posting on here has helped - feel like I'm not alone fighting this - it's great to get repsonses / support off people. My problem was although I calculated on a bad week I had 50 units (and a good week 30+) people (ie family, close friends, close co-workers ) didn't think I had a problem, they just thought I was neurotic when I said I wanted to stop / cut down drinking - even though I tried to explain the amounts were way over what was healthy so I wasn't getting any support. Would have been prepared to consider AA as the father of one of my friend's found it hugely supportive and has been sober for 21 yrs with the help of AA but my main fear of going is I am a health care professional and local meetings would be full of my patients: I am sure as meetings are held right next to the health centre where I work !!!!! and going further afield to find meetings further away isn't really an option at the moment.
                  Being on hear and sharing / getting support with others is just what I need everyone - thanks!!


                    new - needing encouragement

                    Well done sausage!:goodjob:
                    bummer about the AA meetings being next to your work! But this place is just great too! I'm on day 3 too today and never made it past this in 4 years so the fight is on!
                    The AF army thread is great and so is ODAT if you wanted to check those out.
                    All the best for today!
                    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                      new - needing encouragement

                      You're on the right track. Every day do what you did yesterday. You are so lucky to have a pool. Swim those laps every evening when you would normally want a drink. Change up your routine. You will only benefit physically and mentally. I think the supplements help. I take GABA, Ture Calm, B+, AllOne, magnesium, Omega 3-6-9. I know it sounds like a lot, but as you read the book and research the subject, it's not all about willpower. Hang in there, you're doing great!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        new - needing encouragement

                        Evenings are harder for most of us. Stay focused on your goal. Make lists to stay buys...stick to your list. It helps. Best wishes to you
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          new - needing encouragement

                          Everyday AF you will feel BETTER AND BETTER...
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            new - needing encouragement

                            Thanks everyone for your support - getting towards the witching hr in day 3 - am finding it v tough. Am now v aware that around days 3 and 4 are among the toughest. Have been posting on another thread re monthly abstainence too. Just got to keep busy this evening - will post again later!!!


                              new - needing encouragement

                              ABSOLUTELY Sausage. These are all withdrawal symptoms and it means you're ON TRACK. You just have to push through these first few days and YOU CAN DO IT.

                              Yes - distractions, comforts, supplements, good food. Drink lots of water. If you can't get full sleep, then simply resting is good too - a movie, a magazine, here . You will feel SO much better in a couple of days, and then even better after that.

                              Great job on day 3 !!! Truly . And keep posting! We're with you all the way.........

                              Love ww xox


                                new - needing encouragement

                                what time is it there now Sausage? What are your plans for the rest of the evening?

                                ww xox

