You know Paisley (yes! like this name much better) you mentioned that you are a "functioning alcoholic), many here, including myself have thought the same thing about ourselves! Many here hold executive level jobs, take do a great job of raising children and over all "appear" to be highly functioning, successful people........I was one of those for many years too! I never drank during the daytime, never before 7PM, I never missed work due to alcohol and most people would have looked at me and not dreamed that I was hiding a serious forward to 8 months as a non-drinker and I can see how disfunctional I was. I am sure there were some days, that others, clients, family, friends and colleagues could see that something wasn't right......and not so deep down in side I always really new that I was not fully functioning and loosing another piece of myself with each empty bottle.
Push ahead and give yourself the gift of 30 days without alcohol. See how you feel then, it is a great beginning!
Best of Luck to You!