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new to site with questions

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    new to site with questions

    Iam on day 3 of taking the anabuse and was wondering when you notice a reaction to lotion or perfume you have always used. It seems like everything I used had an alcohol base in it. So fare nothing has happend to my skin and I dont feel sick. I think Iam more worried about everyday things I use with some sort of alcohol base then taking or worrying that I cant drink... Iam excited but not if I have to give up lotion, hairspray and certain foods. Is there any info on what foods you should avoid? I feel like Iam not making since so I will wait to see if anyone replies. thanks

    new to site with questions

    Hi Journey and welcome
    I am not on antabuse but just to let you know your post made total sense and I am sure will be answered in due course. There are lots of people on antabuse and it seems some have side effects from items containing AL but others dont so much. If you search on Cindy and Marbella - I think both of them are on ANtabuse. Search function is on top right hand corner. There were some recent threads on it and I will bump them for you if I can find them. Apparently salary dressings can be dangerous and give headaches or the like.


      new to site with questions

      stay strong and think positive.. good luck
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        new to site with questions


        The response seems to be different for different people.

        I didn't change any of my toiletries and most of them have some sort of alcohol in them. I have had no reaction at all. None.

        I did try half a glass of wine once on the Antabuse. Now there was a reaction!! Trust me, you really don't want to do that.

        I do avoid things with too much uncooked vinegar since there is a bit of alcohol in that but I like creamy salad dressings anyway.

        I occasionally have an NA beer and have had no reaction to that.

        :welcome: and the best of luck with the Antabuse. It has been a huge help to me and I hope you find it to be one for you, too.

        AF April 9, 2016


          new to site with questions

          Hi Journey, Im waiting for my antabuse to arrive and im concerned about toiletries the same as you. There's a couple of antabuse threads in the meds section of the forum, so some good reading there for you.
          I noticed that my shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, mouthwash and hand wash all seem to be alcohol based! Maybe using a couple of al-based products may not create a reaction, but Im keeping them to a minimum.
          ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


            new to site with questions


            I am on 250mg Antabuse per day and so far, knock on wood, have had no reaction toiletry wise. My guess is, reactions are related to dosage and individuals. Some folks take 500mg so more likely to have issues.

            Hope that helps!
            Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


              new to site with questions

              Hi Journey and Welcome!

              I take around 250mg every 4 to 5 days, and Yes, I do get a reaction with half a glass of beer (I am a fool and have tested- please DO NOT test!) but nothing with toiletries.

              However last week I bought a new brand of salad dressing and got a nasty headache from that.

              Here are some threads you may find helpful:


              Good luck. I can't stop without antabuse- to me it is the best thing invented!


                new to site with questions

                Glad you are here. I don't know anything about antibuse but I'm sure you will get answers here.
                Love and Peace
                When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


                  new to site with questions

                  Hey, thanks to all of you that replied. I found the antabuse thread after I posted this. I have posted over there as well. Thanks again!

