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Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

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    Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

    I have NO idea why I did either. On my way home, I bought a 6 pack of beer. I was in a great mood, having a great day, and by the time I had the 4th beer, I thought "WHAT AM I DOING???" ((of course, I finished the other 2 anyway))

    But I went to bed (fairly sober, 6 beers doesn't dent me - sad as that is) and realized it didn't give me the "happy buzz" I had hoped for.

    So, I'm back at Day 1. A little bit wiser this time. I thought about not telling anyone, but how fair would that be?

    Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

    That was exactly it! I hadn't felt better in years! Oh well, all I can do is just get right back up and move on. I think you're right about it being more "mental".

    Gia;403954 wrote: Hey girl,
    I've been there so many times, it's not funny anymore. I find I want to drink more when I am the happiest, which I find strange. But, the better my days goes and the happier I am, the more I want a cold beer or a glass of wine at the end of it. And before I know, I'm doing the same thing as you. I knew it was not going to be easy, but it's more mental cravings for me. Turning them off is hard, and an everyday thing for me.


      Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

      I also want to drink more when I'm relaxed and happy instead of angry or anxious. I don't know what it is...I think 'I'll just sit down and have one glass of wine'...right. Before I know it the bottle is gone!
      Hang in there. It's tough and and it's a stuggle but just keep trying.
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

        Good on you for being honest Stace - just jump back on the wagon and try again. I expect you to report for duty on the AF Army Thread!
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...


          You would only be cheating yourself out of comradarie and advice if you didn't tell us.

          Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off and onto Day 1 AF!

          Shout if you need a shoulder to lean on :-):l
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

            Thats def one of my triggers too. Feeling happy and positive, say after a nice day out, and when im back home on my own i think, ah well, lets have a drink, no one will know. And everyone is happy cause we had a nice day, ill pick it up again tmr. Of course, tmr turns in to the day after etc...
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

              Happy Day 1.

              Think about the slip - try to understand the triggers, how you felt, what to watch out for next time.

              Then move on! Feeling miserable will not help.

              Have a good one!
              Happy to be AF Since 9.13.08


                Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                I'm not miserable - I think maybe I would be if I got totally sloshed, but I drank my 6 pack, it didn't do it for me, and I just went to bed. I woke up this morning like "Why did I even bother?" so I just know what to look for.

                Thankfully, today I have a busy, hectic day!

                Carmac;404076 wrote: Happy Day 1.

                Think about the slip - try to understand the triggers, how you felt, what to watch out for next time.

                Then move on! Feeling miserable will not help.

                Have a good one!


                  Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                  I didn't feel nervous that someone would find out - My husband saw me with the 6 pack and didn't even flinch - I think he was probably happy it wasn't a 12-18 pack! I'm just glad my slip was ONLY a 6 pack, and not falling down the stairs drunk!

                  I'm back on track though....Day 1 again, a bit wiser this time!

                  cymru;404056 wrote: Thats def one of my triggers too. Feeling happy and positive, say after a nice day out, and when im back home on my own i think, ah well, lets have a drink, no one will know. And everyone is happy cause we had a nice day, ill pick it up again tmr. Of course, tmr turns in to the day after etc...


                    Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                    My hope, too, is that by admitting my slip, maybe others will have the courage to admit theirs instead of running away and going down a bad path again.

                    Back to day one!

                    DeeBee;403972 wrote: Stace,

                    You would only be cheating yourself out of comradarie and advice if you didn't tell us.

                    Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off and onto Day 1 AF!

                    Shout if you need a shoulder to lean on :-):l


                      Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                      I thought it best to tell you guys so that maybe others won't be afraid to admit their slips and may get back on board instead of running away.

                      vlad;403962 wrote: Good on you for being honest Stace - just jump back on the wagon and try again. I expect you to report for duty on the AF Army Thread!


                        Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                        Yep, been there, done that MANY MANY times. Like you i have no idea why i did it. Days where i feel happy are also days that i'm aware i slip. I guess i just feel so happy it's like, a drink will not get me down... WRONG! Anyway, glad you're starting again. The best thing is to brush yourself off and start again. I also look at how i am now when i slip to how i was before i even started trying to quit!

                        Well done for sharing and i look forward to talking to you soon! Good luck!


                          Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                          I can totally relate! I have slipped when things were good, when things were bad, when I was happy and when I was sad. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the madness . I have gone to the store for a pepsi and walked out with a 6 pack only to wonder a bit later ... How the hell did that happen?

                          No worries... start again! We all have done it! THanks for sharing!

                          Best wishes,


                            Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                            Hi Stace,

                            It does seem strange that many of us are just as likely to "slip" when we're feeling great as when we're down. Kind of throws some water on the 12-step mantra that drinkers are only doing it out of emotional pain! Anywho, one of the benefits of the MWO program is that we don't have to rely totally on our willpower, which often evaporates when we're feeling good and think we're in control. Are you using the hypno cd's? I find them particularly helpful. They keep reinforcing the messages to the subconcious that you don't really want or need to drink to excess (I add messages to mine that include that I don't want to drink very much at all - in fact prefer water - but if I do decide to drink it is very little and sipped ever so slowly). Used for the first 30 days and then again whenever you need a brush up is one way to combat the mental drinking - which does me in every time if left to its own!



                              Almost 7 Days, and I Slipped...

                              same here-my desire to drink is definitely moreso when im happy. i did the same thing as u this weekend. i blew it after only four days. and its now so hard to get back and try again. bc i feel down on myself. down from drinking all day and the way it makes me more depressed, and down because i messed up. i felt bad all day toady. and drank three beers today when i went out and ate lunch with a friend. i PLAn on starting toorrow but who knows. i have my antabuse pill that i plan on taking, but im a bit nervous and just don tfeel ready to do it and try again.

