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Qustion about wine

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    Qustion about wine

    The problem with me is; just one drink, and my brain goes off. I lose the self control that I have when I'm sober. That's why I had to do Day 2 eight times last month. No. No. No.

    You don't want the end result of your romantic dinner to be a failure for your program.

    I agree with Deebee and Kate. Make a special dinner, but exclude AL from it.

    AF Champagne is a great idea.

    If it's hot where you are, think about AF Sangria (AF red wine on the rocks in a wine glass with a splash of fruit juice, a tad of sugar, and an orange peel). Between the sweetener and the ice, you don't miss the alcohol at all.

    Sangria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Qustion about wine


      The AF Sangria recipe sounds great! Believe I'll have to try that one - I really don't like the taste of most of the AF wines, but adding the juice, sugar and orange peel sounds so festive. Thanks - and I agree that D & C might want to consider it for his special dinner. And D & C - your wife has been such a wonderful mate during your illness, I think it's lovely you're planning a special dinner. Perhaps you'll both enjoy the AF sangria by candlelight!



        Qustion about wine

        D & C
        I bet your wife would truly NOT like to see alcohol in your house...just speculating, but my bet is to try one of the recipies above and forget about real wine for this fabulous dinner. I can guarantee the mood won't suffer one bit and your intentions will shine through. The dinner is a really fabulous idea to show your appreciation; alcohol is not really needed to acomplish your goal. JMHO
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Qustion about wine


          If your wife is not really a drinker, she won't miss the wine. I would forgo it.

          My hubby would rather I stay sober than him enjoying anything to drink. He doesn't miss it at all.

          I think the meal sounds incredible and is good enough. Perhaps some fresh flowers in lieu of the wine?

          Someone said tonight in a meeting that if we were asked when we ate Chinese last time, we would have to think about it. However, we know exactly when our last drink was.

          Many normal drinkers, when asked when they had their last drink, would have to think about it.

          Hmm. Therein lies a huge difference. Don't you think?

          btw, great idea on the meal and I hope it goes well!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Qustion about wine

            Got ya......different catergory ! IAD.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Qustion about wine

              Thanks for the replies. I am going to drink iced tea myself. The expensive wine is for her. I am sorry for posting this in the wrong forum but its the only forum I really know.

              Gia I will take your advice on the wine choice.

              WiP I am so glad I could offend you again.


                Qustion about wine

                Hi D & C,

                This should probably be posted in the recipes section, but I tried Boss's AF sangria recipe tonight and it was quite good - and very refreshing. Highly recommend it. Thank you Boss!



                  Qustion about wine

                  If this could be moved to the recipe section I would greatly appreciate it, not sure how the mods do things here. Right now I just drink instant tea. regular in the morning and decaf in the afternoon. Any suggestions on a good tea?


                    Qustion about wine

                    I'll take that recipe. I'd love to serve it the next time I have guests. I'm the only one who cares if there's wine at the table or not, and it's definitely time for a change! I'll gladly try this new AF drink. So whose the author? I'll be looking for it in the Recipes thread! Thanks guys. Yum Yum.

