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September Slip Club

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    September Slip Club

    While I've enjoyed the 30 days Hath September thread, and the many people who participated, I notice some fading of those voices.

    I want to start a new thread for those that have slipped.

    In August with the help of this forum I got my first seven days AF. I felt good, better than I felt in years. So I figured I would have just one tiny drink on Saturday, just one, and that would be it for the week. Hahaha. I had to go to work two days later to go to work, and had been continuously drunk for 48 hours. Ugh.

    I felt bad. I didn't come back to the forum because of what I had said.

    Then I did come back, and I realized how many of us here slip all the time. It's not slipping that's the problem. That's just a part of the process. It's failing to get back up that's the key. It's too easy to slide into old habits, and not go through the work to build new habits.

    In August I did Day 2 eight times, and Day 3 three times. I'm now an expert on Day 2 and Day 3. Frankly, they hurt so bad one of my huge incentives is to never go through that process again! I'm back today, finishing Day 7 for the second time, and this time I'm not going for that "one tiny drink" that undid me a month ago. I hope just to keep going as I am for a while. No big agenda on how many days. Just for a while.

    But if I slip, I'll still be back. I hope others can join me in getting up and trying again.

    September Slip Club

    Ok - You can do this. You have so much knowledge about this process. I KNOW you can get the 30 days in. Sometimes we just need "accountability" from this site - and maybe thats what you've been lacking. You can PM me anytime. I'm on the site in short "spurts" because of the DEMANDS of owning MY OWN BUSINESS!! But I check in often. One thing that a Great member once told me when I was first starting out ... "there comes a time when "slips" are not allowed." He really changed my thinking. I knew I had to log on this site and confess if I failed so I removed "failure" from my thought process. By George it helped!! As drinkers, we spend YEARS slipping ... so it just becomes part of our vocabulary. Now is the time to re "think" our "thoughts". So - Here's to you. You can make it through Sept. without a Slip. I KNOW you can!
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      September Slip Club

      Wow Boss Man, Living Free, you are 2 inspirational people and I love reading your posts. The way you both approach this journey with your wisdom and insight is amazing. I am so glad you are both here offering the support that we all need.
      I have not slipped (this time) and I pray that I don't but it is reading posts like this that help me not to do so. THANK YOU!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        September Slip Club

        When I was 33 I decided I had to quit smoking (cough, sallow skin etc) and couldn't. It began to overtake my every thought, and I tried absolutely every 'cure' known to man at the time! And spent a fortune in the process.

        I read everything on nicotine addiction I could lay my hands on- all in all it took me more than 3 years to quit from the day I decided to when I stubbed out the last cig.

        During my last 6 months of smoking I would often get to day 2 or 3 then start again. Then I found I was frequently making it to day 5- then I would slip, smoke for a few days and stop again. Eventually those day 5s became day 8s, then I did a full 30 plus days- and again slipped! Shortly after that my days became 6 years without a cig.

        Then guess what- my dad was dying of throat cancer (non-smoker, very moderate drinker) so I decided to have a few ciggies. (Jeez- God must of not been paying attention when he was fitting my brain)

        I gave up again 6 months later- same as before stringing a few days together, that became a week that eventually became years. I think if we keep trying and studying and reading as much as we can on our addiction eventually the subconcious also decides we feel better AF and acts accordingly- making those slips less and less until they just stop happening.

        I know many people will not agree with this approach and I am not advocating it as a plan of action, but it is what happened to me when I quit nicotine- it was not my plan to keep slipping so to speak- but eventually those few days strung together became years.


          September Slip Club

          Hi boss man
          Ok boss man you are unofficially voted the MWO day 2 and 3 expert! Glad you are back and kicking it again. I always drank too when I felt good or was up rather than when I felt bad. Is there a chemical reason for that I wonder?


            September Slip Club

            Awesome thread and post boss man!
            Hubby had the Joel Osteen show (religious dude) on last night and while I wasn't watching, I heard something that struck a nerve. "God is our painter, and he's not finished painting yet." Who we are at this moment is different than what we will be in the future, and the key it to keep picking ourselves up when we fail and say "yesterday was good, but tomorrow will be even better!."

            Sorry, didn't mean to go religious on you all if I should have been posting elsewhere, just thought it was somewhat inspirational...
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              September Slip Club

              when i read the title of the thread i just had to read it ...thinking it would be an excuse for drinking ...but i am so glad that you are feeling positive and giving yourself and others a great chance to pick themselves up, dust off and go for a positive change in becoming non-drinkers.... really a brilliant thread.... good luck
              ?We are one another's angels?
              Sober since 29/04/2007


                September Slip Club

                thats great boss,i went thro the same thing 4 weeks ago after 10 months with out the pain causer,or killer what ever its called,failure as you said is failure to recognise not coming back here,ive seen some stay and some go,this is a nasty ailment to handle alone,just for my sake i have been thro other programs and th program is designed as a guily trip,and the are many of them,society recognises drinking as a social thing,it will take another gazillion years b4 they recognise to some if used wrong it will kill you,should have instuctions on the bottles take only 2 a day just like perscription meds have a great day and never sstop coming here gyco


                  September Slip Club

                  BossMan - excellent thread and no doubt welcome.

                  River - loved that painting analogy. I think I'll go for a DaVinci or perhaps a Michaelangelo!
                  Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                    September Slip Club

                    :boxer: Had a slip after 40 days. I am back on Day 5. I will Never give up!!!!
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      September Slip Club

                      bossman, I think that we all have to find the best balance, somewhere between "it doesn't matter if I 'slip' (I prefer the term 'decide to drink,' because it is more accurate)" and "if I don't make 30 days AF, I am a loser." There are many, many psychological factors over and above the physiological factors (AND interacting with the physiological factors); our expectations, attitudes, and management of cues and triggers (internal and external) are extremely influential in our decisions about using or not using alcohol. In other words, the "mind game" is really important; and what goes on in our minds strongly affects our neurotransmitter systems. For me, viewing my decision(s) about alcohol as a strong commitment to be AF, and choosing to behave (and think) in ways that support that commitment, create a winning pathway. And to me, "commitment" includes the anticipation that sometimes I will get some aspects of this wrong, AND I will keep my overall commitment, regardless.

                      best wishes,



                        September Slip Club

                        Hi Bossman, Im a member of the 'September Slip Club' and was feeling pretty crappy about myself until I came on here and got the support I needed from these wonderful people and Im now raring to go! I realised that although I DID slip, I managed to string together 4 days, which is something I havent done in a year.
                        ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?


                          September Slip Club

                          Hey!! I need to join this club *lol* I slipped a few days ago. I thought, i'll buy a small bottle of gin and have A TINY bit with some tonic water, i can do it. HA. I drank the bloody bottle. I woke up not remembering much with a very angry husband. I wish i hadn't slipped but i can't change the fact that it has happened. I got back on the wagon and i'm on day 2 sober. I hate myself for slipping but when i think about it, i've come soo far. I used to be drunk like that every night and now it's not so often.


                            September Slip Club


                            Thanks for this thread. I wasn't posting because I felt bad about the September AF Army thread, and everyone who is so gung-ho. I slipped, and so felt too embarrassed to post--didn't want to be the "downer" on that thread. I, too, am trying to have more and more AF days in a row, which I am doing. But, boy, when I slip, like I did last night, I hate myself in the morning. I think that that feeling is getting to be strong enough, so that it is acting more as a deterrent. I think that everyone has to reach that point, where one is NOT going to slip any more in their own time. Thanks for this thread--it is helpful.


                              September Slip Club

                              Hey Nurse, dont stop posting just because you had a slip. I owned up straightaway on the AF Army thread, and was still made to feel really welcome... It's gave me the kick up the arse I needed to stay AF today and for the rest of Sept.
                              Every day is a new day.. keep trying!

                              ?I am playing all the right notes... But not necessarily in the right order.....?

