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How do you do it?

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    How do you do it?

    I hope you can get through this weekend. It seems when we start stringing AF days under our belt we get a new sense of freedom and confidence. I read something in an Allen Carr book that said (something like this)- If you take that last drink you can immediately start thinking of yourself as a non-drinker. Think of the freedom that thought affords you. Don't ever let your mind turn it around to what you are missing or being deprived of- we all know this kind of thinking sets you up for failure. Just keep thinking that you are free from the bonds AF had on you and how blessed you are to be a non-drinker with all the positives that go with that. That doesn't make as much sense as he did but I hope you can gleen something out of what I just rambled. I am on Day 32 and I never think deprivation, I'm always thinking how much more freedom I have. It has worked for me. Good Luck. Kriger
    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


      How do you do it?

      hey joe man i feel your pain and ive been there lots of time so i know its not easy giving up drinking,im also new on this site and just reading the posts here has helped me greatly today makes me 8 days af,and trust me today was my hardest.I agree with A work in progress that a lot of our problems comes from the behaviors and habits that we,re used to.Today was my harsest because i went back to work after being off for five days and fell right back into my regular pattern and trust me i had to fight tooth and nail to avoid having one cold beer,because that was something that i was used to for my brother go for it again you can do it just be ready for the weak times when they comes and put up the fight of your like at that time.hang tuff Joe.


        How do you do it?

        OHHHHHHHHHHHHH Joe! Get back on the boards! LOL

        (I can bust him cuz we talked on the phone)

        Besides, we want to hear about the progress after today!

        Your Freaky Friend,


          How do you do it?

          Yes Joe, come on you have friends here mate. Keep posting it will get easier hun.
          All the luck in the world to you!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            How do you do it?

            thank you "waiting...." and Starting......" but i feel like a real F*** up. i made it till about 9:00 tonight, and i couldn't take it any more so i went and got another bottle of wine.
            SO Here I am... MWO's worst drunk....


              How do you do it?

              You are NOT MWO's worst drunk. You have started to make changes by coming here. Don't beat yourself up. You are trying, you just need to try a little harder and you will see some results. Joe DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Thats an order buddy !
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                How do you do it?


                In my case, drinking to comfortably numb was a thing of the past. I drank to blackout, broken windows, asleep on kitchen floor, falling down drunk in front of grandchildren. Horrible, horrible drinking. Morning 'til night.

                I have no choice. It is quit or die.

                I decided to try to live.

                No, you are not MWO's worst drunk. There are many out there just like you and many worse. Me, for example.

                Just keep trying. You will get there.

                AF April 9, 2016

