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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Morning all.

    I'm loving September. Ok it's damp but it's cool and still and we have lots of apples and blackberries and other berries and fruits in the hedgerows. If I had more time I'd be out there collecting them and making them into pies, crumbles and jams but no time this year. Shame, maybe next year........ That's what a friend of mine replied when I had to turn down her offer of a lift to one of the UK's biggest 3 day horse events. A lot of my horsey friends are going but I just haven't got the time (or the money but I am sure I could use the money I'm not spending on Al this month - trouble is I'll be spending that several times over!! :H) but I'm beginning to wonder. Whilst I do need to get a lot of work done, does it need to be at the expense of my enjoyment? Can I not cut myself a little slack now and then? Putting enjoyable things off until later may mean they never happen. As I get more energy and time through this AF month perhaps I can use that extra time to do fun things, the hours that used to be spent drinking can now be spent on more positive, enjoyable experiences. Maybe I will accept that lift ......

    Love to you all.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi Bessie and all to come

    Good to see you back and in such good form. I have decided that each week I am going to do something nice for myself, something that requires a little bit more effort and planning. A trip to the theatre, cinema, a new shopping centre, city centre etc. When I do things like that I always say "Oh must do that more often and then never do". We all just get caught up in the rat race but being AF give us more time, energy and money in our pockets so lets use it!!!

    How do others plan to treat themselves this September?



      ODAT - Wednesday

      Hi Bessie, Rustop and all to come!
      That sounds like a really good idea to plan in some treats! (Maybe I can pay someone to come and do the housework!)
      With boys back at school though I feel like I need to sort things out here as its all got rather messy and out of hand... trouble is I never know where to begin and it bores the pants off me:H
      Shame about those berries Bessie, I'm sure my boys would come round and pick them for you if we lived near! Sounds like you need to plan in that horse event to give yourself something to look forward to eh?
      Take care
      Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
      Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
      For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi Rustop - I KNEW there was somebody, a regular, I had missed out yesterday - sorry! Probably lots of other too, for which I apologise.

        That is a really good idea - I just hope you can keep it up as I regularly try that sort of thing but then the pressure of all the other stuff takes over. However, I keep trying! I plan to take half days off with my husband and just go for a long dog walk and a lunch (not a pub this month!!) or to the cinema and supper. Mind you, I AM off to Ragdale Hall in the middle of the month for 3 days so that counts as a major 'be nice to myself' thing!!! Can't wait. health spa, spa resort, health farm, weekend spa break - Ragdale Hall Health Hydro. Been there before years ago and it was sublime!

        Bessie xx


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hi Bessie and Co

          Still on Day 1 - can't seem to shake it off! You all sound so positive makes me really kick myself and break out of the daily drinking habit!

          Keep it going.



            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hey MM- don't give yourself a hard time! I had a daily drinking habit up until Sunday night so I'm in same boat as you! You can do it! ODAT and all that, there is no competition here!
            Take care
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Thanks Evie - you're a star


                ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi Everyone...

                Sounds like the fall weather has everyone in good spirits. The weather is beginning to cool in the mornings here in Minnesota but it gets very nice at about noon and stays warm through the rest of the day. Hope everyone had a great summer. I didn't have much time to check in as I was busy getting on rebuilding my life post heavy drinking. Been AF for quite a while now and feeling really good. Glad to read many of the posts of ODAT and see that everyone is still doing well.

                Have a great day...Andrew


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Hi all--

                  Another cool fall morning here. I love fall weather. Bessie--my philosophy is life is too short to spend it working all the time. I "retired" from my job of 26 years last summer so I could enjoy my kids and make them my priority instead of my "job". i know not everyone can do something as drastic as this. But I have also learned that the chores and jobs I need to do never go away. They are always there waiting for me. So once in awhile it's good to just go do something fun and NOT feel guilty about it. (I need to listen to my own advice)

                  To those struggling with AL, I wish you strength and perseverence. Please don't ever quit trying to quit. :h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Morning All!

                    Looks like summer out there today - at last, the sun is shining - but feels like fall. LVT - I love the fall weather too. But, I have had to turn the heat on in the house the past couple of nights! I'm sure the first frost is not far off! I must finish painting the outside of my house. Only the top bit to do, but I'm rather scared of heights and have been procrastinating. Maybe tonight after work.......

                    Bessie - take the lift. Go to the event with your horsey friends. You probably won't regret it, and the work will always be there!
                    Case - you really do sound so good. By your post yesterday, it sounds like your life has totally turned around. 48 lb????? Wow! You must feel great!

                    OK - so I started back on ALL the supps yesterday and wham-o, massive headache. Back in June,, my doctor suggested that it could be the Niacin that was giving me the headaches. So, the AllOne powder contains 250% of ones requirement for Niacin and the B50 supp has 500% the daily requirement.Maybe a bit much? I could hardly keep my right eye open last night. So I am knocking those two particular supps right out today - I really don't need that grief, as I already suffered for about 6 weeks with those headaches before we figured out what the problem was before! Don't know why I just had to try them again - stupid!! I'll just eat well instead - not a problem there!!!!

                    Must get some work done here today. Took another vehicle in to get the damage assesed this morning already - my kids are so hard on these cars!!! It is a write-off. Hopefully, we can get a bit of cash for it and then tow it out to the wrecker. Too many old vehicles around my place - the neighbors must just love me!!!! ha!!!

                    Have a wild wednesday!
                    xoxo Peanut


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi fellow ODATs,

                      Tough day today - back at work after the Labor Day holiday weekend with so much work to catch up on, but that's the way it is. Case, you sound great. And Bessie, do be sure to take some fun time. If I don't, that's when the AL beast starts whining in my ear about how deprived I am which truly is a crock. Anyway, I do think it's healthier for us all to indulge ourselves (with our time, of course) a little bit.

                      And to the strugglers, just keep at it. I think it's wonderful to see that so many who do struggle stay here and keep trying rather than throw in the towel. I had to spend an hour with the cd's today to get a little of my mojo back - seems it waxes and wanes with the position of the moon, or something like that. I'm just personally encouraged by everyone - whether having a good day or a challenge.



                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hello ODATers,

                        I am probably closing out the ODAT thread for today but wanted to post to it anyway!!

                        Another day sober for me. Yippee!!

                        I went to an AA meeting tonight and heard something very good. (I always do.)

                        One of the men shared that even though he had been sober over 13 years, (omigosh and he looked so young, yikes!!) he was still one of those who had bad emotions to deal with.

                        The difference was, as a sober person, he did not act in accordance with those emotions. He said emotions and thoughts come and go but actions are what he and everybody around him ends up caring about.

                        To relate this to drinking, we get those thoughts and emotions that tell us to drink. That is fine. Let's try to remember ODAT that it is what we do, i.e. not drink, and not whether we have those thoughts and emotions that counts!!

                        Love to all my dear ODAT friends,
                        AF April 9, 2016

