Thanks for the support Wonderworld
It's now almost 9pm here in UK. Have just been out for a 40 min cycleride after I put my kids to bed as I was dangerously close to drinking. We're about to eat soon but in the meantime to occupy myself i'm trying to make a homemade birthday card (card making is one of my hobbys) for my Godson whose birthday is in a couple of weeks. Could really do with an alcoholic drink but am just having a hot cup of tea after the cycle ride to warm myself up as it's very cold and windy here. I always drank after the kids were in bed (around 7pm) to fill in time before dinner was cooked (around 8.30 or 9pm) as we are always later eating than I would like because of bathing the kids, putting them to bed, tidying up etc. If I could eat sooner (easier said than done) I would have less of a problem / have less time to drink because once i've had my main course and on to my desert / something sweet ,I never drank after that!