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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Morning all - up early as hubby up too so making the most of the start. Think I am losing my ability to lie in and have a chill out.....though I am off to a health spa next week (next week? yay!!) where I will attempt to regain that ability!

    Day 9 today - best run I've had in ages so am pretty chuffed. Not to say there aren't any cravings but they're not bad ones. Haven't been up against anything particularly stressful and haven't been on my own so that helps.

    Hope you all have a great day and are getting to your goals, ODAT.

    bessie xx

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Bessie

    You're sounding good and up sooo early!!! Had a bit of a low moment Friday night (after such a good AF Thursday) and drank far too much with horrid icky results - so have strode on from then with AF Saturday and Sun and Mon only 1 glass of wine with meal. Just think I needed that bad Friday to pull me to my senses. Glad all you others are going on towards double figures - keep it up.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Well done bessie. I havent had a lie in for a week. Im usually up by 7.30, and my daughter is amazed that im up before she is for school! I am on day 10 tdy, which is the first time i have got to double figures in a long time. I thank you all for your help and support. I couldnt of done it without you all!
      Hope everyone has a good day. Its raining cats and dogs here in Wales, and ive got to go in to town. My cars at the garage so have to catch a bus for the first time in i dont know how long!!
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi everyone

        Horrible, horrible day here too. Just back from the vets where two dogs and cat got their vacinations. Feel like lighting a fire and reading a book. Last week when we had a day like this I did a major clean out of my wardrobe. The hotpress needs something similar but the fire and book seem more appealing.

        On Day 9 and so far so good. Have to watch myself at this stage as this is where the memory of the hangover feeling fades and the drinking thoughts creep in again.

        Have a great day everyone.



          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi everyone,
          I failed last night so I'm back on day one. Just seemed endless- resisted all weekend and yesterday the cravings just kept on and on. Pathetic but today is a new day and I'm back up for the fight.
          Have a good day all
          Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
          Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
          For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi everyone.

            I had an AF night last night so I'm feeling okay although I didn't sleep at all! But I'm confident that I can make it through today (ODAT right guys!)

            I'm glad everyone is doing so well - I really needed the first AF night yesterday to start me back on my streak. It helps that my doctor has prescribed a medication to help with my cigarette cravings that I cannot drink on unless I want to have a seizure! I haven't started taking it yet as I need to be 5 days AL free first but that should be a good motivator to get me to my 30 days!

            Take care everyone and have a happy and healthy Tuesday!
            Love and Hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Have just done 30 min step class - I am so 42!!! Didn't believe I could be so unflexible and unbalanced (i.e. kept falling over on one leg).

              Usually I run 3 times a week, very slowly for about 5km, and I thought I was reasonably fit. couldnt run today as outside in the UK is slowly disappearing under water so thought ah yes "short" fitness class would be good.............

              Crawling off now.



                ODAT - Tuesday

                Hello all,

                Hate to single anyone out--but Bessie I'm really proud of you! You can do this 30 days i know it!!
                Uni--you can get that smoking monkey off your back too---you will feel so much better and will hit home runs and make killer spikes!!
                MadMummy--good for you. Hey 42 is young girl! I fall over in yoga a lot too. Today I will try to walk/jog. That will be a killer for me.

                Peanut, thanks for the uniboob advice--I have a few of those bras!

                Gotta go--tata for now!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Morning all,

                  Fuzzy again from the Topa I think. No effects on the cravings yet but kept things pretty under control last night considering what is going on in my life. So far sticking with this week's plan.

                  Have a tough one coming up tonight. Meeting with the Ex for the 1st time in 2 months; trying to get some closure. Going to make sure I have VERY little wine in the house to come home to. Pretty nervous how I am going to feel after seeing him. Hopefully I won't fall asleep talking to him from the Topa! =)

                  As always, you guys are an inspiration! I'm getting there ... baby steps!


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Good morning all
                    Stayed AF yesterday and feel good today. Not much going on here. I have to work 3pm-12am. T storms here today. I am still looking for a better job with some health insurance. I would like to start Topa, but would really like to have medical supervision. I have been doing ok during the week. It is the weekends that have been difficult lately. Have a Great Day All.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hi Everyone - Day 2 AF for me. Yesterday Ihad the first AF birthday in forever (I don't count 2 years ago when I was pregnant)...however.....I am so annoyed I want to scream. I have to vent about this birthday I had yesterday. Sorry this is long, but I have got to get this off my chest. Forgive me if I seem like a shrew....

                      It was my 44th. I love birthdays and celebrate everyone’s in a big way – very special. In fact I think my families should be national holiday with parades and tributes....but I digress....Last night when I got home from work, my husband was obviously ill-prepared to celebrate this momentous event. The girls were going to make me dinner. Nope, that didn’t happen since my husband ran late picking them up.. Which is fine – I whipped up some burgers, no biggie. Then comes present time. A little history. I have no counter space in my kitchen. None, nada, zilch. Huge kitchen, but so user-non-friendly it is a sin. When I cook, I have to put pans on the floor, on top of things, etc. So what does he have the girls give me? (Obviously teh drug store did not have a lot to choose from) A huge counter top popcorn maker shaped like a juke box. It was very cute, and I acted really pleased since the girls gave it to me and they are so sweet and it was not their fault, however, it was obvious that they got it at teh drug store after work since he made no effort to take the girls anywhere to get me a gift last week. His birthday was on Saturday – I took him out Friday night., let him sleep in, nap on and off all day Saturday, made him a killer dinner which took all day, baked two fresh Carmel apple pies and gave him a special plaque with the girls pictures, an Eagles commuter mug and wonderful handmade cards. Do you know what he gave me? Come on, guess. Give up? Ok, I will tell you. He gave me a box of Aveeno. Yeah, Aveeno. That oatmeal soak. The kind “for minor skin irritations, sunburn and poison ivy”. Well yippee freaking kiyay. Next time I get itchy flakey rash filled skin I will think of YOU DEAR HUSBAND. Oh, and an aloe plant to replace the one my senile maine coon has been snacking on. I really do not have skin issues. Really. OK, that is all. At least I didn't drink!
                      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hey KBCE

                        You vent as much as you like - sounds like it needs a great deal of venting myself

                        :bday3:HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YESTERDAY FROM ALL OF US:bday3:


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          Oh, KB, Happy Belated birthday. I'm sure it wasn't funny for you but I had to laugh when I read your post. Your hubby sounds so much like mine. He NEVER plans ahead. We live in a really small town so options are a little limited. Usually he has to get an overpriced nick nack at the local gift shop--which is ok because between him, the kids and the gals that work there I always get something nice. But an extra large popcorn maker????:H And Aveeno???:H

                          I agree with you also that a birthday is a very special day, and should never be taken lightly. My kids are pretty good about it, I hope they remember that when they are married.

                          In all fairness the my DH though. He surprised me last year by making me a two layer chocolate cake from scratch for my birthday! AND cleaned up the mess. (We took lots of pictures) That scored him some pretty big points. (Sometimes I have to get the picture out to remind me how sweet he CAN be)

                          Proud of you for not drinking!!:goodjob:
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            It was pretty funny, after my giant PISSY FIT subsided this morning! I doubt he even knows he did anything ridiculous. He is such a guy.
                            "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              OK, everyone is sounding good today!!! A few of you over the pond are doing really well, in the double digits for AF days!!!! Good going!!!

                              Bess - up early is an understatement!!! I had still not gone to bed when you started this thread! I had another AF night, but not much sleep. I didn't take any Melatonin last night, as I am wondering if it is what is making me groggy during the day, but the pay off was dreaming and dreaming in a half-awake state all ngiht. I am now fine going 2 days without drinking - I've graduated from 1 night without drinking before needing wine, which in itself was a great improvement over No nights without wine!!! things are looking up!! So day3 AF is now my new challenge!

                              Uni - what is this quit smoking drug that gives you siezures if you drink?? Sounds scarey to me!!
                              MadMummy - I agree with LVT - 42years young, girl!!!

                              LVT - did you walk/run yesterday? How did it go?? I never did get out for a run at lunch, as I have been trying to fnish up a poster presentation for my upcoming conference and I get caught up in it, but i did walk home from work (50 min) and then to the gym and 20min treadmill plus weights and will swim tonight. A little bit obsessive about the exercise here, me thinks!

                              Waiting - best to you with your ex tonight. Keep the wine in the house to a minimum, or NIL. BTW, have you upped the topa yet? Or are you still at 25mg? Is it making you sleepy or just fuzzy? I am back on it, just at 25mg and I am going to stay there ? really messed with my menstral cycle and made me super sleepy at higher levels, but I find even at that low dosage, it helps take the edge off the AL cravings.

                              KBCE- your hubby!!!! Sounds just like my EX!!!!! I suppose we can?t blame them - they know not what they do (or rather, they know not their own stupidity ? sorry, did I say that?!?!) ? oh, but it can be frustrating, when you put so much effort into making things special for them, and they can?t seem to do the same back. I don?t think I could even NOT say anything about it after calming down, just because it used to hurt my feelings so much. Needless to say, I am not with him anymore. For more reasons than just this of course!!!

                              Best get something done here today. I lose productivity to this forum!!!!!
                              xoxo Peanut

