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Queen of the slips

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    Queen of the slips

    Hi all!
    I must be the champion of slips! Drank AGAIN last night and hated it like i knew i would, woke up this morning hating myself like i knew i would. Crazy really why i would even be tempted to drink.
    I'm ordering some Antabuse today, it's be with me in 2 weeks. My target is to stay sober for 2 weeks and take an antabuse if i get any urge to drink. Hopefully if i do that i can get a couple of months AF under my belt and hopefullly those voices in my head that say, drink hun, it'll be fine, only one glass ect ect will go away.
    Also, anyone know of some good herbal sleeping pills? I haven't slept in weeks.

    Queen of the slips

    Michelle - Valerian root is good, called Kalms in the UK.
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


      Queen of the slips

      Hi Michelle - Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time. Instead of feeling bad about yourself, think of how GOOD you'll feel every day you go AF! (I slipped a couple days ago, too, after more than 30 days!!!)

      What has helped me with those voices is to just acknowledge the thought... and let it pass on through (distraction is good!). If you stop & obssess about it, you'll make it worse. Like saying: DON'T think about a pink elephant! Guess what - that's what you'll think about...

      I think melatonin is good for sleep (plus it's good for you in other ways, so I don't mind taking it).
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Queen of the slips

        LM, good for you getting some antabuse, and here's a thought: go ahead and take it regularly, not waiting till you get an urge to drink! Once you have a strong urge to drink, which is your mind more likely to choose: antabuse, or a drink???? With the regular use of the antabuse, you can get the alcohol out of your system and begin building a new set of behaviors...



          Queen of the slips


          Hang tough! I and I am sure most of us can relate! The last time I drank I knew I was going to feel bad and did it anyway. In a way that feeling alone is what has helped me stay on track again. I can so empathize with you because I had a horrible day yesterday and seriously considered going to the store. The beast voice almost won, but I held onto the how I felt the last time I folded.

          Don't beat yourself up, as Savon stated, let it go thru you, it passes, I proved it last night!

          KEEP THE FAITH!

          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


            Queen of the slips

            A Work in Progress;399434 wrote: LM, good for you getting some antabuse, and here's a thought: go ahead and take it regularly, not waiting till you get an urge to drink! Once you have a strong urge to drink, which is your mind more likely to choose: antabuse, or a drink???? With the regular use of the antabuse, you can get the alcohol out of your system and begin building a new set of behaviors...

            Michelle, I agree with what WIP said.

            I didn't take Antabuse but I did take Topa for 3 months and it was a life saver. I didn't get cravings but I did have "thoughts" of having a drink and the combination of the Topa and supps really helped me through those times. Like WIP mentioned, it created a new behaviour for myself and even if I did have a drink it would only be one or two. I have a new habit now... being AF!
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Queen of the slips

              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Queen of the slips

                Arm yourself with ammo....get the supps, make a plan and stick to it. It is much harder recovering over and over from our misery. You will get there, never give up hope...ever.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Queen of the slips

                  Hi Michelle, take all this advice, stick with can do it, I know you can. I believe it is a mindset, when you make up your mind to do something, it gives you the will to see it through.
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Queen of the slips

                    Hi LilM,

                    Think on this thought: you could have slipped big time and never told anyone. You could have somehow convinced yourself (and us) that you're in total control with AL. You could still be hiding from it like we've all done. But you came clean. You're being honest with yourself. And you're still working on changing yourself. That's a good thing. Now expand your use of the program as suggested and stay with us. We just know you can do it.


