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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    End of the week but just another ODAT right?!

    Glad the funeral went well Evie. Think the bit about the rainbow sounds wonderful. It is astonishing how many times that sort of thing happens. Maybe we are just looking for it but maybe it is a coincidence. Anyway, you sent your Grandpa on his way and you did it AF - well done you!

    Breezed through yesterday - busy but no drinking triggers. This is a lot easier with hubby doing the month AF too. He asked if I wanted some AF wine and we opened a bottle of red. Had a couple of glasses with dinner. Didn't bring on any cravings or regret for the real thing at all. I've ordered him some AF beer with the online shop and will get some more AF white as it drinks better than the red. I don't even think we'll be having much of it but it is nice to know it's there and if it keeps us off the real deal it's worth it.

    Do whatever it takes. And keep doing it.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Friday

    Hi Bessie and everyone coming along

    Finally managed to go AF last night - just felt so yuk all day, think my everyday drinking for the past couple of weeks has really taken its toll on me.

    So Day 2 here I stagger!

    Evie was thinking about you yesterday and the funeral - well done and with the rainbow thing. We buried my Mum in the depths of winter but as we came out of church a robin started singing such a beautiful song - I don't think it's coincidence at all.

    Love to all


      ODAT - Friday

      Hi all ODAT'rs

      Well done Evie, am glad you got through the day ok. Hi again Mad Mummy and well done. Use whatever it takes Bessie, I find the AF wine and beer great. It has stopped me numerous times from taking the real thing. Much easier when hubby is going AF, mine has his wine every night and while its getting easier it is still a challenge for me.

      On Day 5 and planning an AF week-end.



        ODAT - Friday

        Good Morning All
        Just a quickie, heading out to work. Hate working the Day shift, but need the money. Day 4 today for me. Stocked up on L-Glut and Calme Forte yesterday. Now I have everything except for the kudzu, which I think I will have to order online. I am still considering the Topa. Planning an AF weekend too. Working tomorrow. Sunday is the tough day. Football, New England Patriot's season opener. I am a football fanatic, and it was always a pizza and beer occasion. I will have to make another plan. Have a great day all.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          ODAT - Friday

          Morning everyone.

          I've got to find my BGP and my happy face and go to work. Yesterday hubby asked me if he was getting a birthday present. My mouth fell open and it said "You cannot be serious!" He teared up and I'll spare you the rest. I'm in such an awful mood I shouldn't even be posting. I have been feeling a lot of different things, but today I feel bitter. I'm not used to that feeling and it doesn't feel good. But the sober part does.

          Roses are red
          Violets are blue
          Have a great birthday
          'Cause I have a suprise for you.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Friday

            Hello everyone!
            Great to hear you are all managing af!
            So sorry Greeneyes, you are managing so well given your situation and we are all with you.:l
            Day 5 for me, longest in years! Its a struggle but I'm already feeling glimmers of a better life. My body is much less tired and my head feels clearer. The main thing I'm finding hard is my emotions feel MUCH stronger (whether good or bad) and I'm not sure what to do with them at times. One step at a time I guess.
            We have a family party tomorrow (aunties 40th wedding anniversary) so thats going to be tough... must remember to take some tasty soft drink. I found this elderflower and lemon cordial in asda and mixed it with sparkling water and it was really refreshing! Maybe I'll give that a go.
            Yes Bessie it is much easier when hubby doesn't drink isn't it. I really take my hat off to those who manage to stay af when the partner drinks in front of them. Thankfully mine is not a heavy drinker and tends to drink beer(real ale) which I can't stand!
            Anyway take care all and have a safe and healthy day
            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


              ODAT - Friday

              Good Morning/Afternoon to ODATer's ---- just checking in to report starting Day 5 for me. That's the longest I've gone since finding this site... but each time I start it becomes a little easier.... so going for my first weekend AF! Got to run, but will check in again tonight ... stay strong!


                ODAT - Friday

                Happy Friday All! I have been on vacation since Monday getting the girls all set for school...and fell off the wagon after 12 days

                Not badly mind you, but had a few glasses here and there at night. Amazing how little it takes now to wake up feeling like complete crap.

                Hope everyone is well. Have a nice weekend.
                "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                  ODAT - Friday

                  Morning all and Happy Friday!

                  Did a bit better yesterday than I have been doing. This beast is a strong sucker! Still waiting on my Topa, but have decided his morning that all of this is bulls**t has GOT TO stop!

                  I will never recover from this messy breakup by depressing myself further with the wine.

                  Today I will smile and as someone said "fake it till you make it". I like that.

                  Nice to see some familar faces again. I need to stay here more often in the coming days / weeks. I REFUSE to fail this time around.


                    ODAT - Friday

                    "Fake it till you make it!!" I like that! That has a lot of truth in it. Thanks WTE and make sure you stay here so you really can make it.
                    Another one I like ......
                    When you are down and out
                    Lift up your head and shout....some sucker's gonna pay for this!

                    Another some more for Greeny

                    Roses are Red
                    Violets are Blue
                    You want a pressie
                    **K you!

                    Roses are red
                    Violets are blue
                    I don't give diddly
                    To a**holes like you!

                    Rose are red
                    Violets are blue
                    If I wanted a snake
                    I'd go to the zoo!

                    OK I'll never make poet laureate! But you get my drift. Better submissions welcome!

                    Have a good weekend everyone and stay strong.

                    Bessie xxx


                      ODAT - Friday

                      To AL and Ron: (ya bastards!)

                      Roses are red
                      Violets are blue
                      Addictions like you
                      I TOO will get through!

                      LOL, just had to laugh at myself there for a moment. Shezzzz


                        ODAT - Friday

                        LOL - you guys are hillarious today! The past 2 days have sucked for me but I am determined to make this an AF weekend...........there I said it!

                        And now I will do it.......

                        Have a good one everyone!
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                          ODAT - Friday

                          hi all,never new there were so many women at this site,hehehe husbands must drive you to drink,dangggg hope all have a great weekend the gyco


                            ODAT - Friday

                            WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My Topa just arrived. Oh my. It's genertic from India? But from River.

                            This is SO SCARY to do alone. God give me strength in this. I am a bit spooked living alone and not knowing how this will be.

                            I will take the first one in the morning, or 1/2 a one as most say is the best way to start. (25 mg) I kayak at 10:30AM ... hope I can remember how to oar! LOL Will someone take down my cell phone number in case I get lost in a cave????

                            Sheezzz,, excited and scared all at one time. Think last time I felt like this I was a virgin =)


                              ODAT - Friday

                              Oh you silly - you are making me laugh!!!!! You will be just fine - it is not as crazy as it is made out to be!

                              I know what you mean though - I was so excited and scared to take the Topa, not knowing what to expect!!!! Just start slowly, 25mg for a week then up to 50 for a week, etc. You may not feel much at first, but to tell the truth, I think it helped me right away. I just started back on it this past week, and the only real effect I have had (again) is a tingling in my cheeks after I get out of the pool. Weird. It doesn't last, but it must be the topa, because when I went off it, I didn't have that any more.

                              I think it will work for you!!!
                              All the best!
                              xoxo Peanut

