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September Slip Club

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    September Slip Club

    You changed your name for a reason. Because it didn't fit you and it doesn't now. I'll be thinking of you. You've had a lot of huge changes in your life. Hang in there and take care.


      September Slip Club


      Although its only quarter to 3- bed might be best

      The more you drink the worse you're gonna feel- we all know what a depressant it is- could you at least get some food in- then try to taper of it bit by bit.

      Just a suggestion- you'll do what you have to do in the end.

      Take care.


        September Slip Club

        Yes I know it's hard to look past how you feel right now. But you will. You did it before and you will do it again.


          September Slip Club

          Dolphin? Please make that 3rd brandy your last. Please, for Vladders.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            September Slip Club

            Slipping, really hurts! It really puts us back to square one all over again. In the beginning, I think that slipping is part of the process. Feeling good with a few days AF, we begin to think that we can handle a drink or two..........WRONG! I honestly think that it is our tricky minds trying to convince us that we can actually drink and drink in a healthy way!

            I also think that when a "Slip" causes us to give up and go back to drinking, it is not because of the slip, it is because we choose to continue drinking. The thing is, we need to stop living for our next drink, that keeps us locked in to "Drinking Thinking".....As Livingfree said, we have to create a mind set that "Slipping is Not an Option".....we have to truly comitt to living alcohol free and do this one day at a time!!

            Dolphin, sorry you are drinking, do yourself a favor and just pour the rest down the drain and go to bed!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              September Slip Club

              Hi All
              Not until we realize that I AM ONLY GOING TO HAVE ONE means we are going to get drunk will we ever stop drinking.We alcoholics don't drink for the taste we drink to get drunk.Next time look at that ONE , the first , that is the one that got you drunk not the 8 or 10
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                September Slip Club

                Oh, I feel so much pain here. I'm with Boss - I don't think we should feel we're losers or failures because we lost our resolve at a particular point in time. It seems that the most important thing to "take away" from the experience is that we're vulnerable at particular points in time, or vulnerable in particular circumstances, or vulnerable, period. Then, we have to set in motion a firm plan (with the help of supps, meds, friends, this site, exercise, whatever) to ensure that it doesn't happen again. Nancy laid out her "I don't drink when . . ." plan, and it ended up covering so many instances that she doesn't drink all that much. To me, this is the very personal nature of this addiction and it behooves all of us to come with our own personal plan.

                I know that when I'm not thinking constantly about the next drink I'm free to think about others, about the deeper aspects of life, and about my place in the creator of the universe's plan. And that is so important to me I'll not let a slip - or bad decision at a given moment - get in the way. God does NOT make junk, but he also didn't create human perfection. Let's love ourselves with the kind of love we show others. Stepping off the pulpit now, ever so gingerly. It's Sunday, afterall. Hope you find your peace Dolph.



                  September Slip Club

                  Hi Dolphin
                  I miss your funny postings. Sooo sorry to see that you are drinking again. Dont you have antabuse?Take it for your son's sake and your own. Cant you just get up in the morning and just take it before you have time to think about it. You were doing so so well and you can again you just need to get started again.


                    September Slip Club

                    yo boss what a familyyou have here,we care of you gyco


                      September Slip Club

                      I hear ya Dolphin! I did that last month.

                      And I'm not going to beat myself up over reverting to the habits I built over the last 25 years. I'm not going to be able to fully change myself in a day or a week or a month.

                      Tomorrow is Monday. It's a new week, and a new opportunity. Every time we slip, we need to celebrate the progress we made before slipping. Make our celebration the centerpiece of getting back up, and making a resolution to go a bit father next time. That's all.

                      I'm 47 years old and not about to be perfect. But that doesn't stop me from trying to be better, and besides, the headaches were killing me! Good luck to all who didn't slip, and for those who did, let's dust off and get ready for Monday, tomorrow, to make a new go of how we are going to live in the future.


                        September Slip Club

                        Yo Gyco, I'm married, no kids, but three dogs. Nice big 100 year old house in an urban suburb of Portland so we can walk everywhere (groceries, bookstores, restaurants) all weekend long. The old house always needs a lot of work, fixing some loose doorknobs today, and starting to batten down the hatches for fall, which gives me something to do on weekends.


                          September Slip Club

                          well i made the first day and i am encouraged. btw, thanks for the sleeping tips. it was wretched for me last night but i will get some melatonin 3mg and attempt a night of rest. i was almost ready to slip after my first day however i opted to perservere.


                            September Slip Club

                            Hi All
                            Paisley way to go hang tough the days 1- 10 are the hardest.Then it does easy up a bit but you can't.
                            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                            AF 5-16-08


                              September Slip Club

                    ;403612 wrote:
                              Tomorrow is Monday. It's a new week, and a new opportunity. Every time we slip, we need to celebrate the progress we made before slipping. Make our celebration the centerpiece of getting back up, and making a resolution to go a bit father next time. That's all.
                              I agree bossman - this is the way I like to look at it.
                              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                                September Slip Club

                                thanks casea. i can tell that the first days are gonna be a challenge.

